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Scavenger Hunt Riddles
Think Global. Eat Local.
Frozen Foods
Riddle #1: I’m a bow that never gets tied. I come
out when you are often stuck inside. Once you
decide what I am, find a matching fruit or vegetable
for each of my bands.
Riddle #1: Grains, vegetables, proteins, dairy and
fruits – this is how MyPlate organizes foods into
groups. Think you are clever enough to learn these
and teach? Then go find a frozen example of each.
Riddle #2: Some fruit and vegetables come from
here, and some come from afar. Can you find 3 of
each you could grow in your backyard? Great, now
go opposite from what you could grow yourself.
Find 3 more fruits or vegetables that have to come
from someplace else.
Bonus Challenge: Find one frozen product that you
think contains ALL of the 5 food groups.
Bonus Challenge: Eating fruits and vegetables
can be done many ways. Get your team’s brains
together and think of 3 ways you could eat fruit
and vegetables by including them in other recipes
or consuming them other than in their original
raw form.
Dairy and Alternatives
Riddle #1: Milk comes from cows, or so you say.
But can you find milk in 3 different ways?
Riddle #2: Calcium and protein are my key. What
sets me apart, you cannot see. Deep, deep inside,
I am alive, with microscopic bacteria that help
you survive. I’m known for being smooth, not too
rough. Now find 3 kinds of me, to show you know
your stuff.
Riddle #3: I’m not really dairy, but that’s okay.
You’ll most often find me here anyway. I’m strong
with protein and often eaten when you awake,
but dropping me on the floor would be a drastic
mistake. Too easy of a game? Fine. I’ll put up a fight.
What causes me to be either brown or white?
Bonus Challenge: Since you need about 3 cups of
dairy or dairy alternatives per day, find 3 different
ways you can get your dairy. Then identify the
source of the product. Is it from a plant, animal,
or both?
Meat and Alternatives
Riddle #1: When it comes to meat, lean is key.
It means the product contains less fat, you see.
Find 3 different lean meats from sea or land, and
then rank them by leanness if you can.
Riddle #2: Meat from animals may not be a choice
for some. Can you find 3 meat alternatives where
protein could also come from?
experiences that inspire
Riddle #1: Whole wheat most often comes to mind.
But wheat isn’t the only whole grain you can find.
Find 3 different whole grains besides whole wheat,
and you’ll show that your grain knowledge can’t
be beat.
Riddle #2: When it comes to grains, there are
generally two kinds: Those that are whole, and
those that are refined. Refined means the grain has
been broken-up or split, now go find 3 more grain
products that you think this description would fit.
Bonus Challenge: Explain why you think eating
whole grains instead of refined grains is better for
your body.
Household Products
Riddle #1: We often think that chemicals are
required to make things like shampoo. But there
are a host of natural things that prove that’s not
true. Find 3 things you’ve likely used since birth, but
whose ingredients are much more friendly to planet
Bonus Challenge: Name one thing you think your
group could do differently at school or at home to
better help the environment.
Riddle #1: Bakery items are often a favorite to eat,
but what makes up these items is really the key.
Take a look around at all that you see, now name as
many ingredients that you think bakery items may
Riddle #2: The bakery contains a lot of “sometimes”
foods that we eat when we celebrate. Now list
3 foods that you think should not always be on
our plates.
Answer Sheet
Think Global. Eat Local.
Team Name:______________
Riddle #1: Rainbow; possible answer: apple, orange, banana, spinach, blueberry, eggplant
Riddle #2: Possible answer: (local) carrot, apple, corn; (nonlocal) pineapple, banana, avocado
Bonus Challenge: Possible answer: cooking the vegetables in a stir-fry, making fruit smoothies, grilling
vegetable kabobs, mixing fruit with yogurt
Dairy and Alternatives
Riddle #1: Possible answer: soy, cheese, yogurt, milk
Riddle #2: Possible answer: greek yogurt, regular yogurt, non-fat yogurt
Riddle #3: Eggs; brown eggs come from brown chickens, white eggs come from white chickens
Bonus Challenge: Possible answer: yogurt, milk, cheese (both), soy (plant)
Meat and Alternatives
Riddle #1: Possible answer: fish, chicken, turkey, hamburger, steak
Riddle #2: Possible answer: nuts, beans, eggs, seeds, peas, and soy products
Frozen Foods
Riddle #1: Possible answer: frozen waffles, peas, berries, fish, ice cream
Bonus Challenge: Possible answer: frozen stir fry, prepackaged meals
Riddle #1: Possible answer: popcorn, brown rice, quinoa, rolled oats
Riddle #2: Possible answer: white rice, white bread, pretzels, items that aren’t labeled “whole”
Bonus Challenge: Whole grains have more nutrition and help fight diseases.
Household Products
Riddle #1: Possible answer: all-natural cleaners, lotions, lip balm
Bonus Challenge: Possible answer: recycle, use less energy and water, use natural products
Riddle #1: Possible answer: sugar, flour, eggs, chocolate, oil, salt, butter, vanilla, baking powder, yeast
Riddle #2: Possible answer: donuts, cakes, cupcakes, cookies
experiences that inspire