Download Protons, Valence Electrons, and the Periodic Table

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Protons, Valence Electrons,
and the Periodic Table
Protons are the most important particle
that determines the identity
of the element.
• The # of protons for a specific element
is always the same and equals its atomic
number on the periodic table
Atomic # = # of Protons
• Elements are arranged by increasing
atomic number on the periodic table.
He – 2
Li – 3
Be – 4
and so on….
Valence Electrons
• Are the electrons on the outermost
energy level of the atom.
• The # of valence electrons determine
the atoms chemical properties,
including reactivity.
Groups – 18 columns on the
periodic table
Elements are
in groups
based on the
number of
electrons they
Periods – 7 rows on the
periodic table
Elements are in
periods based
on the number
of energy
(orbitals) they
have in their
electron cloud.
Center of the atom
Made up of Protons and Neutrons
Makes up the atoms MASS
Positively Charged!
Charge of the Nucleus
• Equal to the total #
of Positive
PROTONS in the
• Neutrons don’t count
– they have NO
• What is the charge
of the nucleus for
this lithium atom?
• +3
Electron Cloud
• Area around the
nucleus where
electrons are found.
• Negatively Charged
Atoms are Neutral!
• The number of positive protons is equal
to the number of negative electrons so
the overall charge of an atom is zero
• # of Protons = # of Electrons
+3 protons
-3 electrons
0 charge
The 4 Neutrons don’t count
They have NO charge
What is the charge of the
nucleus in the atom below
• +4
• The nucleus has 4
positive protons.
• The 5 neutrons don’t
count because they
have NO charge.
What element does this
atom model represent?
• Neon
• It has 10 electrons
so it has 10 protons
• The # of electrons =
the # of protons
• The # of protons =
the atomic # which
is # 10 on the
periodic table
What element is this?
• Nickel
– It has 28 protons
– So the atomic # is 28!
• What is the Mass of
this atom?
– 59 amu
28 protons + 31 neutrons = 59
– The mass = the total # of
protons and neutrons in the
nucleus of atoms.
Atom Models
What element is this?
• Neon
• It has 10 protons
• So it is atomic # 10
on the periodic table
Energy Levels (Orbitals)
• Levels within the electron cloud that
hold a specific # of electrons.
– 1st level - 2 electrons
– 2nd level - up to 8 electrons
– 3rd level – up to 8 electrons
– Sometimes up to 18 for transition metals
Valence Electrons
The electrons in the outermost energy level of the atom.
• What element is this?
– Seaborgium: 106 protons
– Atomic # 106
• How many Electrons?
– 106; equal to the # of protons
• How many valence
electrons does it have?
– Only 2 on the outer level
• Elements are the atoms that make up our
• Atoms are the simplest form of an
element that cannot be broken down
• They maintain the element’s properties.
• Each element is an atom that has the
same number of protons
– – i.e. the same atomic number on the
periodic table of elements.
Element - hydrogen
• H – Hydrogen
Element - Helium
• He – Helium
The Elements are found on the
Periodic Table of Elements