Download Christians believe that Jesus` teachings are very important

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Christians believe that
Jesus’ teachings are
very important.
Incarnation – God in
human form.
Jesus believed that he
had come to help people
who were unpopular.
Christians should look
after Drug addicts,
Asylum seekers, the
poor & homeless.
Jesus told Christians
that “everyone is your
Christians should care
for everyone.
Jesus taught Christians
how to pray.
Christians believe that
prayer is vital to stay
close to God.
Jesus told Christians
the people who he
thought were really
Jesus told a story
about the lost son to
explain about
Christians should
concentrate upon God –
not on things to be
Christians should
forgive people who hurt
them, or do them
Jesus got angry with
people who abused
religious ideas.
Jesus went willingly to
a horrible death.
Christians believe that
Jesus rose from the
Christians should get
angry with people
whose ideas are
harmful to others.
Christians should
always make an effort
to act with love
towards others.
Christians should
always remember that
life is more powerful
than death.