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AWARD Reading Online—Grade 1: Green
Week 25
Shared Reading using Please Come to My Place
read a read to/with narrative text
Page 1
Word Slurper
Mighty Writer
Rhyming Words
recognize rhyming words
use adjectives
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Review Letter Combinations
recognize letter combinations
complete simple sentences
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Rhyming Words
identify oral rhymes
understand/use concept vocabulary
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Review Letter Combinations
recognize letter combinations/digraphs
identify plurals
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Read the text
read an informational text
use text access features to read
informational texts
use the parts of a book
Informational titles have interactive activities embedded in
Read the Text, Information, and Explore.
Supplemental text with simple captions and labels
linked to charts and other visuals is read to students.
Introduction to print and visual conventions and book
parts of content texts.
Identify -ing Endings
recognize word endings
recognize verbs
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Medial Vowel Sounds
recognize vowel sounds
identify imperatives
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Review Letter Combinations
recognize letter blends and digraphs
recognize/use pronouns
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Silent Letters
recognize content words
recognize/use nouns
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Read the text
read an informational text
use text access features to read
informational texts
use the parts of a book
Assessment benchmark text Where Is the Cabbage?
Week 26
Listen to rhyming words and watch animation of
the orca. Help Lettergetter get to the ice cream by
matching the rhyming words to fix the broken word
Listen to the words (green, shave, glare, friend,
brother). Children match onsets to rimes to complete
words. e.g. sh- shave; gr- green; gl- glare; fr- friend;
br- brother
Week 27
Watch the animation of the orca and match the
rhyming words. (sox–fox, snoring–boring, light–bite,
floor–more, dirt–shirt) Read the pairs of rhyming words.
Listen to the words (spinach, chocolate, broccoli,
what, strawberries). Read the words. Children match
onsets to rimes to completev words.
Week 28
The main text consists of multiple lines of text for
ease of early fluency level readers. It is read to
Week 29
Children match the correct ending to make the words
they hear. run – ning/puff – ing/gasp – ing/cough –
ing/get – ting Read the words.
Listen to the vowel sound the penguin says and
find the word that has the same sound. e.g. /e/ –
bed; /a/ – back. Read the words.
Week 30
Help the penguin get to the ice cream by matching
the correct letter combination. Listen to the sound and
find the word that begins with the same sound. (/tr/
trick, /sh/ shark, /gr/ grandpa, /fl/ flat, /th/ they)
Recognize content words with silent letters. (sigh,
guess, knot, knee, know) Listen to the word, then click
on the correct one. Read the words.
Week 31
The main text consists of multiple lines of text for ease
of early fluency level readers. It is read to students.
Informational titles have interactive activities embedded in
Read the Text, Information, and Explore.
Watch the explanation about adjectives. Select the
missing adjective for phrases from a choice of three.
Click on the describing word in the text.
Listen to an explanation about pronouns. Complete
sentences with missing pronouns. Read the
Watch the explanation of prepositions. Choose the
missing preposition for each of the phrases.
Watch the explanation about plurals. Identify the letter
that makes some words plurals (s). Identify plurals in
sentences. Read the sentences.
Watch the explanation of verbs. Answer questions from
the story by clicking on the correct verb. Click on the
verb that tells you. Find three verbs on the screen.
Watch the explanation of imperatives. Identify
imperatives in sentences. Identify imperatives as they
are spoken.
Watch the explanation of pronouns. Find the pronoun
to complete sentences. Use pictures to see who is
speaking. Select the pronouns. Read the sentences.
Click on three pronouns to complete a sentence.
Watch the explanation to extend knowledge about
nouns. Identify the correct nouns to complete sentences
in the text. Read the sentences.
Supplemental text with simple captions and labels
linked to charts and other visuals is read to students.
Introduction to print and visual conventions and book
parts of content texts.
