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AC 2.1.6 Using Algebra Tiles to Compare Expressions
Algebra 1 - Part 1
2.1.6 Using Algebra Tiles to
Compare Expressions
Today's Objectives:
• Students will practice simplifying algebraic expressions using algebra tiles.
• Students will use expression comparison mats to determine which of two expressions is greater.
An organizing tool used to visually represent an expression with algebra tiles.
AC 2.1.6 Using Algebra Tiles to Compare Expressions
An algebraic expression that is a number, a variable, or a product of numbers and variables.
Terms are alike when they represent the same size algebra tile OR when the variables and the exponents match.
AC 2.1.6 Using Algebra Tiles to Compare Expressions
Learning Log
2­51 57 Legal Moves for Simplifying and Comparing Expressions Sept 16th
AC 2.1.6 Using Algebra Tiles to Compare Expressions
Infinite Cloners
Removed Zeros
Flipped Tiles from the negative part of the mat to the positive part.
Balanced both sides by removing an x tile and a unit tile.
You can't tell which side is greater without knowing what x is worth.
AC 2.1.6 Using Algebra Tiles to Compare Expressions
p. 61 #2­59 to 2­63
Work on Learning Logs... they will be turned in for grading on Friday!