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Last Updated Nicola Brazier | March 2010
Performance Direct Fed Microbials (DFM’S) consists of 5 bacteria, 1 yeast and 3 enzymes, all of
which perform specific roles within the digestive tract of the cow. Some of these act within the rumen,
others act further down the digestive tract. To fully understand the actions of the individual components
of DFM, we first need to understand the groups to which they belong. We need also accept that rarely
do microorganisms act alone, but they often work together, providing each other with essential nutrients
or enzymes and thus provide a multi layered benefit to the rumen and intestinal environment and
to the host animal.
Bacteria are one of the most important groups in microbiology due to their vast numbers, their general ecological importance and their
practical importance to humans and animals. Much of our understanding within science comes from research of bacteria. All bacteria
are ‘procaryotic’ in that they have a very simple cell structure, however bacteria can vary tremendously in shape and size. The main
shapes are cocci (spheres), either in single, chains or clusters, or rods (often called bacillus), again single or in chains, and with varying
shapes at the end of the rod.
Bacteria can be divided into two groups based on their response to the ‘Gram stain procedure’, whereby cells are stained with crystal
violet dye, enhanced with iodine and then washed with ethanol or acetone. Gram Positive bacteria retain the crystal violet colour, while
Gram Negative bacteria become colourless. The difference between the two comes about from the structure of their cell walls, with the
cell wall of gram negative bacteria being much more complex.
Bacteria have a variety of structures outside their cell walls, which are important in protection, attachment or movement. Capsules
(well organised and stable), slime (easily washed away) and S Layers (floor-tile like stable structure) can offer protection, while capsules
may also aid in attachment. Pili and fimbriae are short, fine, hair like structures, which often help attachment. Flagella are slender, rigid
structures that extend from bacteria and are the way that motile bacteria move. They do not swim aimlessly, but have chemical receptors
by which they are attracted to nutrients and repelled by harmful substances and waste products.
Bacteria require carbohydrates (starch, sugar, fibre) to meet energy requirements, and in turn produce volatile fatty acids, which provide
a large percentage of the host animals metabolisable energy. Additionally, they require amino acids for protein, and the bacteria
themselves become protein for the host animal. Minerals and vitamins are also required for microbial growth, with certain vitamins
also being produced by the bacteria.
Fungi / Yeast
The term fungus is used by biologists to describe eukaryotic (much more complicated cell structure that prokaryotes), spore-bearing
organisms with absorptive nutrition and no chlorophyll. Fungi degrade complex compounds into simple organic compounds and
inorganic molecules. In this way carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus and other molecules are released and made available. Like bacteria
they can vary tremendously in size and shape, from tiny, single celled, microscopic yeasts through to moulds and mushrooms.
Yeast is a unicellular fungus, usually larger than bacteria, and spherical or egg shaped.
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Enzymes are protein molecules that catalyse specific chemical reactions. They are specific to their substrates similar to a key being
specific for a lock. Within the rumen, enzymes are most often released by bacteria, protozoa and yeast as part of their mode of operation.
Direct Fed Microbials
The original concept of introducing micro-organisms to animals involved feeding beneficial microbes to ill animals or when they were
under stress. The term ‘Probiotic’ was employed, meaning ‘product for life’, but due to the implication of providing a ‘cure’ US regulations
have brought about the term DFM. The use of DFM in dairy diets is much more common in the USA than it is in Australia, however their
use here continues to grow. Performance DFM consists of the following micro-organisms:
Lactobacillus acidophilus
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Bifidobacterium thermophilum
Bifidobacterium longum
Streptococcus faecium
Bacillus subtilis
Lactobacillus acidophilus
L. acidophilus are short rod shaped, anaerobic, gram positive bacteria which obtain their energy from
converting glucose to lactic acid during fermentation. Within the rumen, this increases the lactate
available for further conversion to propionate and acetate, thereby increasing the metabolisable energy
available to the cow. In the small intestine the production of lactic acid reduces the pH to levels that
may inhibit the growth of pathogenic microbes. L. acidophilus also operates through ‘competitive
exclusion’, whereby the beneficial bacteria colonise the lining of the intestinal wall, decreasing the area
available for attachment by pathogenic microbes. Additionally, L. acidophilus produces a bateriocin
(proteins which act against other bacteria) called lactacin B, as well as organic acids, hydrogen peroxide and
diacetyl, which all inhibit the growth of competing microbes. Reports indicate that the bacteria inhibited by
L. acidophilus include E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria, Salmonella typhimurium and Pseudomonas.
Bifidobacterium thermophilum and Bifidobacterium longum
Both of these bifidobacteria are branched rod shaped, anaerobic, gram positive bacteria, which like L. acidophilus,
obtain their energy from glucose. In addition to lactic acid, bifidobacteria also produce acetic acid from glucose
metabolism. The benefits of lactate and acetate production are as discussed for L. acidophilus. Bifidobacteria are
able to use a much larger variety of molecules as energy sources, and are reported to be able to use so-called nondigestible plant polymers. Bifidobacteria are also beneficial through competitive exclusion, and are reported to
have a strong stimulatory effect on the immune system. In fact, it is reported that bifidobacteria are present in
much greater numbers in faeces of infants fed human breast milk rather than baby formula, and this may
contribute towards the lower incidence of diarrhoea and allergies in breast fed babies versus formula fed babies.
