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Oecologia (Berl.) 44, 177-180 (1980)
9 by Springer-Verlag 1980
Further Observations on the Water Relations of
of the Northern Atacama Desert
Prosopis tamarugo
H.A. Mooney, S.L. Gulmon, P.W. Rundel* and J. Ehleringer**
Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305
Summary. Prosopis tamarugo, a tree native to the Atacama desert
of Chile apparently has unique water relations. It is proposed
that in its native habitat, where there is essentially no precipitation,
establishment occurs during the rare flooding periods, with water
coming as runoff from the Andes. These plants subsequently
exist as phreatophytes tapping the relatively shallow ground water.
Although phreatophytic, the plants appear to come under increasing drought stress as the growing season progresses. Because of
the very low water potentials of the salty surface soils, water
evidently moves from the plant into the soil under certain conditions. This water may be reabsorbed subsequently and used by
the plant as the water table capillary fringe is depleted toward
the end of the leafy period.
There has been considerable interest in the reports of the capacity
of leaves of the tree, Prosopis tamarugo, a plant native to a virtually
rainless desert, to take up atmospheric moisture (Sudzuki et al.,
1973; Went, 1975).
Here we review the data available on the water relations of
this species, as well as providing some new information in order
to evaluate the pathway of water between this plant and its environment.
Prosopis tamarugo Phil. (tamarugo) is a mesquite tree native to
the Pampa del Tamarugal region of the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. The northern parts of the Atacama Desert are for
the most part totally barren. The tamarugo occurs in rather limited, apparently specialized localities, and reaches its greatest abundance in the Salar de Pintados, southeast of Iquique (Fig. 1).
This ancient lake bed is highly saline and for the most part is
covered with a thick crust of sodium salts. In the past these salts
have been mined for nitrates.
The tamarugo is very abundant in parts of the basin, occurring
mostly as plantation trees. The old tamarugo plantations were
established by removing the salt crust and stacking it in rows,
* Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University
of California, Irvine, CA 92717 USA
** Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City,
Utah 84112 USA
forming small basins several meters across between the rows. Seedlings were then planted on the south - or cool-facing - base
of the rows. Now holes are dug directly through the 40 cm or
so crust, and seedlings are planted at the base of the holes and
watered for an initial period of several months.
The tamarugo produces a protein-rich fruit, which can be used
for forage by goats, and there are a number of villages in the
basin that are supported primarily by goat farming. The water
to maintain these villages comes from wells.
The entire plain i~ underlain by an underground water basin,
the depth of which is quite variable (Fig. 1). The hydrology of
this area has been described in considerable detail (Castillo Urrutia, 1960; Tricart, 1960). These authors indicate that tamarugo
exists as a phreatophyte with ground water at 5 to 12 m depth.
Apparently the depth to the water table has been decreasing in
recent years, likely due to the increased planting of tamarugo.
Rainfall is essentially nonexistent in the Salar de Pintados
region. The mean annual precipitation reported for Canchones
is 0.7 mm (7 yr record) and for Pintados 0.3 mm (12 yr record),
totally insufficient to support tree growth. Although there is little
rain, there are on rather infrequent occasions floods in the basin.
These arise from runoff from the Andes to the east. Since there
are no drainage channels within the basin, the water flows unrestricted over the basin floor. Such a flood occurred at the beginning of 1977.
The climate of the region is not only dry but is quite hot.
The mean daily temperature at Canchones for the hottest month
of the year is 32.2~ (February), and for the coldest 28.3 ~ (June).
The coastal mountains block the inward movement of marine
air on a daily basis, but marine air does penetrate the basin on
In summary, the habitat of tamarugo is hot and dry. There
is essentially no input of moisture to the soil from the atmosphere,
but there is abundant ground water at depths of 5 or more meters.
Surface ground water comes as infrequent floods.
Past Research
Sudzuki first worked on the water relations of tamarugo in 1969.
She conducted detailed experiments that indicated that this plant
could transport tritiated water form a saturated atmosphere surrounding its leaves to the soil surrounding its roots. Further,
she described the unique rooting behavior of the plant. At a depth
starting at less than a meter there is a dense rooting mat, which
extends downward for a half meter or so. Tap roots extend below
this rooting mat. The remarkable observation was made that,
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Fig. 1. Profile through the Pampa del Tamarugal region (modified
from Klohn, 1972)
Fig. 2. Hourly course of air temperature, vapor pressure deficit
and xylem water potential of tamarugo near Canchones on
October 5-6, 1978
although both immediately above and below the rooting mat the
soil was quite dry, the soil within the rooting mat had a considerable amount of moisture - in fact, exceeding field capacity for
that soil. Went (1975) also made excavations and noted that the
soils were moist in the rooting mat.
