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General Biology Semester 1 “I can” Statements
Chapter 1:
❏ I can define biology.
❏ I can define biodiversity.
❏ I can locate where on Earth has more biodiversity.
❏ I can give an example of biodiversity.
❏ I can identify the 5 characteristics of life.
❏ I can use the 5 characteristics of life to determine if an object is alive.
❏ I can define homeostasis and give an example.
❏ I can list the two processes an organism uses to maintain homeostasis.
❏ I define an negative feedback system.
❏ I can explain how a negative feedback system works.
❏ I can identify the steps of scientific thinking.
❏ I can give an example of what a student would be doing at each step.
❏ I can define and give an example of an observation using senses.
❏ I can define and give an example of an observation as data.
❏ I can define and give an example of data.
❏ I can define and give an example of an experiment.
❏ I can define and give an example of hypothesis.
❏ I can define and give an example of a theory.
❏ I can define independent variable.
❏ I can identify the independent variable in an experiment.
❏ I can define dependent variable.
❏ I can identify the dependent variable in an experiment.
❏ I can define constants.
❏ I can identify the constants in an experiment.
❏ I can define control.
❏ I can identify the control of an experiment.
❏ I can define a species.
❏ I can define biotechnology.
❏ I can determine if ethical behavior was followed during an investigation.
❏ I can define Qualitative observation/data and give an example.
❏ I can define quantitative observation/data and give an example.
Chapter 2:
I can explain iodine turns black in the presence of..…
I can explain benedicts (when heated) will turn red in the presence of…
I can explain biuret turns purple/violet in the presence of …..
I can explain how lipids will look on a paper towel
I can explain why living things are carbon based. I can explain why carbon is unique
I can define monomer
I can define polymer
I can define macromolecule
I can list all four carbon based macromolecules
I can list the monomer for each of the four macromolecules
I can list the atoms in each of the four macromolecules
I can list the function(s) of each four macromolecules
I can list several examples of each of the four macromolecule
I can explain how carbohydrates are different from lipids
I can analyze the results of several different indicator tests to determine what macromolecule is
in ordinary foods
I can explain why enzymes are important to living things
Chapter 3:
I can list the 3 main principles of the cell theory
I can list the contributions of Hooke, Leewenhooke, and Virchow to the cell theory
I can define and give an example of a prokaryotic cell.
I can define and give an example of a eukaryotic cell.
I can list the similarities and differences between a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell
I can identify a prokaryotic cell from a diagram
I can identify a eukaryotic cell from a diagram.
I can identify and list the function of the cell membrane.
I can identify and list the function of the Phospholipid.
I can identify and list the function of the channel protein.
I can identify and list the function of the marker protein.
I can identify and list the function of the receptor protein.
I can label the polar head and nonpolar tail of a phospholipid.
I can explain why organ donors and recipients must be carefully matched.
I can match an organelle with its function.
I can identify an organelle from a diagram
I can identify a plant cell
I can identify an animal cell
I can list the similarities and differences between an animal and plant cell.
I can list the organelles unique to an animal cell
I can list the features found in plant cells.
I can list the organelles found in both animal and plant cells.
I can define active transport and give an example
I can define passive transport and give an example
I can define osmosis and give an example
I can define diffusion and give an example
I can define and identify an isotonic solution
I can define and identify an hypertonic solution
I can define and identify an hypotonic solution
I can predict what will happen if a cell is put into a hypotonic solution
I can predict what will happen if a cell is put into a hypertonic solution
I can predict what will happen if a cell is put into an isotonic solution
I can define concentration gradient
I can define facilitated diffusion
I can compare and contrast facilitated diffusion and diffusion
I can compare and contrast active and passive transport
I can define and give an example of endocytosis
I can define and give an example of exocytosis
I can define and give an example of phagocytosis
I can identify a diagram of facilitated diffusion
I can identify a diagram of osmosis
Chapter 4 (4.1, 4.2, 4.5, 4.6)
ATP--How do cells get energy from phosphates? What is the energy used for? Know the
reaction on how to make and break ATP.
