Download Rules and Regulations - Maryborough Eisteddfod

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Rules and Regulations
All participants in the Maryborough Eisteddfod do so in a spirit of friendly competition and enhancement of
performance abilities in a forum where stage experience can be gained and learned.
The event is staged with mutual respect amongst organisers, adjudicators, competitors and
supporters, maintaining the spirit and integrity of the Eisteddfod tradition.
Please read the following rules and regulations carefully to ensure competitors are not disadvantaged. A breach of any
rule may lead to disqualification.
Due to now using the Stardom system for entries, the Maryborough Eisteddfod will adopt new terminology (the Rules
have been changed to reflect the new terminology).
Name from 2016
Name prior to 2016
1) Entries are received via Only in exceptional circumstances will a manual entry be received by
arrangement with the relevant Convenor.
Vocal and Choral Disciplines
Speech and Drama Disciplines
Instrumental Discipline
Literary Discipline
Dance Discipline
Section numbers starting with 1
Section numbers starting with 2
Section numbers starting with 3
Section numbers starting with 4
Section numbers starting with 5
Performances are to be limited to the Discipline type unless otherwise stated (for example, no Vocal performance in
the Instrumental Discipline, unless specifically stated in the Section Description).
2) Late entries will not be accepted.
3) The Section Description is to be considered part of the Rules and Regulations.
4) The committee reserves the right to refuse an entry.
5) All eisteddfod participants do so at their own risk
6) The age section of the eisteddfod is for amateur competitors only. All ‘Open’ Sections may have competitors of any
age and ability.
7) Competitors must be within the specified age limits as at 1 July. Competitors in groups may be younger than
the age range but must not be older. The committee reserves the right to request proof of age from competitors
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Rules and Regulations
8) All Sections are open to male and female competitors unless otherwise stated.
9) Places for competitors will be drawn before the programme is printed and competitors will appear in the order
shown. However, the Executive respectfully reserves the right to make any alterations to the programme if and when
it becomes necessary. The Executive may:
a) cancel a Section
b) vary the prizes
c) combine Sections
d) change the run order of Sections and/or competitors
10) Refunds of entry fees will only be granted when a Section is cancelled by the Executive
11) A competitor may only enter a Section once, except where stated and as qualified in certain Sections.
12) All competitors must be named (Groups of 4 or above are required to provide a collective name and do not need to
provide the individual names). “And Partner” may be used on the Entry Form but a name must be provided to the
Convenor at least 30 minutes prior to the commencement of the session.
13) No competitor may use the same selection in more than one Section
14) No competitor may perform the same selection that has previously been awarded a first place at any
Queensland eisteddfod
15) Copyright (conventional and electronic) remains the property of the contributing author in all Sections
except handwriting. (See further information below regarding Own Choice Pieces.)
16) It is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure that Own Choice Pieces are within the guidelines for the
Section. If a piece is deemed by the Adjudicator to be outside of the guidelines the entrant will be
17) On the day: the title and composer/author of the Own Choice Piece must be submitted at least 1 hour
prior to the commencement of the Session in which you will perform.
AMCOS forms must be attached please.
18) Time limits, where stated, must not be exceeded. It is the Adjudicator’s privilege to conclude a performance by
ringing of the bell if a decision has been made regarding the merit of the performance.
19) Competitors are to be dressed appropriately, i.e. no thongs, revealing clothing or tracksuits. Competition pieces must
not contain excessive use of foul or blasphemous language or actions. Consideration should be given to age
20) Use of recording devices of any kind is strictly prohibited in the Auditorium and Federation Room
during performances.
21) Competitors must report to the relevant Marshall and be in readiness backstage (or as otherwise directed by
an official) prior to the commencement of the Section in which they are competing
Competitors wishing to withdraw are reminded that it is courtesy to inform the Convenor or Marshall
before commencement of the eisteddfod, before the commencement of the session.
22) The Adjudicator’s decision will be final
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Rules and Regulations
23) No Prize will be awarded in any contest unless there is sufficient merit. All awards in every Section will be at the
Adjudicator’s discretion. Certificates and prizes may be awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd and Highly Commended in each
Section (see Awards Table for further information)
24) To be eligible for a major eisteddfod award competitors must compete in three or more Sections in the
relevant Discipline, with the exception of the Literary Discipline.
25) No public protest will be entered into during the sessions. Written protests will be accepted by the Convenor or
Executive within 30 minutes of the protest issue arising, accompanied by a $20.00 fee which will be forfeited if the
protest is rejected after consideration by the Executive. Decisions regarding protests will be notified verbally by the
end of the Section and in writing within 7 days of the close of the eisteddfod
26) No person, other than the entrant(s), will be permitted to take the stage. No teachers, parents or friends to be
backstage (Exceptions: Accompanist or where the competitor requires physical assistance to get to the
26) The Adjudicator must not be addressed during a session except via an Eisteddfod official. All inquiries or requests
are to be made to the Convenor.
