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Sample Paper of Botany for NEET/CGPMT -2016-2017
218/ZONAL MARKET; SECTOR-10; BHILAI-NAGAR Mob:- 99775-81879
“GENETICS” Mendel’s Law.
Mendelism is related with-------- Heredity in living beings
The branch of botany dealing with heredity and variation is called------------- Genetics
Term genetics was given by--------- W.Bateson—1906
The first great Geneticist was-----------Mendel.
Mendel was born in--------- 19th century ( 22nd July 1822)( Silisian Village of Heinzendorf)
Mendel was the native of---------- Austria ( Brunn)
Organisms with two different allele is---------- Heterozygous
Mendel proposed which of the following term for hereditary units-----------Element / but accod. To some
The resembalance of individuals to their progenitors is called------heredity
In a cross between a pure tall pea plant with green pod and a pure short plant with yellow pod, how may
short plants out of 16 you would expect in F-2 generation--------------04
In a dihybrid cross between RRYY and rryy parents; the number of RrYy genotypes in F-2 generation will
be--- 04
In 1900 A.D. three biologists independently discovered Mendel’s principles. They are---De Vries,
Correns and Tschermak
When a dihybrid cross is fit into a punnett square with 16 boxes, the maximum number of different
phenotypes available are----------------- 04.
Law of Mendel which is not completely applicable is------------ Law of independent assortment
In Mendel’s experiment how many different kinds of seeds are produced from a short plant with wrinkled
In garden pea, yellow colour of cotyledons is dominant over green and round shape of seed is dominant
over wrinkled .when a plant with yellow and round seeds is crossed with a plant having yellow and
wrinkled seed, the progeny showed segregation for all the four characters. The probability of obtaining
green round seeds in the progeny of the croos is----- 3 / 16.
Two pea plants were subjectedcross pollination.Of the 183 plants produced in the next generation, 94
plants were found to be tall and 89 plants were found to be dwarf.The genetypes of the two parental
plants are likely to be--------- Tt and tt
A homozygous sweet pea plant with blue flowers(RR) and long pollen (RoRo) is crossed with a homozygous
plant having red flowers(rr) and round pollen (roro) . The resultant F-1 hybrid is test crossed. Which of the
following genotype does not appear in its progeny------------------------- Rrroro
Ratio of progeny when a red coloured heterozygote is crossed with a white coloured plant in which red
colour is dominant in white colour---------------------- 1:1
A true breeding plant producing red flower is crossed with pure plant producing white flower. Allele for
red colour of flower is dominant. After selfing the plants of first filial generation. The proportion of plants
producing white flower in the progeny would be--------------- 1 / 4
Which one of the following represented a test cross------------Ww X ww
How many type of genotypes are formed in the F-2 progeny obtained from self – pollination of a dihybrid
How many types of gamttes may be produced by genotype D/d : E/e : F/f------------------ 08
A character which is expressed in hybrid is called--------------- Dominant
Mendel is famous for his work on -----------------------Pisum.
Which of the following mendel has selected for his experiments----------- Garden pea.
How many different kinds of gametes will be produced by a plant having the genotype AABbCC----------
Mendel chose pea plants because -------------------- The were having seven pairs of contrasting
How many pairs of contrasting characters in pea pod were choosen be Mendel--------------- 02
Test cross in plants or in Drosophila involves crossing--------- Crossing the F-1 hybrid with a double
recessive genotype.
What is correct sequence of the following events---------------------? [a] Formation of the chromosome
theory of heredity
[b] Experiments which proved that DNA is the herediatary material [c] Mendel’s laws of inheritancediscovery
Ans:- 3 , 1 and 2 is the correct sequence .
The term”genotype” was coined by----------- Johanssen
An organism’s genetic constitution is called its---------------- Genotype
When both alleles express their effect on being present together, the phenomenon is called-------------
What type of gametes will form by genotype RrYy----------- RY; Ry ; rY ; ry
When two individuals are similar in external appearance but differ in their genetic make up, they are
called as---Phenotype.
Mendel was lucky, because---- The genes for different characters are located on different chromosomes
in Pisum sativum
The term “allelomorphic” implies------------ A pair of contrasting characters
The alleles are------ A pair of genes governing a specific character such as tallness or dwarfness .
Allele which show independent effect are called----------------------------- Codominant alleles.