AWARD Publishing Ltd. PMB 153, 331 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019-3101
Telephone: 1-800-831-1688
Students select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Students select a sentence they hear and complete
sentences with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Students select a sentence they hear and complete
sentences with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Students select a sentence they hear and complete
sentences with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Exploring text-access features such as the Table of
Contents, Glossary, and Index
Students select a sentence they hear and complete
sentences with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Students select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Students select a sentence they hear and complete
sentences with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Students select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Exploring text-access features such as the Table of Contents,
Glossary, and Index
© Wendy Pye Publishing Ltd 2011
AWARD Reading Online—Grade 1: Green
Page 2
Word Slurper
Mighty Writer
Week 32
Vowel Sounds
recognize short vowel sounds
recognize/use adjectives
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Word Endings
recognize word endings
identify plurals
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Letter Combinations
recognize letter combinations
Compound Words
recognize compound words
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Vowel Sounds
identify vowel sounds
identify punctuation marks
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Read the text
read an informational text
use text access features to read
informational texts
use the parts of a book
Word Endings
recognize word endings
identify contractions
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Rhyming Words
identify oral rhymes
recognize and use verbs
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Letter Combinations
identify letter combinations
understand/use concept vocabulary
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Initial Consonants
recognize initial consonants
Compound Words
identify compound word parts
Sentences and Punctuation
complete sentences
Watch the animation of the orca. Listen to the short
vowel sound the penguin says and find the word that
has the same sound. (/a/ –have, /e/ –fence, /i/ –slid,
/o/ –rocks, /u/ –lunch) Say the words.
Listen to the words (exciting, toys, helped, baby,
under). Select the ending to match the word
they hear. e.g. exciting -ing Read the words.
Week 33
Listen to words and watch the animation. Listen to the
initial sound the penguin says and find the word that
begins with the same sound (/sp/ spelling, /gr/ great,
/st/ stood, /fr/ from, /sh/ shelf, /sm/ small). Read the
Listen to the words (went, cup, give, Dad, Jock).
Students identify the short vowel sounds by clicking
on the words that have the same sound. e.g. /e/ went;
/u/ cup Read the words.
Week 34
The main text consists of multiple lines of text
for ease of early fluency level readers. It is read
to students.
Informational titles have interactive activities
embedded in Read the Text, Information, and Explore.
Watch the explanation of adjectives. Answer questions
by clicking on adjectives in sentences. Click on three
describing words in the text. Read the sentences.
Watch the explanation about plurals. Identify the
letter that makes words plural. (s) Identify plurals in
sentences from the story. Read the sentences.
Watch the explanation of compound words, then click
on pairs of words to make compound words.
e.g. skate, store, school, board, bag, cup, book
(skateboard, schoolbag, bookstore, cupboard)
Watch the explanation about punctuation marks.
Select punctuation marks to complete the sentences.
Supplemental text with simple captions and labels
linked to charts and other visuals is read to students.
Introduction to print and visual conventions and book
parts of content texts.
Children select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Children select a sentence they hear and complete
sentences with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Children select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Children select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words.
Exploring text-access features such as the Table of Contents,
Glossary, and Index
Assessment benchmark text What’s Happened to Arrow?
Week 35
Children listen to words with different endings,
(growing, called, summer, boys, strawberry) then
watch the animation. Select the correct ending for the
words heard. e.g. growing -ing Read the words.
Listen to pairs of rhyming words. (cake/bake; fit/hit;
pack/back; car/far; bag/rag) The orca eats one of
each pair. Locate the word that rhymes to complete
the pair. Read the pairs of rhyming words.
Week 36
Listen to words and watch the animation. Match the
correct letter combinations to the words spoken.
(/sp/ pots, /br/ broken, /pl/ play, /fl/ flat, /qu/ quick, /
ch/ chocolate)
Read the words.
Listen to the words (pizza, tongue, cook, name, wish).
Replace the missing initial sounds.
Listen to the sound, then click on the matching word.
e.g. /p/ pizza
Read the words.
Watch the explanation of contractions and click on the
words that make the contractions. Click on contractions
in the story. (they’re, I’ll, we’re, I’d)
Watch the explanation about verbs. Identify verbs to
complete sentences from the story. Find three verbs in
the text. Read the sentences.
Watch the explanation of prepositions and choose the
missing preposition from the story. Read the answers.
Watch the explanation about compound words. Identify
words that make up compound words.
e.g. someone/playground/anything/something/anyone
AWARD Publishing Ltd. PMB 153, 331 West 57th St., New York, NY 10019-3101
Telephone: 1-800-831-1688
Children select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Children select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Children select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
Children select a sentence they hear and complete sentences
with punctuation and words. Read the sentences.
© Wendy Pye Publishing Ltd 2011