* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
LICEO SCIENTIFICO G.FRACASTORO PROGETTO E –CLIL PER L’INSEGNAMENTO DI UNA DISCIPLINA NON LINGUISTICA IN LINGUA STRANIERA INHERITANCE IN ACTION Mendel’s work M. ERICA BONFANTE Anno Scolastico 2015/2016 INDICE: PREMESSA: PAG UNITA’ DIDATTICA 1: Mendel’ s work - SCHEMA ARTICOLAZIONE UD - TEACHER BOOK - STUDENT BOOK PAG 4 PAG 8 PAG 30 VALUTAZIONE - PREMESSA - Verifica UD 1 - GRIGLIE DI VALUTAZIONE - QUESTIONARIO DI GRADIMENTO STUDENTI BIBLIOGRAFIA ALLEGATI UD 1: ppt Lesson 1 Utilities - Mendel and peas in the garden - Probability and genetics 2 3 PAG 51 PAG 52 PAG 55 PAG 58 PREMESSA Nella progettazione del percorso, il livello dei contenuti proposti è stato adattato a quello delle competenze disciplinari medie della classe quindi si è optato per un percorso di base affrontato con gradualità nella proposta degli input. Ampio spazio è stato dato all’uso delle immagini e delle animazioni interattive come veicolo dei contenuti. Per ricorsività si è previsto di riagganciare i contenuti di ogni lezione a quelli precedentemente acquisiti (con attività utili sia per la rimotivazione e il warm up sia per il controllo), di riciclarli in attività diverse, sfruttando le conoscenze pregresse e il lavoro per casa come trait d’union. La metodologia ha visto privilegiata la modalità di lavoro in coppie e piccoli gruppi. 3 SCHEMA UNITA’ DIDATTICA Titolo unità didattica: INHERITANCE IN ACTION - Mendel's work Classe 3C Liceo Linguistico Ore previste per questa unità didattica: 6 ( effettive 8 ) Materiali Testi in lingua reperiti su Web, modificati e adattati Immagini da risorse web, in taluni casi riadattate Script di video in lingua e ppt prodotti dai docenti Animazioni, e video didattici da risorse web Scaffolding materials prodotti dai docenti Manuali scolastici in lingua originale inglese Alcuni siti di riferimento Bibliografia Biology concepts and connections , Campbell et al- PEARSON ed di Biology today and Tomorrow , C. Starr - Brooks/Cole riferimento Biology, the living science, Prentice Hall - Miller levine Prerequisiti disciplinari Scienze: - Conoscere e padroneggiare in L1 la terminologia specifica e i contenuti relativi alle Unità su riproduzione cellulare (in particolare il comportamento dei cromosomi nella meiosi ) e ciclo vitale umano (gametogenesi e fecondazione), determinazione del sesso e anomalie cromosomiche nell’uomo. Prerequisiti linguistici - Inglese: abilità di comprensione orale e scritta e produzione orale e scritta di livello B1 del QCRE Obiettivi da raggiungere - rispetto al contenuto disciplinare: Sapere ü Conoscere e comprendere l’importanza del lavoro di Mendel ü Conoscere il percorso sperimentale effettuato da Mendel per enunciare i suoi principi ü Enunciare e spiegare i principi mendeliani della trasmissione dei caratteri (legge della dominanza, della segregazione e dell’assortimento indipendente). ü Conoscere le regole più semplici della probabilità applicate alla genetica mendeliana Saper fare: ü Distinguere tra linee pure, ibridi, generazioni parentali, F1 ed F2 ü Definire un incrocio monoibrido e diibrido ü Definire e distinguere allele dominante e recessivo, condizione eterozigote ed omozigote. ü Distinguere tra genotipo e fenotipo ü Saper costruire quadrati di Punnet per prevedere fenotipi e genotipi negli incroci tra linee pure e ibridi per un carattere 4 ü Applicare semplici regole e concetti della probabilità alla previsione dei risultati di incroci monoibridi - rispetto al contenuto linguistico: Sapere: ü Acquisire il lessico specifico della genetica classica saper fare: ü Potenziare le abilità di comprensione in LS tanto orale che scritta ü Utilizzare le strutture linguistiche già note riciclandole in contesti autentici ü Utilizzare la terminologia inglese specifica adeguata al contesto ü Saper descrivere immagini e schemi relativi ai contenuti trattati ü Saper interagire oralmente in gruppo e in plenaria ü potenziare abilità trasversali in LS quali prendere appunti da testi orali e scritti. - rispetto alle abilità di studio coinvolte: ü Suddividere un testo in paragrafi e titolare ü Saper individuare le parole chiave in un testo ü Analizzare e comprendere le figure integrando le informazioni con quelle fornite nel testo scritto (doppia codifica) ü Inferire, dedurre e fare previsioni in base a rappresentazioni grafiche e iconiche ü Prendere appunti da testi orali e scritti ü Collaborare efficacemente in coppia/ gruppo per il raggiungimento di un obiettivo comune Articolazione della UD: Si riporta la successione delle lezioni con le relative attività specificate secondo la fase di appartenenza. LESSON 1 MOTIVATION PHASE N. Activity Description Activity 1 Warm up: The game of resemblance Teacher introduces the activity, hands out to the students one copy of the images and captions in random order and a copy of the chart ”Basic glossary to talk about genetics”. Have the students match the images with the correct caption… Activity 2 Brainstorming: What is genetic? What is not genetic? Have students to discuss in pair about inheritable and not inheritable characters referring to the photos and using the scaffolding material.. Teacher stimulates students to reach a consensus. GLOBAL PHASE Activity 3 work in pair Have students skim the text, divide it into paragraphs and match the most suitable heading from the list to each one Activity 4 work in pair Students are asked to number the figures and insert them correctly along the text using the space on the right side Activity 5 work in pair (15 min) Students are asked to find out the key words, to highlight them (they can use the glossary they used in the previous activity). Then teacher checks the results and discuss with the whole class. (Some key words are missing: the teacher stimulates students to complete the glossary). 