When a gene exists in more than one form, the different forms are called ------------- Alleles.
An allele is said to be dominant if------------- It is expressed in both homozygous and heterozygous
When a true breeding pea plant that has yellow seeds is pollinated by a plant that has green seeds, all the
F-1 plants have yellow seeds. This means that the allele for yellow is------------------- Dominant.
In Mendel’s experiments with garden pea, round seed shape (RR) was dominant over wrinkled shapeseed(rr); yellow cotyledon (YY) was dominant over green cotyledon(yy). What are the expected
phenotypes in the F-2 generation of the cross RRYY X rryy ---------------- Round seeds with yellow
cotyledons, and wrinkled seeds with yellow cotyledons.
An organism with two identical alleles for a given trait is---------------- Homozygous
Organisms phenotypically similar but genotypically different are said to be---------- Heterozygous.
When two odd characters are present in a gene , this is known as-------------- Heterogamous
When a tall plant with with round seeds (TTRR) crossed with a dwarf plant with wrinkled seeds(ttrr), the
F-1, generation consists of tall plants with round seeds.What would be the proportion of dwarf plant with
wrinkled seeds in F-1 generation----- 00.
In pea plants, yellow seeds are dominant to green . If a heterozygous yellow seeded plant is crossed with
a green seeded plant, what ratio of yellow and green seeded plants would you expected in F-1
generation.-------- 50 : 50
The dwarfness in plants of F-2 generation is ----------- Recessive
A common test to find the genotype of a hybrid is by-- Crossing of F-1 progeny with male parent.
In one cross between red flower and white flower the offsprings have red flower in majority and white
flowers are much less. In this cross red colour character is---------- Dominant
Mendel law is still true because------- It takes place in sexually reproducing plants.
54. Character choosen by Mendel are located on how many chromosome------------- 04
55. Which of the following is dominant characters according to Mendel --------- green colour pod and
Rounded seed
56. Which is the functional unit of inheritance--------- Gene
57. Mendel’s law of Segregation is applicable to---------- Both dihybrid and monohybrid cross
58. In Mendel’s experiment nature of seed coat, flower colour, position of flower, pod colour, stem height
etc. are referred to as----------- Phenotypes.
59. Mendel choose the pea plant to study genetics because of many qualities.One of them which he did not
consider was--------------------- Plant colour.
60. Mendel enuniciated ------------ Three principles of inheritance
61. Mendel formulated some laws which are known as------------ Laws of inheritance.
62. The first law of Mendel is --------------Laws of variation
63. An exception to Mendel’s law is------------- Law of linkage
64. When heterozygous tall plants are self-pollinated than tall and dwarf plants are obtained, this is explain
to-----Segregation law
65. Mendel’s principle of segregation was based on the separation of alleles in the garden pea during-------gamete formation.
66. In Mendelism, linkage was not observed due to-------- Independent assortment
67. Mendels law of heredity can be explained with the help of---------Meiosis
68. A cross between plants having RRYY and rryy composition will yield plants with---------- Round and
Yellow seeds.
