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Student Expectations – Composition and Classification of Matter
Big Ideas / Question(s):
1. What are the fundamental building blocks of all matter?
2. What models can be used to describe those fundamental building blocks of matter?
Overview: This unit will introduce the concepts of atomic structure as the foundation for understanding
of matter. We also will incorporate some review of the differences between the terms element,
compound and mixture. We will be using models to help us understand the composition of matter.
Specifically we will study models of atoms. Of the models we will discuss, we will spend the most time
with the Bohr model of the atom. The Bohr model of the atom is not the most updated version of the
atom model, but it is most useful for a high school chemistry course. In later units, we will use the Bohr
model of the atom to discuss how atoms chemically react, become charged, how the electromagnetic
emission from and absorption to atoms can be used to identify the type of atoms in a substance, etc..
As a subtext we will be discussing how any model has strengths and weaknesses.
 Course Notes – Atomic Structure
 Section 1.2 Matter (Pages 11 - 14) – Element, Compound, Mixture (Information on Physical Change,
Chemical Change, and States of Matter will be covered in later Student Expectations)
 Section 3.1 and 3.2 Atom Model – Democritus through Rutherford
 Section 4.1 discusses the relationship between frequency and energy, electron energy levels,
spectrometers and line spectra
 History of Atom Model PowerPoint Available on Mr. Cole’s Website
Know These Vocabulary Terms:
___ Element
___ Electron
___ Compound
___ Electromagnetic Force
___ Mixture
___ Neutron
___ Atom
___ Proton
___ Nucleus
___ Strong Force
___ Quark
___ Atomic Number
___ Atomic Mass
___ Orbital / Electron Energy Level
___ WS – Element, Compound, Mixture
___ Activity – Modeling Elements, Compounds and Mixtures
___ Formative Quiz – Element Compound and Mixture (Optional)
___ WS – Discussing Atomic Structure Using a Bohr Model
___ WS – Atom Model Timeline
___ Formative Quiz – Understanding the Bohr Model of Atom and Basic History Atomic Model (Optional)
___ WS – Bohr/Chadwick Model of Atoms for Elements #1-20
___ Practice Test - Matter, Atomic Structure
___ Summative Test – Matter, Atomic Structure
1. P4.p2 Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________ I can describe
Elements as a class of substances composed of a single kind of atom, Compounds as two or
more different elements chemically combined, and Mixtures as two or more different
elements and/or compounds physically combined.
2. P4.p2 Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________ I recognize that
each element and compound has physical and chemical properties, such as boiling point, density,
color, and conductivity, which are independent of the amount of the sample, but do relate to the
elements subatomic structure.
3. Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________
I know and can draw
the basic Atomic Structure of a Bohr/Chadwick Atom with all the protons, electrons and
neutrons being shown in the atom.
4. C4.8A Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________
I can
describe the subatomic particles of an atom including relative mass, position within the
atom, charge and interaction with other subatomic particles.
5. C4.8B Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________
I can describe
the atom as mostly empty space with an extremely small, dense nucleus consisting of the
protons and neutrons and an electron cloud surrounding the nucleus.
6. C4.8C Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________
I can
describe the basic influence that electromagnetic and strong forces have on the structure
and stability of the atom.
7. C4.8C Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________
that protons repel each other and that a strong force needs to be present to keep the
nucleus intact. The strong force is only evident at nuclear distances (distances as small as
the nucleus of an atom) and holds the particles of the nucleus together against the
electrical repulsion between the protons.
8. C4.8i Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________ I know and can
explain that the electron location cannot be exactly determined at any given time and how the
electron cloud model of the atom demonstrates this uncertainty.
9. Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________ I can recite a basic
history of the atom model and be able to logically order the developments of the atom model.
C2.4x Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________
I can relate
that for each element, the arrangement of electrons surrounding the nucleus is unique.
C4.10C Introduced: _______ Basic: _________ Mastered: _________
Recognize that an element always contains the same number of protons.