27) Prompting by the Adjudicator only.
28) Entry and exit to the Auditorium or Federation Room during performances is restricted
29) The Brolga Theatre has workplace safety guidelines in place for all stage and backstage activities. If these
guidelines are deemed, by the theatre, to have been breached you may be asked to leave the premises. A
competitor asked to leave the theatre will be disqualified.
30) GROUP NUMBERS: Small Group – 4 to 12 members; Large Group – 13 members or above.
Some discretion regarding numbers may be given based on extenuating circumstances, such as, illness or injury. It
is the responsibility of the competitor to ensure that the Committee is informed immediately of any extenuating
circumstances. A decision will be made in consultation with relevant members of the Committee and the Adjudicator.
Vocal and Choral Discipline – also see General Rules
OWN CHOICE PIECES: Copyright is the responsibility of the competitors and their teachers. Copies of
sheet music are required for the Adjudicators. As per copyright, all copies of sheet music will be destroyed
after the performance. All competitors are responsible for the collection of original sheet music at the end of
the session. Please ensure that all originals are clearly marked. All sheet music used at the eisteddfod
requires an APRA/AMCOS Form to accompany it. Please ensure that the forms are completed and
attached to the sheet music as follows:
Own Choice Selection Slip – on the top
The sheet music (if original, please mark clearly on the Own Choice Selection Slip)
The Form (available from the website FORMS:
Both grand and upright pianos will be tuned at A440
An accompaniment is to be used unless otherwise stated
Competitors provide an accompanist at their own expense
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Rules and Regulations
Competitors may have only one accompanist on stage
For Duos, Trios and small groups, an individual may only appear once per Section
For large groups, an individual must be a legitimate member of the group they are performing with and
may only appear once for that particular association in that Item. School students must be currently
enrolled students of the particular school and under the age of 19 years.
If equipment is required on stage then a stage plan must be submitted.
Stage plans are to be submitted by 25 July.
Vocal competitors aged over 16 years must sing in original specified key unless otherwise state
1.10 Vocal Solo – Song in the Folk or Classical style. Song must not be Walt Disney, Musical Theatre or
Modern Popular.
1.11 Vocal duets and trios must be sung in two- and three-part harmony respectively. A partner song is defined
as two separate songs, each with distinct lyrics and melody, with the songs being harmonically compatible
when sung together.
1.12 In all primary school choral contests, part singing should be interpreted as any type of vocal part work.
1.13 Lieder/Art Song both singer and accompanist are judged. Original language or English allowed.
Lied – An art song in German Language, usually based on poetry from the Romantic period. Suggested
(but not limited to) composers: Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Beethoven, Brahms, Mahler, Mendelssohn,
Art Song – An art song is usually a through-composed song for solo voice and accompaniment composed
in the classical style. The Art song must be set to a poem or text.
1.14 Folk Song (a song of a people or area…simple, modal melody and stanzaic, narrative verse): Composers
of Folk Songs are Anonymous, however, arrangements by modern composers are acceptable.
A maximum of three verses may be sung.
R&B/Pop – an up tempo contemporary song to be sung with microphone - Songs written after 1970.
Backing tracks permitted but must not have backing vocals – refer to Rule 1.16
1.16 Modern Ballad (a contemporary song that tells a story): contemporary style of delivery to include
improvisation and the use of a microphone. Microphone technique will be considered by the Adjudicator. A
brief sound level check is permitted before the competitor performs. Legally purchased backing tracks are
recommended for these Sections. Backing tracks permitted but must not have backing vocals – refer to
Rule 1.16
1.17 MUSIC BACKING TRACKS: All backing tracks (electronic music) must have no backing vocals. Your
music should be the only track on your CD and recorded in audio MP3 format….It is highly recommended
that a back-up CD is recorded in audio format and brought on the day of the performance. CD must be
submitted by 10am on the morning of your Section. [This is to ensure it will operate on the theatre system]
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Rules and Regulations
1.18 Musical Theatre: (piece from a stage musical or light opera, with appropriate costume): For competitors
aged 15 years and under the piece may be from a movie musical, including animated movies. Backing
tracks may not be used.