69. ILaws of Mendel are valid fo----------------Sexual Reproduction
70. How many different kinds of gametes may be produced by an organism with the genotype RrYy--------
71. Which of the following is heterozygous for two pairs of alleles------------- TtRr
72. Alleles are form of ----------- genes
73. The cross used to ascertain whether the plant is homozygous or heterozygous is------------------- Test
74. A cross between a homozygous recessive and a heterozygous plant is called--------- Test cross
75. The genotype of offspring in a genetic cross is called graphical representation to calculate the probability
of all possible--------- Punnet square
76. Which plant is used as a model system in the study of plant genetic------------ Pisum sativum.
77. In Man, the blue eye colour is recessive to the brown eye colour.If the body has brown eye and his mother
is blue eyed, what would be the phenotype of his father----------------Brown eye
78. When a cross is made between offspring and its parents, it is known as------------ Back cross.
79. When a plant of F-1 generation is crossed with homozygous dominant parents, it is known as---------
Back cross
80. Pure tall plants are crossed with pure dwarf plants.In the F-1 generation all plants were tall. These tall
plants of F-1 generation were selfed and the ratio of tall to dwarf plants obtained was 3 : 1 . this is called----- Dominance
81. Which of the following is genotypic ratio of Mendel’s monohybrid cross----------1 : 2 : 1
82. In a monohybrid cross when F-1 is crossed with homozygous dominant parent then which type of
offsprings will obtained---------------- Type of cross-.out cross; 100% dominant offsprings; 50%homozygous dominant & 50% Heterozygous
83. A dihybrid for qualitative trait is crossed with homozygous recessive individual of its type,the phenotypic
ratio is-1:1:1:1
84. Which of the following depicts the Mendel’s dihybrid rato----------9:3:3:1
85. In dihybrid cross, out of 16 plants obtained, the number of genotypes shall be---------- 9
86. Which genotype represents a true dihybrid condition------------TtRr
87. Pure homozygous offsprings in a dihybrid cross in the F-2 generation will be---------1/8
88. In hybridization, Tt X tt give rise to the progeny of ratio ------------- 1 : 1
89. The percentage of heterozygous individuals obtained in F-2 generation from selfing the plants with
genotype Rr would be----- 50
90. If in a garden pea plant, a cross is made between red flowered and white flowered plants.What will be the
phenotypic ratio in F-2 generation ------------ 3:1
91. Heterozygous purple flower is crossed with recessive white flower.The progeny has the ratio-----------50% purple, 50% white.
92. The crossing of a homologous tall plant with a dwarf in F-2 would yield plants in the ratio of--------- One
homozygous tall, One homozygous dwarf and two heterozygous tall
93. Mendel crossed a pure white –flowered recessive pea plant with a dominant pure red flowered plant.The
first generation of hybrids from the cross should show----------------All red flowered plants.
94. If in a dhybrid cross Mendel had used two such characters which have linked, he would have faced
difficulty in explaining the results on the basis of his------------- Law of independent assortment.
95. If dwarf pea plant was treated with Gibberellic acid, it grew as tall as the pure tall pea plant.If this treated
plant is crossed with a pure tall plant then the phenotypic ratio of is likely to be--------------- All tall
96. In pea hybrids between red flowered and white flowered strains were crossed back to pure red flowered
strain. The progeny of this cross will have-------------Red flowered only.
97. A farmer crossed a walnut combed chicken with a single combed one and obtained all walnut combed
chickens in F-1. The genotype of the parents was-----------RRPP X rrpp.
98. When an individual is having both the alleles of a contrasting character. It said to be---------
99. A double heterozygous tall plant with yellow colour cotyledon is selfed the ratio of dwarf plants with
green cotyledon is-----------------------------------1 / 16
In sweet pea plant the presence of dominant C and P genes is essential for development of purple
colour. The ratio of plants producing flowers of different colours in the progeny of the cross CcPp X Ccpp
will be----- 3 purple and 5 white coloured.
When the tall plants with red flowers were crossed with dwarf plants having white flowers, Mendel
found the ratio of progeny as---------- 9 : 3 : 3 : 1
Normal maize has starchy seeds which remain smooth when dry.A mutant form has sugary seeds
which go crinckled when dry. When a mutant was crossed with a normal plant. An F-1 was produced which
had smooth seeds.what would be the relative ratio of the different seed types, if the F-1 was allowed to self------------ 3 smooth : 1 sugary
If a plant heterozygous for tallness is selfed, the F-2 generation has both tall and dwarf plants.This
proves the principle of------------------- Segegation
From a single ear of corn , a farmer planted 200 kernels which produced 140 tall and 40 dwarf
plants. The genotype of these offsprings are most likely------------ TT , Tt and tt
From across AaBB X aaBB, following genotypic ratio will be obtained in F-1, generation----------- 1
AaBB : 1 aaBB
Hybrid breakdown refers to the condition when offspring are physiologically inferior to the following
generation-------------------------------------- F-1.
If the cells of an organism heterozygous for two pairs of characters viz. Aa and Bb undergo
meiosis, what will be the genotypes of the gametes produced------------ AB ; Ab ; aB ; ab
In sweet peas, genes C and P are necessary for colour in flowers.The flowers are white in the absence
of either or both the genes.what will be the percentage of coloured flowers in the offspring of the cross Ccpp
X ccPp- 25%
If a homozygous red-flowered plant is crossed with a homozygous white flowered plant, the offspring would be-------------------------------- All red flowered.