5 LESSON 2 MOTIVATION PHASE N. Activity Description Activity 1 Warm up . Work in pair /whole class (10 min) Ask the students to choose a partner and share the questions they prepared as homework ANALITYCAL PHASE Activity 2 Work in pair. Have the students fill in the white spaces in the picture with the correct term or sentence. At the end, the teacher asks a student to go to the IWB where an interactive version of the picture is presented and it is possible to move the captions to the correct spaces.. Activity3 The teacher explains specific design of Mendel’s experiments with a few ppt slides: students are asked to take notes using a text to fill-out during the explanation. Activity 4 Work in pair The teacher supplies the pairs of students with a short written text. Students are asked to read carefully the text and then to perform the task: Write the number of the definition that best matches with the term LESSON 3 ANALITYCAL PHASE N. Activity Description Activity1 Individual/ whole class Students watch the video about the Punnet square (2 min ) the first time without looking at the script, the second time carrying out a cloze test using the script provided. At the end, students have to check understanding by doing a quick exercise At the end the teacher checks the work by watching the video for the third time.. SUMMING UP PHASE Activity 2 Work in pair Monster genetics. Have Students apply Punnet square to guess who Krog’s parents are. At the end the teacher checks the results as a class CHECK AND ASSESSMENT PHASE Activity 3 Quick Check Vocabulary-self assessment: Students are asked to choose the correct answer to review the specific concepts and terms they learnt in the previous lesson and to check the results themselves LESSON 4 ANALITYCAL PHASE N. Activity Description Activity 1 Work in pair Students are asked to watch twice the animation (3 min )from the site html and to perform the listening comprehension test (T/F ). Then they have to check the results themselves using the transcript. At the end the teacher checks 6 the work. SUMMING UP PHASE Activity 2 individual work/ check in pair Have the students complete the chart that summarize Mendel's Laws and specifying phenotypes and genotypes CHECK AND ASSESSMENT PHASE Activity3 Students are asked to solve the interactive exercises suggested in the second part of the activity from the site below html to reinforce the knowledge about the inheritance of two traits. LEZIONE 5 REINFORCE PHASE N. Activity Description Activity1 The Teacher checks the exercises he gave out as homework using IWB. SUMMING UP -PHASE . Numero attività Descrizione attività Activity 2 Tossing coin genetics mini-lab: The teacher introduces the activity explaining with a few slides the basics of probability that can applied to genetics crosses for one character and the meaning of the terms “ actual ”and “predicted”. After that, students are involved in an activity to simulate crosses by tossing coins. Activity 3 The teacher summarize and revise the contents of the UNIT 1 using a mind map and provides useful information for the assessment. LESSON 6 ASSESSMENT PHASE N. Activity Description Activity1 Written test 7. MODALITA’ DI VALUTAZIONE e/o AUTOVALUTAZIONE Valutazione disciplinare: - Formativa ü test oggettivi e semplici esercizi di applicazione in itinere ü competenze in LS-: produzione orale durante l'interazione in gruppo e in sezione plenaria di classe - Sommativa : prova oggettiva (test a scelta multipla) esercizi di applicazione e domande aperte; 7 TEACHER BOOK MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 1: Introduction to Mendel’s work (Time:1 h) OBJECTIVES: CONTENT LANGUAGE STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES Date: To know: Basic concepts of heredity; some information about Mendel’s life; Mendel’s role in the history of genetics. Basic principles and methods that guided Mendel in his experiments with garden peas Speaking skills: to talk about inheritance using basic specific terminology To engage in visual matching between concepts and images To match titles to paragraphs To interpret visual information To identify key-words To work in pair MOTIVATION PHASE Activity 1: work in pair (10 min) Warm up: The game of resemblanceThe Teacher introduces the activity, hands out to the students one copy of the images and captions in random order and a copy of the chart ”Basic glossary to talk about genetics”. Have the students match the images with the correct caption. The teacher checks the results using a ppt (Lesson 1) 1E 2A 3F 4B 8 5D 6H 8C 7G Chart n. 1 number content Captions letter 1 The family Offspring resemble parents, but not exactly, and not as a mixture halfway between each parent. Children often inherit distinct characteristics, some from one parent, some from the other and some from a grandparent. E 2 Geldof and daughter Has Bob got blond hair or has Peaches inherited the shape of her eyes, lips, nose and face from her father? A 3 Hansen and daughter Like mother, like daughter: the family resemblance is obvious between Patti Hansen and Alexandra Richards F 4 Bodybuilder If I do not train, I will not develop big muscles. and son B 5 Girl and cocker Long, honey-colored and curly hair, long, honey-colored and curly ears….they look so similar, but they don’t belong to the same species!! D 6 Strange dog Oh poor me… my mother was a Basset hound and my father was a San Bernardo! What