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English Poetic Terms Study online at quizlet.com/_e736g 1. Allegory a story that operates on two levels, with a direct correspondence between literal and the symbolic 2. alliteration the repetition of initial consonant sound in proximity 3. allusion a reference to history, mythology or another work of art the enriches the meaning of the poem 4. anaphora a repetition of words of phrases usually at the beginning of lines 5. Apostrophe a figure of speech in which someone absent or dead, or nonhuman is addressed as if it were alive and could reply 6. assonance/consanance the repetition of a vowel sound or consonant sound within words in proximity 7. Ballad a narrative poem usually written in four line stanzas of iambic tetrameter, with the second and fourth lines rythming 8. cacophony/Euhony hard, discordant sounds: pleasant, harmonious sounds 9. cliche a boring phrase made tedious by frequent repetition connotation/denotation Denotation if the dictionary of the word: Connotation includes all the implied meaning of the work 11. Couplet Two rhymed lines following each other 12. DIction the choice of words in a work of literature: the king of vocabulary used 13. elegy a poem of sorrow or grief, usually focused on the death of a single person 14. End-stopped line a line that ends with a natural pause, usually marked by punctuation 15. enjambment a line that is not end-stopped, in which both the sound and meaning "run-on" or continue into the next line, it is called enjambed 10. 16. Epic a long narrative poem, in formal style, about the exploits of superhuman heroes, usually involving the myths of a nation 17. Epigram a brief, witty saying that sums up an idea 18. Epigraph a quotation at the beginning of a literacy work (or chapter) hinting at what is to come 19. Exegesis explanation and interpretation of a text 20. figurative language a general term for words designed to suggest something in addition to or other than their literal meaing 21. Free verse poetry without a specific pattern of meter and rythme 22. Haiku A seventeen syllable poem, divided into lines of five, seven and five syllables: usually describes a natural scene as a way of implying feeling 23. Hymn a song-like poem with a serious purpose, using formal style and complicated stanza patterns 24. hyperbole deliberate exaggeration to achieve emphasis 25. imagery a description that appeals to any of all of the five senses 26. Imply to suggest or hint 27. Irony A statement that contradicts the actual attitude of the speaker, or a situation that contrasts what is expected or appropriate with what occurs 28. Metaphor A figure of speech that implies a comparison between two things that are essentially unlike 29. Meter A pattern of accented and unaccented syllables 30. Metonymy/Synecdoche the substitution of a word that relates to the thing or person for the name itself ( The white house had no comment) Synecdoche is using a part for the whole (The brain in the class always raises her hand) 31. Octave A stanza of eight lines: sometimes, the first eight lines in a sonnet 32. Onomatopoeia the use of words whose sound imitates or suggests their meaning Paradox/ oxymoron an apparently self-contradictory statement or situation with a meaning or truth behind: an oxymoron is a two word paradox 34. paraphrase rewriting a passage in one's own words 35. Persona The imagined character (never the poet) who speaks the poem (the speaker) 36. Personification a figure of speech in which human characteristics are given to an animal, object or a concept 37. Prose any writing that isn't poetry 38. PUn Two widely different meaning for the same word 39. quatrain a four line stanza 40. refrain a word, phrase, line, or group of lines, repeated at some fixed interval throughout the poem 41. rythme/rime perfectly matching sounds 42. scansion the process of marking accented and unaccented syllables, dividing lines into feet, identifying the metrical pattern, and nothing variations from the pattern 43. sestet a stanza of six lines: sometimes, the last six lines in a sonnet 44. SImile a figure of speech of that makes an explicit comparison between two essentially unlike things, using like, as, than, etc. 45. Slant rythme also called off-rhyme, near-rhythm, imperfect-rhythm, para-rhythm; a pattern of similar sounds that don't rhyme perfectly 46. Sonnet a fourteen line poem in iambic pentameter, usually with one of two specific rhythm schemes: usually contains a "turn of thought" 47. Stanza A unit of several lines of poetry 48. Stress/accent spoken emphasis on a syllable: a beat 49. Structure the pattern or organization of lines in a poem 50. Symbol a figure of speech in which something concrete (an object, color, person, action, situation? repres 51. Villanelle a poem of five three-lined stanzas followed by a quatrain: only two rhythms are used; the first and last line of the first stanza repeat alternately at the end of each stanza; both appear together in the quatrain. 33.