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Streptococcus faecium
(re-categorised in 1984 and called Enterococcus faecium)
E. faecium is a spherical, gram positive bacteria that most often occurs in pairs or
chains. It is a facultative anaerobe, meaning it will use oxygen for respiration if
present, but in the absence of oxygen will obtain its energy through fermentation
of sugars. E. faecium is considered a nasty, super bug, with the ability to survive
the harshest of environments, develop resistance to drugs and antibiotics and
reproduce prolifically. It’s inclusion as a probiotic comes about through its ability
to out compete pathogenic bacteria through the production of bacteriocins,
superoxide, and hydrogen peroxide.
Bacillus subtilis
B. subtilis are rod shaped, gram positive bacteria, which occur in singles or in chains.
They were considered strictly aerobic (requiring oxygen and not fermentation),
however this was disproved and they are known to be facultative anaerobes (discussed
above). It receives its energy via fermentation of carbohydrates, as do the other
bacteria, but also through nitrate ammonification. B. subtilis contains ‘nitrate reductase’
in two forms, which are enzymes responsible for the reduction of nitrate to nitrite
and ammonia. This is an essential process when feeds are high in soluble protein
as pastures are, and can help in the prevention of bloat. B. subtilis also produces a
number of other enzymes which may make it beneficial throughout the digestive tract,
including amylase, protease and lipase to name just a few.
B. subtilis is also reported to stimulate broad spectrum immunity.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
S. cerevisiae is a globular shaped, yellow-green yeast, which has a very fast growth rate
and can live in aerobic and anaerobic environments. Within the rumen, in the absence
of oxygen, S. cerevisiae obtains its energy through the conversion of sugars to ethanol.
It is an excellent source of B vitamins, minerals and protein. In addition to its wide use
in food science (beer and wine fermentation, bread baking etc) S. cerevisiae prevents
the accumulation of excess lactic acid within the rumen through stimulating the
lactic acid utilising bacteria, probably by supplying amino acids and vitamins. It also
competes with Streptococcus bovis (major lactate producer responsible for acidosis)
for nutrients such as glucose, thereby reducing their numbers. In addition to the role
yeast plays in reducing the risk of ruminal acidosis, S. cerevisiae scavenges oxygen in
the rumen, making a more optimal rumen environment for anaerobic bacteria. The
major group to benefit are the cellulolytic bacteria, or fibre fermenters.
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Starch is made up from glucose molecules linked together by alpha-1,4 and alpha-1,6 bonds. These bonds are strong hydrogen
bonds, which necessitate the cracking of grain, or, in extreme cases, heat treatment such as steam flaking, when fed to ruminants. (e.g.
sorghum requires steam flaking in order to make starch available for rumen fermentation.) Alpha-amylase is the enzyme required for the
hydrolysis of starch, in that it breaks the alpha bonds of starch releasing glucose (breaks down starch into sugar). It is naturally produced
in saliva and by the pancreas as one of the digestive juices in non-ruminants. In ruminants it is also produced by rumen microbes.
Supplemental alpha-amylase has been shown to be beneficial, increasing yields of milk, fat and protein.
Hemicellulase is a mixture of enzymes which can break down the indigestible components of hemicelluloses within the cell wall of
plants. These enzymes are classified with the Cellulase enzymes, with cellulose being another fibre fraction of the cell wall of plants.
Cellulose is long chains of glucose molecules (7,000 – 15,000 glucose molecules) while hemicellulose is made up of fewer glucose
molecules, branched (500 – 3,000 glucose molecules). The actions of hemicellulase are similar to those described below for betaglucanase (one of the cellulase enzymes).
The following figure shows cellulose and hemicelluloses within the structure of a plant cell.
Similar to alpha bonds in starch, the glucose molecules of fibre carbohydrates are joined by beta bonds. Beta-glucanase is responsible
for the hydrolysis of beta bonds within the cell wall of plants. It is naturally produced by fungi, bacteria and protozoa within the rumen,
and its absence in non-ruminants is one of the reasons they cannot digest plant fibre. In addition to improving fibre digestion, betaglucanase helps bind certain toxins for removal from the gut and reduces the slime production and viscosity of rumen contents, and can
thus play an important role in reducing the risk of bloat from legume and high nitrate pastures.
The individual mode of action of each of the bacteria, the yeast and the enzymes has been well researched over the years. Each specific
product has been selected and included due to the science supporting its action, and the benefits seen. Their true power, however,
comes from their interactions. Improved starch and fibre digestion are proven benefits, as well as the reduction in pathogenic bacteria.
Additionally, the immune system is improved and the incidence of metabolic disorders, including acidosis and bloat, are reduced.
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Dr. Steve Blezinger (Cattle Today website) provides the following summary of the proposed mechamisms of how DFMs work.
Competition with undesirables for space and/or nutrients
Production and/or stimulation of enzymes
Breakdown and/or detoxification of undesirable compounds
Production of nutrients such as amino acids and vitamins, which stimulate
growth and reproduction of other micro-organisms
Stimulation of the immune system
E. faecium
S. cerevisiae
Production of antibacterial compounds
B. subtilis
L. acidophilis
Added are the individual microbes presented in Performance DFM:
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