a strange hybrid I am! H 7 Puppies and mother These puppies closely resemble to their mother because they are pure bred. G 8 roses The rose species have been hybridized by the gardeners for centuries and the domestication processes selected several breeds C 9 with different flower characters like double flowers, petal colors, fragrance etc. Scaffolding material: Chart n.2:” Basic glossary to talk about genetics” Synonymous /definition / Offspring = progeny; the immediate descendant or descendants of a person, animal, etc; Character a heritable feature that varies among individuals. E.g. flower color Trait A particular variant for a character such as white or purple colors for flower Heredity = inheritance: the passing of traits from parents to offspring Hybrid An offspring of a cross between two genetically unlike individuals Pure-bred = True breeding; an animal or a vegetable organism that always passes down a certain trait to its offspring when crossed with another, identical organism. Cross A mating between a male and a female of a plant or animals species from which one or more offspring are produced To resemble To look like something/someone To breed To inherit = to cross; To pair male and female (animals or plants) to produce offspring in a controlled way; To receive qualities, physical features etc. from parents or grandparents. To pass down = to pass on/ To pass from parents to offspring Translation progenie, prole discendenza Caratteristica, carattere Carttere, variante Ereditarietà Ibrido, prodotto di un incrocio Linea pura, razza (animale), Varietà (vegetale) incrocio assomigliare Far riprodurre in modo controllato per ottenere la discendenza voluta; Ereditare Trasmettere, tramandare Activity 2: work in pair/ whole class (15 min) Brainstorming: What is genetic? What is not genetic? Have students to discuss in pair about inheritable and not inheritable characters referring to the photos and using the scaffolding material.. Teacher stimulates students to reach a consensus. GLOBAL PHASE 10 Activity 3. work in pair (15 min) Have students skim the text, divide it into paragraphs and match the most suitable heading from the list to each one Mendel’s work Today the study of heredity is known as genetics 1. Introduction Our modern understanding of how traits may be inherited through generations comes from the principles proposed by Gregor Mendel, known as the "father of modern genetics” who studied heredity carefully and objectively in the mid 1800s-. 2.A short biography of Mendel Gregor Mendel was born Johann Mendel in Austria in 1822. In 1843 Mendel entered the Augustinian St Thomas's Abbey and began his training as a priest: here he took the name Gregor upon entering religious life. In 1851 he was sent to the University of Vienna to study physics , sciences and mathematics. In 1853, upon completing his studies Mendel returned to the monastery in Brno and was given a teaching position at a secondary school, where he would stay for more than a decade. It was during this time that he began the experiments for which he is best known. For thousands of years, people thought that the heredity of a living organism was merely a blend of the characteristics of its parents. Before the discovery of DNA and chromosomes, principles of heredity were first identified by Mendel quantitative (i.e., counting and measuring) experimental work (remember he was a valid mathematician) . 3.The importance of Mendel work Because the mechanisms of heredity are essentially the same for all complex life forms, whether you are talking about pea plants or human beings, genetic traits that follow the rules of inheritance that Mendel proposed are called Mendelian. Before Mendel arrived at the Monastery, the previous gardeners have 4. Mendel and the Garden developed different true- breeding stocks of pea plants. Gregor Mendel Pea performed his experiments exactly with garden peas. 11 Peas are ideally suited to the study of heredity because: • many varieties are available with easily distinguishable traits that can be quantified • they are small, easy to grow, and produce large numbers of offspring quickly • their reproductive organs can be easily manipulated so that pollination can be controlled • they can self-fertilize 5. The way pea plants Pea plant normally reproduce by self-pollination, in which pollens fertilize reproduce themselves egg cells on the same flower. In this way, seeds that are produced from self pollination have only one plant as a parent. However pea plants can also cross- pollinate. In cross pollination, pollen from the flower on one plant fertilizes the egg cells of a flower on another plant. The seeds produced from cross pollination have two plants as parents. To perform his experiments, Mendel had to select the pea plant that mated with each other. Therefore, he needed to prevent flowers from self pollinating. How did Mendel accomplish this task? First, he cut away the male parts of a flower (stamens); then he dusted the carpel (female part) of that flower with pollen from a second flower. With this technique Mendel could choose pollinate. any two pea plants to cross To simplify his investigation, Mendel chose to study only seven characters; also, each character has only two contrasting forms (e.g. seed shape is either round or wrinkled) and there are not intermediate forms in between. 