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Comparing Mitosis and Meiosis Pre/Post-Test with Answer Key
DIRECTIONS: Read and analyze each question carefully. Circle the letter of the BEST ANSWER.
SC.912.L.16.17 Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis and relate to the processes of sexual
and asexual reproduction and their consequences for genetic variation.
SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis
in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during
asexual reproduction.
1. Mitosis and meiosis are processes involved in cellular reproduction. Which of the following describes an
event that results from mitosis but NOT meiosis?
A. two stages of cell division
B. replication of cellular genetic material
C. daughter cells that are identical to the parent cell
D. four daughter cells that are produced from each parent cell
2. Which type of reproduction leads to increased genetic variation in a population?
A. Parthenogenesis
B. asexual reproduction
C. sexual reproduction
D. vegetative reproduction
3. Which row in the chart on the right indicates the
correct process for each event indicated?
A. row 1
B. row 2
C. row 3
D. row 4
4. Which of the following best compares the
processes of mitosis and meiosis?
A. Mitosis involves one division cycle and results in diploid daughter cells, while meiosis consists of two
division cycles and results in haploid gametes.
B. Mitosis involves one division cycle and results in haploid gametes, while meiosis consists of two
division cycles and results in diploid daughter cells.
C. Mitosis involves two division cycles and results in diploid daughter cells, while meiosis consists of one
division cycle and results in haploid gametes.
D. Mitosis involves two division cycles and results in haploid gametes, while meiosis consists of one
division cycle and results in diploid daughter cells.
5. Which of the following best explains why meiosis results in greater genetic diversity than mitosis?
A. After meiosis, daughter cells are diploid and have twice as much genetic material, which
can be divided in many more possible combinations.
B. After meiosis, haploid daughter cells are fertilized, which doubles their number of
chromosomes and increases the number of possible genes.
C. During meiosis, chromosomes assort themselves independently of each other, which
allows for more different possible combinations of chromosomes.
D. During meiosis, more daughter cells are produced, which increases the likelihood that
fertilization will occur.
SC.912.L.16.14 Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis
in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during
asexual reproduction.
6. Which of the following phases of mitosis is
represented by the diagram on the right?
A. prophase
B. metaphase
C. anaphase
D. telophase
7. The diagram on the right shows two strawberry plants.
Plant 2 is produced asexually from Plant 1. If the leaf
cells of Plant 1 have 56 chromosomes, how many
chromosomes will be found in the leaf cells of Plant 2?
A. 14
B. 28
C. 56
D. 112
8. Which of the following occurs during mitosis?
A. The cell membrane pinches one cell into two.
B. The chromosomes of the parent cell are copied.
C. The parent cell takes in nutrients and doubles in
D. The nucleus of the parent cell divides into two
SOURCE: Florida EOC Coach Jumpstart
9. In a single celled organism, mitosis is used for
A. development.
B. reproduction.
C. growth.
D. repair
SOURCE: 2012 FL Holt McDougal Biology
10. Multicellular organisms use mitosis for growth, development and
A. apoptosis
B. repair
C. reproduction
D. interphase
SOURCE: 2012 FL Holt McDougal Biology
SC.912.L.16.16 Describe the process of meiosis, including independent assortment and crossing
over. Explain how reduction division results in the formation of haploid gametes or spore
11. Why is it important for the daughter cells to divide a second time in meiosis?
A. The second division switches parts of matching chromatids to increase genetic variation.
B. The second division forms four identical cells to ensure that all offspring have the same
C. The second division sorts chromosomes into cells that are the same as the parent cells.
D. The second division forms haploid cells that can combine with other haploid cells during
SOURCE: Florida EOC Coach Jumpstart
12. The diagram on the right shows a cellular process that
occurs in organisms. What is the name of this process?
A. meiosis
B. mitosis
C. endocytosis
D. phagocytosis
13. What happens to sister chromatids in meiosis II?
A. They duplicate.
B. They separate.
C. They remain together.
D. They do not take part.
SOURCE: Exam View Holt McDougal 2012
14. The diagram on the right shows homologous chromosomes
during prophase I of meiosis. Which of the following
correctly describes the process being illustrated?
A. mutation in which the DNA content of the gene is
B. segregation of sister chromatids
C. condensation and segregation of alleles
D. crossing-over in which alleles are exchanged
15. Which of the following best describes how the process of crossing over during meiosis leads to an
increase in genetic diversity?
A. During prophase I, DNA replication takes place and homologous chromosomes trade
places with each other before lining up in preparation for metaphase.
B. During prophase I, DNA segments are exchanged between homologous chromosomes
resulting in different combinations of alleles.
C. During prophase II, fragments of DNA break off of chromosomes and attach to the ends of
other chromosomes, resulting in different gene sequences.
D. During prophase II, sister chromatids separate from each other, and as they travel to
opposite ends of the cell, DNA segments of nearby chromosomes are exchanged.