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2.1 Why was Ancient Egypt such a successful civilization?
Geographic Setting One of the earliest civilizations arose in Egypt about 5,000 years ago around
the mighty Nile River. Ancient Egypt could not have existed without its great river. It hardly ever rains in
Egypt, but the Nile River waters the land and gives it life. Without the river, the entire country would be a
scorched, sterile desert. Every year, the snow in the mountains of East Africa melts, sending a torrent of
water that overflows the banks of the Nile. The river picks up bits of soil and plant life called silt. The silt
is dropped on the banks of the Nile as the flood recedes, creating excellent topsoil that provides two or
three crops every year. The silt is also deposited at the mouth of the river, creating a triangular section of
land that is known as the delta. This gives the river the shape like the lotus flower that is so often seen in
ancient Egyptian art.
The ancient Greeks spoke with envy when they referred to Egypt as “the Gift of the Nile.” Thanks
to the Nile, these ancient people had fresh water for drinking and bathing. The Nile supported
transportation and trade. The Egyptians used the river for irrigation, or watering dry land by canals.
Irrigation was very important for farming. Without irrigation, farming would have been impossible in the
desert of ancient Egypt. The river also provided materials for building, for making cloth for clothes, and
even for making paper - made from the wild papyrus weed that grew along the shores of the Nile.
Because of the annual flooding of the Nile, the ancient Egyptians enjoyed a high standard of living
compared to other ancient civilizations.
Beyond the river, Egypt’s desert provided a natural border that protected the ancient Egyptians
from invaders. There are several cataracts (or rapids) along the Nile River south of the ancient civilization.
These provided another natural border, as did the Mediterranean Sea to the north.
Religion Egyptians were polytheistic. The sun god Amon-Re was the chief god. Osiris was the
god of the Nile. The Egyptians believed that Osiris controlled the annual flood that made the land fertile.
The Egyptians also believed in a host of other gods who served specific functions. The cornerstone of the
religious faith of the Egyptians was a belief in a life after death. Egyptians prepared their dead for the
afterlife through a preservation process called mummification.
Government The Egyptian ruler was called a pharaoh. Egyptians believed that the pharaoh was
both a god and a king. When a pharaoh died, he was buried in a majestic pyramid. The pyramids took years
to build and required enormous planning and organization. When the mummies of pharaohs were buried
in pyramids, they were surrounded by possessions for use in the afterlife. After the death of the pharaoh,
power usually passed to another member of the family. These ruling families were called dynasties.
Social Structure Egyptian society was divided into classes. The pharaoh held the highest position
in society. Next were the priests, who served the gods and goddesses. Then were the nobles, who were
people who had more money and power than most of the other people in the society. Next were the
craftspeople and merchants. Near the bottom was the biggest group, the peasant farmers. Beneath the
peasants were the slaves. Women had a higher status in Egyptian society than in any other ancient
civilization. A woman could own property, enter business deals, and obtain a divorce.
Contributions The Egyptians made many advances in science and art. The process of
mummification helped them learn much about the human body, allowing them to diagnose many illnesses
and perform surgery. Egyptians developed a calendar very similar to the one we use today. They also
created a system of picture writing called hieroglyphics. Egyptian temples and monuments, as well as the
pyramids, have survived thousands of years. Egyptian statues and paintings show daily life, ceremonies,
and military victories.
2.1 Why was Ancient Egypt such a successful civilization?
Nile River Valley in Egypt
Geographic Setting
Nile River
Natural Borders
Social Structure
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