12 6 The bases of Mendel experimental work ACTIVITY 4. work in pair (5 min) Students are asked to number the figures and insert them correctly along the text using the space on the right side ACTIVITY 5. work in pair (15 min) Students are asked to find out the key words, to highlight them (they can use the glossary they used in the previous activity). Then teacher checks the results and discuss with the whole class. (Some key words are missing: the teacher stimulates students to complete the glossary). HOMEWORK - Students are asked to find the key words in the glossary they used in the previous activity and to translate them into Italian - Students are asked to study paragraphs 4-6 carefully and write down three “Why”, “What” and “How” questions about the scientific basis of Mendel’s work 13 MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 2: Principles of dominance and segregation (part 1) (Time: 1h) Date: OBJECTIVES: To Know: CONTENT Mendel’s experiments with garden peas Laws of dominance and segregation Structures: Passive form Listening skills: To understand oral information Writing skill: To take notes from oral lesson; to explain LANGUAGE using specific terminology Lexis: Classical genetics terminology; Mathematical language: ratio, fractions, percentages To remind and enhance the previous knowledge (acquired in lesson 1) To ask and to respond to “wh-“questions about the topic STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES To take notes from a ppt To interpret data and to make inference from imagines and charts To work in pair MOTIVATION PHASE Activity 1: Warm up . Work in pair /whole class (10 min) .Ask the students to choose a partner and share the questions they prepared as homework (Students are expected to produce questions like: - Why Peas are ideally suited to the study of heredity -What is self pollination? What is cross pollination? -How did Mendel perform cross pollination? -Why did Mendel cut away male part of the flower? - How did Mendel simplify his work with pea plant?) ANALYTICAL PHASE ACTIVITY 2. work in pair (10 min) Have the students fill in the white spaces in the picture with the correct term or sentence. At the end, the teacher asks a student to go to the IWB where an interactive version of the picture is presented and it is possible to move the captions to the correct spaces. 14 Activity 3: whole class (25 min) The teacher explains specific design of Mendel’s experiments with a few ppt slides: students are asked to take notes using a text to fill-out during the explanation. Mendel and peas in the Garden Mendel started his work with a specific experimental design: • he first established true-breeding varieties by allowing plants to self-fertilize for several generations; in this way he ensured that each variety contained only one type of trait; he named these pure lines the P generation (P from latin “parentis”) • he then crossed two varieties exhibiting alternative traits, he named the resulting offspring the F1 generation (F from latin filius) What Mendel Observed Mendel performed crosses for each of the seven characters and repeatedly made his observations of F1: Examine the figure and write down inferences to explain why Mendel got this results. When the teacher presents the image “Mendel’s seven crosses on pea plant”, he asks the students to examine the results and challenges them to write the inference in their note book to explain why Mendel’s got those results. Teacher can help the students providing some questions like: 15 - Did the traits blend? - Did the traits of both parents appear in F1? - Did the seven characters behave in the same way? Then check the results and go on with the explanation. Y N Y N Y N Results: for each pair of contrasting varieties that he crossed, one of the traits disappeared in the F1 generation! Mendel called • the trait expressed in the F1 generation the dominant trait • and named the trait not expressed in the F1 generation the recessive trait The F1 offspring of these crosses are called hybrids. One of the traits seemed to have vanished! But was it true? To find an answer Mendel continued his experiments. He left the F1 generation self-pollinate and called this offspring F2 generation. Incredibly enough, for each of the seven characters, the form that vanished in F1 reappeared in the F2 generation!! Mendel counted the number of each type of plant in the F2 generation and he found: Examine the figure and try to explain the results. When the teacher presents the image, he asks the students to examine the results and challenges them to write down their inferences in their note book . Then check the results and go on with the explanation Ø three quarters of the F2 individuals expressed the dominant trait while one-quarter expressed the recessive trait 16 Ø the dominant : recessive ratio among the F2 plants was always close to 3:1 (three to one) Teacher checks comprehension of term “ratio” and gives the definition and the translation, if necessary. Mendel came to some important conclusions from these experimental results: Ø that the inheritance of each trait is determined by " indivisible units" or "factors" that are passed on to descendants unchanged. Mendel called this unit a “merkmal” (=character in German). Ø that an individual must contain at least two alternatives for a trait. When the two alternatives differ, the dominant one mask the presence of the other. This is now called Principle or law of dominance (However, the dominant factor does not alter the recessive factor in any way and both can be passed on to the next) Ø during the production of gametes the two copies of each hereditary factor segregate so that offspring acquire one factor from each parent. This is called the law of segregation. ACTIVITY 4. work in pair (10 min) The teacher supplies the pairs of students with a short written text. Students