Sudzuki and others made further observations on the water
relations of tamarugo in 1973. In this latter study they measured
xylem water potentials, whick ranged froman average of - 13 bar
at 0.400 to - 2 8 bar at noon in summer (February). In winter
(August), which must have been near the end of the leaf period,
the average 04.00 xylem water potential was - 2 7 bar, and at
noon - 2 8 bar. The lowest water potential measured was about
- 33 bar.
Sap velocity during the course of the day was also measured
during both summer and winter. In summer, in the early morning
hours, flow from the leaves to the roots was noted, whereas in
winter no such reverse flow was noted.
Sudzuki et al. (1973) measured air relative humidity for a series
of days for different seasons, noting that, although rare in this
arid region, the relative humidity does reach 100% on occasional
nights during each of the summer months. Daytime relative humidities less than 10% are not uncommon. Went (1975) further
notes that dew has not been noted on the leaves of tamarugo.
Went in his 1975 study analyzes the climate of the tamarugo
region and notes that there is sufficient moisture in the air column
above the tamarugo to support its transpiration water loss, if
the water were condensed in dew formation.
During the first daylight period the vapor pressure of the air
averaged 4.5 mb. Starting at midnight the vapor pressure rose
to 8 mb (dew point of 4 ~ C), indicating the mixing of some marine
Xylem water potentials were measured with a Scholander pressure chamber, conductances with a Lambda diffusion parameter
and xylem water movement using the heat pulse technique (Swanson, 1962). At 04.00 h an average xylem water potential value
of - 10.8 bar was measured, the highest for the day. The lowest
average midday value was nearly - 3 0 bar.
Measurement of sap velocity during this same period indicated
flow only in the direction from the roots to the leaves.
There were indications of active stomatal control of the water
balance of tamarugo. During the beginning of the period of highest
vapor pressure deficit the stomata closed, and the water potential
subsequently rose (Fig. 2). Midday stomatal closure in response
to a high VPD has been noted for a number of other species
of Prosopis (Mooney et al., 1977).
The osmotic potentials of leaves and soils were measured with
thermocouple psychrometers kept at a constant temperature. The
leaves were macerated and the soils brought to field capacity
for these measurements. Duplicate soil samples were taken from
above, within and just below the root mat. The soil osmotic values
were, respectively, < - 7 0 , - 1 5 , and - 5 7 b a r . The leaf tissue
had an average osmotic potenial of - 2 1 .3 bar (hardly a halophyte).
Current Study
During a visit to the Salar de Pintados tamarugo area in the
spring (October) of 1978 we were able to make some additional
measurements on the water relations of the tamarugo. We worked
in an old plantation very close to the site used by Sudzuki.
Temperatures and vapor pressures measured during a 24-h
period (Fig. 2) are indicative of the aridity of this region. Daytime
temperatures reached a high of 37 ~ C. At this time the vapor
pressure deficit was nearly 48 mb (the relative humidity was 7%).
At night the temperature dropped to 6 ~ C, giving a day-night
differential of over 30 ~ C. The lowest vapor pressure deficit measured at 04.00 h, was 4.5 rob.
We propose here that Prosopis tamarugo is using ground water
for its growth rather than atmospheric water. This proposal does
not contradict any of the measurements that have been reported
for this species.
We offer no direct evidence that P. tamarugo is tapping the
water table, but there are numerous indications that it is indeed
doing so. Members of the genus are notable phreatophytes. The
deepest root ever recorded was that of a mesquite, over 50 m
(Phillips, 1963). The tree we observed had roots 3.5 cm in diameter
penetrating straight down at a depth of over 31/2 m, which was
as deep as we could reach in the excavation available. We were
informed that the depth of the water table has increased in recent
Fig. 3. Proposed pathways of water movement between soil and
tamarugo during different times of the day and seasons spring
indicates beginning of feat period and winter toward the end-see
text. (tree figure modified from Sudzuki, 1969)
times, possibly because increased culture of tamarugo is lowering
the water table.
The tamarugo trees are centered at the lowest points in the
basin. Both to the east and to the west, the higher parts of the
basin, trees are not successful.
It appears that tamarugo comes under increasing water stress
as its growth season progresses. As with other mesquite species,
tamarugo leafs out in the spring. Our measurements in October
were on plants that had just leafed out. At this time the dawn
water potential was about - 10 bar. According to Sudzuki et al.
