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Guided Notes Outline:
Guided Notes #1 For Lesson 2: Pages 30-­37 Section Title: Classification I. The Classification System of Linnaeus: a. Explain who Carolus Linnaeus was and what he did. b. Explain the advantage of having scientific names for organisms II. Levels of Classification: a. List the levels of classification. b. How many levels do a robin and the great horned owl share? III. Evolution and Classification: a. Explain evolution. b. Explain what the bones in the limbs of a bat, whale, & human suggest about the animals’ evolutionary history. IV. My Question(s): Guided Notes #2 For Lesson 3: Pages 20-­21 Section Title: Experiments I. Redi’s Experiment: a. What were Redi’s independent & dependent variables? b. What did Redi’s experiment suggest? II. Pasteur’s Experiment: a. What were Pasteur’s independent & dependent variables? b. What did Pasteur’s experiment suggest? III. My Question(s): Guided Notes #3 For Lesson 4: Pages 56-­65 Section Title: Bacteria I. Bacteria: a. Define bacteria and explain their common characteristics b. What are the three basic shapes of bacteria? II. Two Kingdoms of Bacteria: a. Explain what archaebacteria are. b. Explain what eubacteria are. III. Reproduction in Bacteria: a. Explain binary fission. b. Explain conjugation. IV. Survival Needs: a. Explain the difference between autotrohps and heterotrophs. b. Explain what respiration means for bacteria. c. Explain how & why bacteria form endospores. V. Bacteria & The Living World: a. Give examples to explain how bacteria are involved in each of the following: 1. Fuel 2. Food 3. Environmental Recycling 4. Environmental Cleanup 5. Health and Medicine VI. My Question(s): Guided Notes #4 For Lesson 5: Pages 80-­92 Section Title: Protists I. Protists: a. Define protists and explain their common characteristics. b. What are the three categories of protists? II. Animal-­like Protists: a. Explain how animal-­‐like protists get their food b. Define a pseudopod and explain its purpose c. Define cilla and explain its purpose d. Define flagella and explain its purpose III. Fungus-­like Protists: a. Explain the difference between fungus and fungus-­‐like protists b. Explain water molds & downy mildews c. Explain slime molds IV. Plant-­like Protists: a. What’s a common name for plant-­‐like protists? b. Provide a one sentence summary for each type of algae: Euglenoids, Dinoflagellates, Diatomes, Green Algae, Red Algae, and Brown Algae V. Algal Bloom: a. What is an algal bloom? b. Define and explain a red tide c. Define and explain eutrophication d. Imagine a new housing development is to be built near a lake. Explain what factors developers should consider to protect the lake from rapid eutrophication. IV. My Question(s): Guided Notes #5 For Lesson 10: Pages 95-­98 & 102-­104 Section Title: Fungus I. Fungus: a. Define fungi and their three important characteristics. II. Cell Structure: a. Explain what hyphae is III. How Fungi Obtain their Food: a. Explain how fungi get their food IV. Reproduction in Fungi: a. Explain asexual reproduction of fungi using the terms: fruiting bodies, spores and budding b. Explain sexual reproduction of fungi V. Fungi and the Living World: a. Give examples to explain how bacteria are involved in each of the following: 1. Environmental Recycling 2. Food and Fungi 3. Disease-­Causing Fungi 4. Disease Fighting Fungi 5. Fungus-­Plant Root Associations 6. Lichens VI. My Question(s): Guided Notes #6 For Lesson 12: Pages 48-­54 Section Title: Viruses I. What is a Virus?: a. Define viruses and explain how they differ from living things II. Naming Viruses: a. Explain how scientists name viruses III. The Shapes and Sizes of Viruses: a. Explain the size of a virus as it compares to the size of bacteria cell IV. Structure of Viruses: a. Explain the two basic parts of a virus V. How Viruses Multiply: a. Explain how viruses multiply b. Explain the difference between an active virus a hidden virus IV. Viruses and the Living World: a. Explain how viruses can have negative effects on humans b. Explain how viruses can have positive effects on humans V. My Questions: Guided Notes #7 For Lesson 13: Pages 62-­63 Section Title: Microorganisms and Food I. Explain how ancient cultures used bacteria to preserve food a. 3000 BC -­ Egypt b. 1000 BC -­ China c. 500 BC -­ Mediterranean Sea Region d. AD 500 -­ China e. AD 1500 -­ The West Indies f. AD 1850 -­ The United States of America II. My Question(s): Guided Notes #8 For Lesson 14: Pages 68-­74 Section Title: Microorganisms and Disease I. How Infectious Diseases Spread: a. List the four ways infectious diseases can spread b. Explain direct contact can spread diseases c. Explain contact with a contaminated object can spread diseases d. Explain how contact with an animal can spread diseases e. Explain how contact with an environmental source can spread diseases II. Treating Infectious Diseases: a. Explain the difference between bacterial and viral diseases b. Explain the treatment for viral diseases c. Explain the treatment for bacterial diseases III. Preventing infectious diseases and Staying Healthy: a. Explain how to prevent infectious diseases and how to stay healthy IV. My Question(s):