are asked to read carefully the text and then to perform the task: Work with modern classical genetics terminology There are some important vocabulary terms today used in modern genetics. Mendel’s inheritable factors are called genes and we call alleles the different form of a gene. The genotype is the organism’s genetic composition, the genes present in his chromosomes . The Phenotype is the observable features of an individual organism, the trait physically shows-up in the organism (it results from an interaction between the genotype and the environment). Examples of phenotypes: blue eyes, brown fur, striped fruit, yellow flowers. By convention biologists represent a dominant allele with a capital letter and the recessive allele with the corresponding lower case letter. Thus for pea plant, Y means “dominant color of seed yellow” and y means “recessive color of seed green”. Organisms that have an identical pair of alleles are called homozygous for that trait (eg. YY or yy) and organisms that have a mixed pairs of alleles are called heterozygous(Yy). A heterozygous genotype can also be referred to as hybrid. Let's Summarize: Genotype = genes present in an organism (usually abbreviated as two letters) Tt = heterozygous = tt = homozygous = pure hybrid Write the number of the definition that best matches with the term: ____allele 1. Refers to an individual with two different alleles for a character TT = homozygous = pure ____dominant 2. An alternative form of a gene ____ recessive 3. The genetic makeup of an organism indicated by its set of alleles ____homozygous 4. The first two individual that mate in a genetic cross ____heterozygous 5. Genetic trait that is expressed in homozygous and heterozygous 17 ____Phenotype ____genotype ____P generation ____F1 generation ------hybrid individual 6. The first offspring from a cross of two varieties in the parental generation 7. Observable characters of an organism 8. Refers to an individual with two identical alleles for a character 9. A trait that is masked from dominant one 10. An individual with heterozygous genotype for a character Solutions: 2, 5, 9, 8, 1, 7, 3, 4, 6, 10. HOMEWORK Students are asked to study carefully the texts and to memorize the terms they have learnt. 18 MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 3: understanding and applying the principles of dominance and segregation (Time: 1h) Date: OBJECTIVES: CONTENT Punnett square to predict the results of crosses. Listening skills: To understand oral information LANGUAGE Reading skills: to understand instructions from written text To self-assess knowledge To predict the results of crosses. using a Punnett square STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES To compare and contrast an individual’s genotype and phenotype. To work in pair ANALYTICAL PHASE Activity 1: individual/ whole class (25 min) Students watch the video about the Punnet square (2 min ) the first time without looking at the script, the second time carrying out a cloze test using the script provided. At the end, students have to check understanding by doing a quick exercise At the end the teacher checks the work by watching the video for the third time.. In genetics, one of the most useful tools that you find is what is known as a “Punnett square”, which is simply a graphical way of helping you figure out genetic problems. Now, once you've seen how to do it, the Punnett Square is pretty easy, but you have to keep in mind is that the gametes of the parents that you are going to investigate are on the outside of the Punnett Square, while the things inside these squares are the offspring. Let me show you an example of Punnett Square being used for a cross between two heterozygous individuals (you must look at just one gene). So, here is one parent and here is the other. So, somebody has a big R and little r, and we are going to do this for the tongue rolling allele “…” versus the recessive non-rolling allele “…”. So this parent, what I do is (I know by the first law of Mendel, the Law of segregation), that these two “little r” have to separate in one of a different gametes. So this person can create a gamete that has a big R, or he can produce a gamete that has a little r. This parent does the same thing: so they produce a gamete that has a big R, or they can also produce a gamete that has a little r. To make it more apparent, let me add here some details: so here we have the guy’s sperm and here the girl's eggs. So now we make some babies: so we have RR, a big R combined with little r, (are you getting the point here?) we have another big R. Now, just as little technique thing, you always put the dominant allele first, even if you can think: “but that one came here on the left...” No, you put the dominant one first. And then my last little guy over here, is little r, little r. So I can see that these two parents can produce four offspring: now, one of my offspring is going to be homozygous dominant for tongue-rolling; two of my offspring out of the four possible different offspring will be heterozygous : they can still roll their tongue, so they look phenotypically the same as this one here. This guy down here is my one homozygous recessive individual: the one non-rolling of the group. This is a great method for predicting offspring, but you can also use it for figuring out what the parents are like. 19 Quick check comprehension: Ask the students to figure out a Punnet square about the cross “homozygous rolling tongue female with a heterozygous rolling tongue male” and to predict the phenotype and the genotype ratios. SUMMING UP PHASE Activity 2: