Download parts of a workout - Trenton Public Schools

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Warm up (5-8 minutes)
Prepares body for exercise
Elevates body temperature
Increases heart and breathing rate
Should involve large muscle groups that will be used during activity
Pre-workout stretch (3-5 minutes)
Decreases chance of muscle, tendon or ligament injury
Only after a general warm up. Do not stretch a “cold” muscle
Prepares body for the workout
Dynamic stretches using controlled leg and arm movements
Cardio Endurance Workout (20 – 60 minutes)
Continuous cardio respiratory activities at 50% - 85% of maximum heart rate
Challenge cardio-respiratory system and improve endurance
Strength Work
Opinions vary on performing before or after cardio workout
Improves muscular strength, endurance and definition
If no cardio session is included before strength session precede it with warm
up and stretch
Cool Down (3-5 minutes)
Slow, non strenuous movement
Decrease heart and breathing rates
Decrease body temperature
Reduce the potential for delayed onset of muscle soreness
Reduces the chances of dizziness or fainting caused by pooling of blood at the
Essential part of any post-exercise routine
Aids in your physical recovery
Post workout stretch (3-8 minutes)
Greatest gains in flexibility
Improves range of motion
Stretch all muscles used in workout
Stretch to tension not pain
30 – 60 second static stretch
Recovery Time
The amount of time the heart rate takes to return to pre-exercise heart rate
The more fit you are the quicker your heart rate will recover.