(1973), by summer the dawn value for xylem water potenial was
- 1 3 bar, and apparently by the end of the leaf period in August
the dawn value had dropped to - 2 7 bar. A comparable drop
in water potential through the season has been noted for the
phreatophytic Prosopis glandulosa growing in Death Valley, California (Mooney et al., 1975).
Thus, even though a plant may be tapping the water table,
apparently sufficient water is utilized from the capillary fringe
to exceed the replacement rate, and the plants come under increasing stress. Further, it was noted in the plantation region that
extra dense stands were doing poorly, implying competition for
ground water rather than for atmospheric water.
Given that there is essentially no input of water into the soil
as rainfall, the anomalous root mat at a depth of about one
meter remains to be explained. This mat has been confirmed by
all observers. Sudzuki (1969) gives soil moisture measurements
indicating that this mat region is quite moist and considerably
moister than s0il above and below it.
It is axiomatic that roots grow only where there is water.
Water is evidently present in the mat root zone. Where does
it come from? Sudzuki et al. and Went proposed that it came
from atmospheric water. Since conditions are such that saturating
humidities or dew are rather rare events in this region, it would
seem unlikely that such a pathway could support the growth of
this tree. We offer an alternative explanation. As proposed earlier,
the plants are tapping ground water. However, as the season progresses, this water becomes less available. The soils of the upper
root zone have a low osmotic potential, with the root mat zone
having the highest value at about - 1 5 bar. During a spring or
summer day water would pass from the capillary fringe above
the water table through the roots to the leaves and into the atmosphere, as indicated in Fig. 3a. At night, as the atmospheric evaporative demand decreases, the water potential of the plant rises
so that the lowest water potential is now in the root mat zone.
Water thus moves both from the capillary fringe to this zone
and from the crown downward to this zone (Fig. 3b). The characteristically steep drop in the VPD in the afternoon would permit
the establishment of the reverse gradient between the shoot and
the root zone. Such a water movement pattern would explain
the observations of a reverse stem sap flow, as noted by Sudzuki
et al. (1973), as well as how the root mat becomes wet without
the input of precipitation.
The question thus becomes "why does the plant develop a
root mat at all if this would result in a net loss of water?".
We propose that the root mat serves a water storage region. As
the capillary fringe becomes depleted, water moves not only from
the fringe zone to the canopy but also from the mat zone to
the canopy, thus potentially extending the productive period of
the plant (Fig. 3 c and d).
This model is, of course, highly speculative, but it fits all
the observations made thus far. One may ask why such a system
has not been described elsewhere. It is probably true that the
soil and environmental conditions prevailing at the Pampa del
Tamarugal, which are necessary for such a system to operate,
are unique in the world.
How does the tamarugo ever become established in the first
place under natural conditions? Although precipitation is lacking,
at infrequent intervals there are flood waters originating as runoff
from the Andes (Natives said it had been 70 years since there
had been a flood equalling that of 1977). We noted numerous
seedlings in small flood basins that lacked the thick salt crust
characteristic of the region. The trees are long-lived enough to
maintain populations between these flood events. Establishment
of plantations today and in the recent past has required the removal of the salt crust. It is thus very likely that the current
density of tamarugo far exceeds that in prehistoric times, and
this may well be the cause of the current lowering of the water
Acknowledgments. H. Mooney and S. Gulmon gratefully acknowledge the generous support of our work by the National Geographic
Society and the National Science Foundation. P. Rundel acknowledges support from the National Science Foundation, and J. Ehleringer from the Biology Department of the University of Utah.
F. Sudzuki kindly shared her knowledge of the tamarugo region
with us, and G. Montenegro of the Universidad Catolica de Chile
was extremely helpful in arranging logistics for our work. The
Universidad de Chile-University of California Convenio provided
the use of vehicles. J.S. Boyer and P.J. Kramer offered helpful
suggestions on an early draft.
Castillo Urrutia, O. : E1 agua subterrfinea en el Norte de la Pampa
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Phillips, W.S.: Depths of roots in soil. Ecology 44, 424 (1963)
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Sudzuki, F., Botti, C., Acevedo, E. : Relaciones hidricas del tamarugo (Prosopis tamarugo Phil.) en la localidad de Canchones.
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Tricart, J. : Un chott dans le d6sert Chilien: La Pampa del Tamarugal. Rev. Geomorph. Dynam. 16, 12-22 (1966)
Went, F.W. : Water vapor absorption in Prosopis. In : Physiological adaptation to the environment (F.J. Vernberg, ed.),
pp. 67-75. New York: Intext Educational Publishers 1975
Received August 10, 1979