Pigments are used in photosynthesis
Know the different stages and the molecules required/generated in each
Light Dependent and Independent Reactions
Where does it take place?
Why are plants green?
Know the Balanced equation
How does photosynthesis provide energy and matter for all living things?
Cellular respiration
Know the different stages and the molecules required/generated in each
Where does it take place?
Know the Balanced equation
How many ATPs are produced: glycolysis, Krebs (citric acid) cycle, electron transport
chain, fermentation
Be able to compare/contrast to photosynthesis
Chapter 5
Size limitations of cell (surface area to volume ratio)
Cell reproduction…why and how?
Cell Cycle – know the order IPMATC
Gap phases, Synthesis phase, mitosis
Mitosis details – do you know the major event of each phase
Cancerous cells
What causes a tumor? What happens to neighboring cells
What are environmental risk factors?
Risk Prevention of cancer
Ch 6
You will need to know the definition and be able to apply the definition to genetic problems.
Law of segregation
Law of independent assortment
Other terms to know:
Genetic recombination
Homologous chromosome
Sister chromotids
Crossing over
Know the difference between mitosis and meiosis
Know how to perform Punnett squares
Know the difference between the results of mutations in gametes vs. body cells
Know what nondisjunction is and what the effects are
Know what a karyotype is
General Biology Semester 2 “I can” Statements
Chapter 6: Meiosis and Genetic Traits
I can define haploid and diploid
I can give an example of a haploid and a diploid cell
I can define somatic cell and give examples
I can define a chromosome
I can explain sister chromatids and identify them
I can distinguish between an autosome and a sex chromosome
I can explain how gender is determined in humans
I can list the number of chromosomes in an human somatic cell
I can list the number of chromosomes in an human sex cell.
I can define gamete and give two examples.
I can list the number of chromosomes in a human gamete
I can define meiosis
I can explain the purpose of meiosis
I can identify the steps of meiosis
I can give a brief description of the events at each step of meiosis.
I can list the number of gametes produced during meiosis, both male and female
I can explain the term nondisjunction
I can explain how nondisjunction can lead to a genetic disorder
I can give an example of a common genetic disorder caused by nondisjunction
I can compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis
I can define crossing over
I can explain what happens to chromosomes during crossing over
I can identify a diagram sister chromatids, non-sister chromatids, and crossing over
I can define and explain genetic variation
I can explain the importance of genetic variation
I can list at least threes processes that lead to genetic variation
I can define karyotype
I can explain why scientists use a karyotype
I can make a karyotype
Chapter 10: Principles of Evolution
Know the Theory of Evolution and who proposed the theory.
Know the evidences to support the theory of evolution
-Comparative Structures: homologous and vestigial, analogous
-Embryonic Development
- Biochemical: DNA and Protein
-fossils (how do they form and know the various examples)
Natural selection. Know the differences between the various types and examples of each:
-directional selection
-stabilizing selection
-disruptive selection
-sexual selection
-artificial selection
Define adaptation, mimicry, and camoflauge
Explain the statement that “Populations evolve, not individuals.”
Ch 11: The Evolution of Populations
❏ Understand the concept of a gene pool
❏ Know genetic equilibrium, what can disrupt it, and how the following relate to gen. equil.
❏ -allelic frequency
❏ geographic isolation
❏ -genetic drift?
❏ Temporal isolation
❏ -reproductive isolation?
❏ Allele frequency
❏ Gene flow
❏ Normal distribution (graph)
❏ Genetic drift
❏ Directional selection (graph)
❏ Bottleneck effect
❏ Stabilizing selection (graph)
❏ Founder effect
❏ Disruptive selection (graph)
Ch. 13: Principles of Ecology
Define ecology and know the difference between a species, population, and community
-abiotic factors
-biotic factors
- community
Know how energy transfers through an ecosystem
-trophic level
-heterotroph/consumer and the different orders/ herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, detrivore
-decomposer, generalist, specialist
Compare a food chain and a food web and know what the arrows mean!
Know how to interpret a pyramid of energy, numbers, or biomass
Know how matter transfers through an ecosystem