Which of the following is considered as a recessive character of Mendel------- Wrinkled seed
If a cross is made between AA and aa , the nature of F-1 progeny will be---- genotypically Aa,
Phenotypically A
When a tall plant with rounded seeds (TTRR) is crossed with a dwarf plant with wrinkled seeds (
ttrr ) , the F-1 generation consists of tall plants with rounded seeds. How many types of gametes an F-1
plants would produce------ One
In a plant, red fruit ( R ) is dominant over yellow fruit ( r ) and Tallness (T) is dominant over
shortness (t). if a plant with RRTt genotype is crossed with a plant that is rrtt ---------------50% will be tall
with red fruit.
A self-fertilized trihybrid plant forms------------ 8 different gametes and 64 different zygotes.
If a tall plant is crossed with a dwarf plant and obtained progeny is half tall and half dwarf plants.
Then the genotype of progeny will be----------- Tt X tt
From a cross AABb X aaBb , the genotypes AaBB : AaBb : Aabb : aabb will be obtained in the
following ratio- 1:2:1:0
Mendels law of independent assortment is applicable for-------- All non-linked genes only
Hybrid Vigour is induced by---------------- Crossing two plants.
When a tall and red flowered individual is crossed with a dwarf and white flowered
individual,phenotype in the progeny is dwarf and white.What will be the genotype of tall and red
flowered individual---------TtRr
When a heterozygous red(dominant) flower is crossed with white flower the progeny would be-- 350 red : 350 white
When two genetic loci produce identical phenotypes in cis as well as trans position, they are
considered to be-------------------------------------- The parts of same gene.
In Mendelian monohybrid cross, phenotypic ratio in F-2 is 3 : 1. How many types of gametes are
formed in F-1 generation----------------------- Two types.
Blue flowered and white flowered plant on crossing gave progeny of blue and white flowered in
the ratio of 60 : 40. What ratio of blue and white is expected if the blue flowered are self pollinated----75 : 25
A pure tall and a pure dwarf plant were crossed to produce offsprings. Offsprings were self
crossed, then find out the ratio between true breeding tall to true breeding dwarf---------- 1 : 1
If mendel had studied the seven traits using a plant with 12 chromosomes instead of 14, in what
way would his interpretation have been different ----- he would not have discovered the law of
independent assortment.
When a heterozygous dominant is crossed with homozygous recessive than the ratio of progeny
will be---- 1 : 1
How many different types of genetically different gametes will be formed by a heterozygous plant
having the genotype AABbCc-------- Four
When AABB and aabb re crossed, in F-2 generation the ratio od AaBb will be------ 4 / 16
Mendel’s principle of segregation means that the germ cells always receive---------- One of the
paired alleles
A pea plant parent having violet coloured flowers with unknown genotype was crossed with a
plant having white coloured flowers,in the progeny 50% were white. The genotypic constitution of the
parent having violet coloured flowers was----------------------- Heterozygous
A cross in which an organism showing a dominant phenotype is crossed with the recessive parent
in order to know its genotype is called------------- Test cross.
Which of the following match is correct----------- Independent assortment- segregation of factor
Test cross is used to------ Check heterozygosity in F-1 generation.
Mendel found that the reciprocal crosses yielded identical results.from that he concluded that---
Sex has no influence on the dominance of traits
Heterozygote tall plant (Tt) is crossed with homozygous dwarf (tt) plant. Then what will be
percentage of dwarf plants in the next generation------------ 50%
Select the correct statement in respect to dihybrid cross--------- Tightly linked genes on the same
chromosome show very few recombinations.
Which of the following cannot be explained on the basis of Mendel’s Law of Dominance---------
Alleles do not show any blending and both the characters recover as such in F-2 generation.
A collection of plants and seeds having diverse alleles of all the genes of a crop is called-------
In Mendelian dihybrid cross when heterozygous Round Yellow are self crossed, Round Green
offsprings are represented by the genotype--------------- Rryy , RRyy
In a typical mendelian cross which is a dihybrid cross.,one parent is homozygous for both
dominant traits and another parent is homozygous for both recessive combinations and recombinations
appear.The phenotypic ratio of parental combinations to recombinations is------------ 10 : 6
Test cross of dihybrid ratio is 1:1:1:1 . It proves that---- F-1 hybrid produces four different
F-2 generation in a Mendelian cross showed that both genotypic and phenotypic ratio are same as
1:2:1. It represents a case of----------------------------- Monohybrid cross with incomplete dominance.
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