Monster genetics Work in pair (20 min) Have Students apply Punnet square to guess who Krog’s parents are. At the end the teacher checks the results as a class. . In this activity the task is to discover the identity of KROG’s parents by doing Punnet squares on three characteristics: • number of eyes: Three eyes are dominant (E), and two eyes are recessive (e). • fur color: Blue fur is dominant (B), and purple fur is recessive (b) • number of horns: Two horns are dominant (H), and one horn is recessive (h). KROG ‘s phenotype is: THREE EYES - BLUE FUR - ONE HORN. Below you will find listed the names of each of the three possible families, the characteristics of each of the parents, and blank Punnet squares to fill in. Only one of these families could possibly be KROG’ s true parents. Which family is it? Perform the task and motivate your answer Family 1 :The Venusians • The genotype of the mother is Ee, bb, and Hh. • The genotype of the father is ee, bb, and Hh. Eyes Fur Horns Possible phenotypes of the offspring: ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ Family 2: The Neptunians • The genotype of the mother is ee, Bb, and hh. • The genotype of the father is EE, Bb, and Hh. Eyes Fur Horns 20 Possible phenotypes of the offspring: ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ Family 3 The Plutonians • The genotype of the mother is Ee, bb, and Hh. • The genotype of the father is Ee, BB, and HH. Eyes Fur Horns Possible phenotypes of the offspring: ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ KROG ‘s family is_______________________________________ Motivation:________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ASSESMENT ACTIVITY3 : individual work (10 min) Quick Check Vocabulary-self assessment: Students are asked to choose the correct answer to review the specific concepts and terms they learnt in the previous lesson and to check the results themselves 1. Which of the following is a possible genotype? A. BC B. Pp C. Ty D. Yg 2. What is the best way to determine the phenotype of the feathers on a bird? A. analyze the bird's DNA (genes) B. look at the bird's feathers C. look at the bird's beak d. examine the bird's droppings 3. The genes present in an organism represent the organism's A. genotype B. phenotype C. physical traits D. Chromosomes 4. Which choice represents a possible pair of alleles? 21 A. k & t B. K & T C. K & k D. K & t 5. How many alleles for one trait are normally found in the genotype of an organism? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 6. Which statement is not true? A. genotype determines phenotype B. phenotype determines genotype C. a phenotype is the physical appearance of a trait in an organism D. alleles are different forms of the same gene 7. Which of the following represent the genotype of a hybrid pea plant? A. Yy B.Green seeds C.Yellow seeds D. YY 8. A chestnut male horse is crossed with a black female horse. All of their offspring are black colored. Which trait is dominant?_______________ 9. Two heterozygous tall plants are crossed. What are the genotypes of the parents? ________ x ________. What fraction of the offspring will also be tall? A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C. 3/4 D. None of them 10. Referring to the Law of segregation, which is the most suitable term to explain what happens to the alleles during the formation of gamete? A. They are recombined B. They are separated C. They are mixed D. The recessive one disappears (SOLUTIONS: 1B; 2B; 3A; 4C; 5B; 6B; 7A; 8; 9Tt, Tt; C; 10 B; ) SCORE=__________ 9-10 very good! 7-8 good; 6 pass; 0-5 review the previous lesson! HOMEWORK Students are asked to watch the animation about inheritance of one character from the site below and to solve the interactive exercises only about monohybrid crossing using the information provided in order to review and reinforce previous knowledge. 22 MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 4: principle of independent assortment (Time: 1h) Date: OBJECTIVES: Punnett square to predict the results of di-hybrid crosses. CONTENT Law of independent assortment LANGUAGE Listening skills: To understand oral information To reinforce knowledge acquired STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES To Compare and to contrast genotype and phenotype. To summarize information using charts ANALYTICAL PHASE ACTIVITY 1: work in pair (30 min) Students are asked to watch twice the animation (3 min )from the site and to perform the listening comprehension test (T/F ). Then they have to check the results themselves using the transcript. At the end the teacher checks the work. 1. The law of independent assortment was based on experiments in which Mendel crossed plants that were different for one character. T/F 2. For a pea plant, having a dominant R gene results in wrinkled seed T/F 3. For a pea plant being homozygous recessive (yy) results in green seed. T/F 4. Mendel crossed a large number of F2 hybrids T/F 5. In Mendel idea, the distribution of the alleles of seed color into gametes was independent of the distribution of the alleles of seed shape . T/F 6. In the results of Mendel’s experiments, 9 out of 16 F2 individuals have round and green seeds T/F 7. 