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Text Notes Guide Questions
Modern Biology Text
Chapter 9 Chromosomes, Mitosis, and Meiosis
For pages 129 to 130
– what is cell division for?
– what is the difference in the division for unicellular and multicellular organisms?
– what is chromatin composed of and how does it exits?
– what makes a chromosome visible? Also, what is a Histones?
– Copy the diagram of a chromosome from your teacher. (Should be on the board, if not, ask her
to put it up.)
– on the chromosome label the centromere and chromatids
– what is the function of the centromere
– do each species of life have the same number of chromosomes?
– define homologous chromosomes, then explain in your own words what this term means.
– draw a picture of 2 different homologous chromosomes
– define diploid and what is its mathematical notation?
– define haploid and what is its mathematical notation?
– you have two types of cells in your body, somatic cells and sex cells, look up these terms to
find what they mean.
– for the somatic cells and sex cells which are haploid and which are diploid?
– If an organism has a diploid number of 246, what is its haploid number, show your work.
– if an organism haploid number is 86, what is its diploid number?
Chromosomes, Mitosis and Meiosis
Text Notes Guide Questions
Chapter 9
Modern Biology Text
Section 2.0 Mitosis pages 131 to 135
– define mitosis
– define somatic cells.
– What triggers the process of Mitosis?
– define cell cycle.
– What are the 3 main phases of the cell cycle?
– define interphase.
– define mitosis again.
– define cytokinesis.
– List and describe the 3 phases of Interphase
– which part of the cell cycle is the largest?
– do all cells continuous go through the cell cycle? Explain your answer.
– What does mitosis produces?
Teacher will go over the stages of Mitosis, but you should have vocab in your notes.
– list the stages of mitosis in the order they occur.
– define centrioles, polar fibers, kinetochore fibers, and asters.
– Define cytokinesis again.
– explain the process in a plant cell and an animal cell.