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Algebraic /Variable expression - A group of numbers , symbols, and variables that express an
operation or a series of operations. 3n+5
Coefficient - A numerical factor in a term of an algebraic expression.
5n + 2 5 is the coefficient of n.
Constant - A number with a value that is always the same. 3m + 8
8 is the constant.
Equation - A statement that two mathematical expressions are equal. (Two side & equal sign)
9 + 3 = b + 5 is an equation.
Evaluate - To find the value of a mathematical expression. (solve)
Expression - A variable or combination of variables, numbers, and symbols that represents a
mathematical relationship. (one sided) 5n +8 is an expression.
Numerical Expression - A mathematical statement including numbers and operations. 5 + 3
Substitution - The replacement of the letters in an algebraic expression with known values.
5 + 3n n =2 5 +3(2) = 5 + 6 = 11
Term - A number, variable, product, or quotient in an expression. A term is not a sum or
difference. Terms are separated by operation signs. 5x + 4 + y 5x, 4, y are terms.
Variable - A quantity that changes or can have different values. A symbol, usually a letter, that
can stand for a variable quantity. 2n + 8 n is the variable.
Evaluate the expression give c=2 and n=4
5c + n - 8
5(2) + 4 - 8
5x2 + 4 - 8
10 + 4 - 8
14 - 8 = 6
Write an expression to represent the phrase.
1. 11 more than 6.2 plus 5
11 + 6.2 + 5
2. 5.8 more than g increased by 2.5
5.8 + g + 2.5
3. 8 more than twice m
8 + 2m
Packet #1
Solving one step equations
First Identify the variable.
Isolate the variable using the equal but opposite operation that is with the
Use the equal but opposite operation on both side of the equation to keep
it balanced.
Check answer using substitution.
Packet #2
Inequality- If the two sides are not equal, but
one is larger than the other, we can use the
greater than (>) or less than (<) symbols. We can
These are read “less than or equal
to” and “greater than or equal to.”
Writing inequalities:
1. Your age (a) must be older than 10 to enter the haunted house.
a > 10
2. A player must weigh (w) 87 pounds or less to play in the game.
w ≤ 87
3. Kobie's Grandma will take him to Disneyland when he’s saved $200
(m) or more to spend on the trip.
m ≥ 200
Packet #3
Sets – A group of numbers that have a common an element, for example, all
whole numbers or all integers. Sets are grouped using brackets. { }
Specified Set – Limited group of numbers used as possible solutions to an
expression, equation or inequality. Specified Sets are grouped using brackets. {
Solution Set – The numbers from a specified set that correctly solve an
expression, equation or inequality. Solution Sets are grouped using brackets. {
12 < m + 8
Specified Set {3,4,5,6}
Only 5 and 6 in the specified set are greater than 4.
Solution Set = {5,6}
Packet #4