1.19 Accepted Music Period Definitions:
20th Century
1600 to 1760
1730 to 1820
1815 to 1910
1900 to 2000
1970 to present day
Most Outstanding Vocalist 15 Years & Under
The Tracy Wright Vocal Studio Award
Encouragement Award
The Dorothy McIntosh Memorial
Most Outstanding Female Vocalist 18 Years & Under
The Daphne Wolstencroft-Landamore Award
Most Outstanding Male Vocalist 18 Years & Under
The Neil Truscott Award
Maryborough Eisteddfod Committee Encouragement Award
Choral Showcase - The Bill Wickbold MemorialTrophy
Choral – Welsh – The All Sorts Ensembles Inc Award
Speech and Drama Discipline – also see General Rules
Set Pieces: compulsory pieces set by the adjudicator, are displayed on the website
Theatre Blacks: consist of black pants, of reasonable leg length, and a shirt. Costume Piece/s, for If you are unable to access the Set Pieces, please contact the
example, a hat, scarf, apron etc., may be worn with theatre blacks to represent the character.
Most Outstanding at Speech 18 years and under
Most Outstanding at Drama 18 years and under
Encouragement Award 18 years and under
Verse Speaking – 18 Years and Under
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Rules and Regulations
Instrumental Discipline – also see General Rules
OWN CHOICE PIECES: Copyright is the responsibility of the competitors and their teachers. Copies of
sheet music are required for the Adjudicators. As per copyright, all copies of sheet music will be destroyed
after the performance. All competitors are responsible for the collection of original sheet music at the end of
the session. Please ensure that all originals are clearly marked. All sheet music used at the eisteddfod
requires an APRA/AMCOS Form to accompany it. Please ensure that the forms are completed and
attached to the sheet music as follows:
a) Own Choice Selection Slip – on the top
The sheet music (if original, please mark clearly on the Own Choice Selection Slip)
The Form (available from the website FORMS):
Both grand and upright pianos will be tuned at A440.
Accompaniment is permissible unless otherwise stated.
Competitors provide an accompanist at their own expense.
Competitors may have only one accompanist on stage.
For Duos, Trios and small groups, an individual may only appear once per Section unless the individual
plays a different instrument.
For large groups, an individual must be a legitimate member of the group they are performing with and
may only appear once for that particular association in that Item, unless the individual play a different
instrument. School students must be currently enrolled students of the particular school and under the age
of 19 years.
If equipment is required on stage then a stage plan must be submitted. Stage plans are to be submitted by
25 July.
Piano only may be used to accompany instrumental ensembles and will not form part of the
ensemble unless otherwise stated.
Where amplification is permitted, a 30-60 second sound level check is allowed.
3.11 Band and Ensemble Definitions
Concert Band: A balanced ensemble of woodwind brass and percussion instruments usually a large group
Orchestra: A full string section plus a proportional number of woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. This
ensemble might also include keyboards.
String Orchestra: An ensemble consisting of stings. This ensemble might also include a piano and/or percussion.
Stage Band: A small group of saxophones, trumpets, trombones and a rhythm section. The rhythm section may
include any keyboard, an electric or an acoustic guitar, an electric or an acoustic bass and a drum kit. A vocalist
may be included in the group.
Wind Ensemble: A balanced ensemble of woodwind instruments with or without brass and percussion, usually a
group smaller than a concert band.
Brass Ensemble: A balanced ensemble of brass instruments with or without percussion.
Percussion Ensemble: A combination of tuned and/or untuned percussion instruments
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Rules and Regulations
3.12 Accepted Music Period Definitions:
Baroque ......................... 1600 to 1760
Classical ........................ 1730 to 1820
Romantic ....................... 1815 to 1910
20th Century ................... 1900 to 2000
Contemporary ................ 1970 to present day
3.13 AWARDS:
Most Outstanding Instrumentalist 15 Years &
Under Most Outstanding Instrumentalist 16 to 18
Years Rosi Franklin String Encouragement Award
Maryborough Eisteddfod Committee Encouragement Award
Piano Junior – 12 Years & Under
Piano Intermediate – 15 Years & Under
Piano Senior – 18 Years & Under
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Rules and Regulations
Literary Discipline – also see General Rules
All entries must be received by the Convenor no later than 1 June, delivered by hand or by mail to:
Maryborough Eisteddfod
PO Box 1232,
Maryborough Q 4650
All entries must be typed on one side of an A4 sheet, with a 2.5cm (approx.) margin.
Handwriting should be written on grade appropriate lined paper.
All written material must have a ID Label attached stating:
Section Number
Competitor’s full name, address and contact telephone details
Email if available
School attending (if applicable)
Please do not write your name directly onto your work.
Entries must be the original work of the contributor and should not be under submission to any
other completion or publisher at the time of competition.
All entries must be submitted with the entry form by the closing date.
Primary and Secondary school entries must have a declaration attached stating that this is the child’s
own work, signed and dated by the teacher or parent/guardian (available from the website
Open Short Story – R H Winterflood Memorial
Award Open Poem Award - D. Hecker
Most Outstanding Literary Award – 18 Years & Under
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