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Review for Exam 2 Review • 
Exam: 50 ques6ons, mostly mul6ple choice Exam conducted at Pollock Tes6ng Center Each student schedules the 6me for their exam some6me between 8am and 10pm Bring pencils and student IDs; no calculators allowed For tes6ng center details: hMp:// Study materials • 
review ques6ons slides from lectures your notes homeworks clicker ques6ons anima6ons at my web site The Planets 1)  What is the order of the planets with distance from the Sun? 2)  Which planet has the highest surface temperature? largest mass? largest 6lt of its spin axis? largest temperature varia6ons? rotates backwards? polar ice caps? 3) 
How many moons does Mercury have? Venus? Mars? Which planets have no atmosphere? Which moon has a thick atmosphere? Which 3 factors determine if a planet holds onto an atmosphere? What is the primary reason why Venus is much hoMer than Earth? Pluto, Asteroids, and Comets 1)  Who discovered Pluto? How? 2)  What is the distance of Pluto from the Sun in AUs? Orbital period? 3)  Which spacecra^ visited Pluto? 4)  How does the orbit of Pluto compare to the 8 planets? 5)  Why isn’t Pluto considered a planet? What is the official classifica6on of Pluto now? Other members of this class? 6)  What are the 3 regions of the solar system containing asteroids and comets? Typical orbital periods? 7)  What are the largest known members of the Asteroid Belt and Kuiper Belt? 2nd largest? 8)  How many asteroids are visible to the naked eye? 9)  What are comets and asteroids made of? 10)  Which spacecra^ has visited Vesta and Ceres? Which deployed a lander onto a comet? Star and Planet Forma6on 1)  What causes a cloud of gas and dust to collapse to form a star? What halts the star’s collapse? 2)  What is the source of the Sun’s energy? 3)  What are the products of hydrogen fusion? 4)  Where does the energy produced by hydrogen fusion come from? 5)  How long does it take for stars and planets to be born? 6)  What is a brown dwarf? How does it change over 6me? 7)  What is the boundary in mass between stars and brown dwarfs? 8)  What 3 characteris6cs of the planets provide clues about how they formed? What is the explana6on for each of those characteris6cs? 9)  Why did the gas giant planets form far from the Sun? 10) What are the 4 theories for the forma6on of the Moon? Which one do we believe is correct? Proper6es of Stars 1)  How are distances to nearby stars measured? What is the distance to the nearest star in light years? 2)  What is the equa6on rela6ng parallax and distance? 3)  What is luminosity? How is it measured? 4)  What's the equa6on rela6ng luminosity, brightness seen from a given distance, and distance? 5)  How are temperatures of stars measured? 6)  What are the spectral classes of stars in order of temperature? 7)  How are the radii of stars measured? What equa6on is used? 8)  What's the H-­‐R diagram? 9)  What's the main sequence? 10) How are masses of stars measured? What are the minimum and maximum masses of stars? 11) How can you measure the rela6ve masses of stars in a binary system? Evolu6on of Stars 1)  What property of a star determines how it will evolve? 2)  What do all stars on the main sequence have in common? How does the 6me spent on the main sequence depend on mass? 3)  What are the evolu6onary stages of stars of high-­‐ and low-­‐mass stars? What is the mass boundary separa6ng the two evolu6onary paths? Where are these stages on the H-­‐R diagram? 4)  What are the 2 most abundant elements in a white dwarf? 5)  What prevents the collapse of a main sequence star, a white dwarf, and a neutron star? 6)  What are the ranges of masses for white dwarfs, neutron stars, and black holes? 7)  What is a pulsar? 8)  The appearance of which element in a star’s core triggers a Type II supernova explosion? 9)  What is a nova? What is a Type Ia supernova? For each star, what is its: A
name (e.g., giant) D
composi6on (e.g., H) B size of radius (e.g., city) surface gravity earlier/later stages Luminosity range of possible masses F
source of support E
age O
Black Holes 1) 
Define escape velocity. What 2 parameters does the escape velocity depend on? Define black hole, event horizon, and singularity. What is the order of main sequence stars, white dwarfs, red giants, neutron stars, and black holes in terms of surface gravity? 5)  To what diameter would you need to compress the earth to make it a black hole? What about the Sun? 6)  How are 6me and light affected near a black hole? 7)  Why do black holes tear apart anything that comes near them? 8)  How are black holes detected? 9)  How are black holes created? What are their typical masses and diameters? 10) What are gravita6onal waves and Hawking radia6on? The Milky Way 1)  What does the appearance of the Milky Way in the sky tell us about its true shape? 2)  How can we measure ages of open clusters and globular clusters? How do their ages compare? 3)  How can we es6mate an age for a star that is not in a cluster? 4)  With current technology, we can use parallax to measure distances for stars out to a maximum distance of ___ light years. 5)  What is a standard candle? What is it used for? 6)  What are examples of standard candles in the Milky Way? 7)  What are the loca6ons in the Milky Way of globular clusters, open clusters, gas/dust clouds, most stars, and the Sun? 8)  What is the diameter of the Milky Way? 9)  How many stars does the Milky Way contain?