1 out of 16 was homozygous recessive for both characters T/F 8. The inheritance of seed shape depends on the inheritance of seed color T/F 9. The law of independent assortment states that when gametes form, the two alleles for different characters always segregate together. T/F 10. Complete the chart: Seed shape Seed color 9/16 Round Yellow 3/16 Round Green 3/16 Wrinkled Yellow 1/16 Wrinkled Green Script: Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment- A two-trait breeding experiment As a field of science genetics did not begin until 1866, the year that an Augustinian monk named Gregor Mendel published a landmark paper on inheritance in pea plants. Mendel's laws of inheritance help us predict the phenotypes of offspring from the genotypes of the parents. One of Mendel's laws, the law of independent assortment, was based on two-trait breeding 23 experiments: crosses in which he tracked two completely different traits at the same time. Mendel wanted to know what would happen if true-breeding plants with round yellow seeds (RRYY) were crossed with true-breeding plants with wrinkled green seeds (rryy). The R gene controls seed shape: having a dominant R results in round seeds, and being homozygous recessive (rr) results in wrinkled seeds. For seed color, having a dominant Y results in yellow seeds, and being homozygous recessive (yy) results in green seeds. Mendel asked, is the inheritance of seed shape independent of the inheritance of seed color? That is, do the alleles assort independently? If Mendel's hunch was right, the distribution of the alleles of one gene into gametes would be independent of the distribution of the alleles of the other gene, so all possible combinations of the alleles would be found in the gametes. The plants of the next generation are called F1 hybrids, and Mendel crossed large numbers of them. Again, if the alleles assort independently into gametes, all four different gamete possibilities would be produced in equal proportions. A Punnett square is useful in predicting the genotypes and phenotypes in the next generation—the F2 plants. The genotypes of the sperm and eggs are placed along the sides of the Punnett square. Sperm and eggs are then combined systematically within the grid to create diploid individuals. Based on the genotypes in each square, the phenotypes are filled in. The Punnett square depicts the phenotypic ratios of alleles that are assorting independently. That is, 9 out of 16 F2 individuals would have round and yellow seeds, 3 out of 16 would have round and green seeds, 3 out of 16 would have wrinkled and yellow seeds, and 1 out of 16 would have wrinkled and green seeds—an overall ratio of 9:3:3:1. What did Mendel actually see? From hundreds of F2 plants examined, he found a very similar ratio. From the data, he could conclude that the inheritance of seed shape is indeed independent of the inheritance of seed color. Mendel made similar crosses for various combinations of the seven traits he studied. His results led him to propose the law of independent assortment, which states that when gametes form, the two alleles of any given gene segregate during meiosis independently of any two alleles of other genes. SUMMING-UP PHASE: ACTIVITY 2: individual work/ check in pair (time 10 min) Have the students complete the chart that summarize Mendel's Laws and specifying phenotypes and genotypes LAW DOMINANCE SEGREGATION INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT PARENT CROSS PP x pp purple x white Tt x Tt tall x tall RrGg x RrGg round & green x round & green OFFSPRING Pp purple 3/4tall (TT, Tt) 1/4 short (tt) 9/16 round seeds & green pods 3/16 round seeds & yellow pods 3/16 wrinkled seeds & green pods 1/16 wrinkled seeds & yellow pods ASSESSMENT Activity 3: whole class (5 min) Students are asked to solve the interactive exercises suggested in the second part of the activity from the site below to reinforce the knowledge about the inheritance of two traits. 24 HOMEWORK Have students work out the exercises provided by applying Mendel’s laws to solve simple problems about monohybrid crosses. 1. A heterozygous round seeded plant (Rr) is crossed with a homozygous round seeded plant (RR). What percentage of the offspring will be homozygous (RR)? ____________ 2. A homozygous round seeded plant is crossed with a homozygous wrinkled seeded plant. What are the genotypes of the parents? __________ x __________ What percentage of the offspring will also be homozygous? ______________ 3. In pea plants purple flowers are dominant to white flowers. If two white flowered plants are cross, what percentage of their offspring will be white flowered? ______________ 4. A white flowered plant is crossed with a plant that is heterozygous for the trait. What percentage of the offspring will have purple flowers? _____________ 5. Two plants, both heterozygous for the gene that controls flower color are crossed. What percentage of their offspring will have purple flowers? ______________ What percentage will have white flowers? ___________ 6. In guinea pigs, the allele for short hair is dominant. What genotype would a heterozygous short haired guinea pig have? _______ What genotype would a purebreeding short haired guinea pig have? _______ What genotype would a long haired guinea pig have? ________ 7. Show the cross for a pure breeding short haired guinea pig and a long haired guinea pig. What percentage of the offspring will have short hair? __________ 8. Two short haired guinea pigs are mated several times. Out of 100 offspring, 25 of them have long hair. What are the probable genotypes of the parents? ________ x ___________ Show the cross to prove it. 25 MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 5: applying the principles of probability to simulate genetic crosses (Time: 1h) Date: OBJECTIVES: Basics of Probability and genetics CONTENT Actual data versus predicted Reading skills: to understand instructions from written LANGUAGE text Lexis: Probability; Actual To relate probability to genetics To compare and contrast an individual’s genotype and STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES phenotype. To simulate crossing using coins To work in pair Activity 1: whole class (10min) The Teacher checks the exercises he gave out as homework using IWB. SUMMING UP PHASE Activity 2: whole class 10 (min)/ work in pair (30 min) Tossing coin genetics min-ilab: The teacher introduces the activity explaining with a few slides the basics of probability that can applied to genetics crosses for one character and the meaning of the terms “ actual ”and “predicted”. After that, students are involved in an activity to simulate crosses by tossing coins The rules of probability can be applied to Mendelian crosses to determine the phenotypes and genotypes of offspring. Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment reflect the same laws of probability that are applied to tossing coins. Probability is the chance that someting happens. When you toss a coin there is a same probability of 50% that you obtain a head or a tail. The next time you toss the coin the probability doesn’t change as every flip is an independent event. In the same way, when eggs (or sperm) are produced, each allele has the same chance (50% of probability) of ending up in an egg or sperm cell. Thus there is an equal probability of ½ (50%) for each egg or sperm to join forming a zygote; Look at the picture and pay attention to this example: in a Mendelian cross between pea plants that are heterozygous for flower color (Pp), what is the probability that the offspring will be homozygous recessive (pp)? The probability that an egg from the F1 (Pp) will receive a p allele = 1/2. The probability that a sperm from the F1 will receive a p allele = 1/2. The overall probability that two recessive alleles will unite, one from the egg and one from the sperm, at fertilization is: 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4. (25%) This is called the Product Rule: the probability that independent events will occur simultaneously is the product of their individual probabilities 26 Tossing coin minilab: In this lab you will make predictions using Punnett Squares and using coins to simulate the crosses. Then you will compare the actual ratios with the predicted ratios. Pay attention to the term “actual”: it means real, effective ( its meaning is very different from the Italian one!!) . Predicted means expected, estimated. The Mendelian character you are going to study is the length of big toe in humans. A big T represents the dominant allele (short big toe), t is the recessive allele, long big toe. The following genotypes are possible. Fill in the phenotypes for them: Genotype Phenotype TT Tt tt PREDICTED RATIO Use a Punnet Square to predict the ratio of offspring (F1) in a cross where the parents are both Tt These are your predicted ratios (Express them also in percentage) Genotype Ratio Phenotype Ratio 27 ACTUAL RATIO Now you will determine the actual ratios by using coins to represent the crosses. You have two coins. One side of the coin, (HEAD) is the letter T; on the other side (TAIL) is the letter t. The first coin represents a parent that has the genotype T t. A second coin represents the other parent that has genotype Tt too. One partner is going to play the role of female, the other will play the role of male. When the coin is flipped, you are determining what sperm or what egg is being donated to the match. When you flip the coins together, you are simulating fertilization. Now, practice flips… Flip the two coins. The results show you what your offspring will be. Did you get head/head (TT) , head/tail (Tt) or tail/tail ( tt) ? __________ What is the Phenotype of your offspring? ________________ And now start the activity: ACTUAL RATIO: To determine Actual Ratios, flip your coins 100 times , recording in the table below how often each combination came up. Use tally marks to record your data then summarize as a number GENOTYPES head/head (TT) Number of times Probability (percentages) PHENOTYPES Total Short toe ( TT + Tt) Long toe (tt) 28 head/tail tail/tail (Tt) (tt) Now compare Actual to Predicted Ratios: Predicted ratios Actual Ratios TT Tt tt Short Toe Long Toe Analysis Would you consider the actual and predicted ratios the a. SAME b. CLOSE TO THE SAME c. NOT CLOSE AT ALL What do the coins represent in the simulation?___________________________________________ When you toss the coin to see which side lands up, what part of the process of sexual reproduction does this simulate?___________________________________ When you put the two coins that are flipped together, what part of the process of sexual reproduction are you simulating?_______________________________________ At the end of the activity, students are asked to share their results with the class and to discuss them. Curiosity: This specific trait is also called “Venus foot” and it is very frequent in artistic representation like Botticelli’s Venus. Someone sustains that this trait could be linked with special beauty. So, what kind of big toe have you got? Activity 3: whole class (10min) The teacher summarize and revise the contents of the UNIT 1 using a mind map and provides useful information for the assessment. HOMEWORK Students are asked to study carefully all the contents learned in UD1 29 STUDENT BOOK MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson1 / Introduction to Mendel’s work (Time:1 h) Date: OBJECTIVES: To know: Basic concepts of heredity; some information about Mendel’s life; CONTENT Mendel’s role in the history of genetics. basic principles and methods that guided Mendel in his experiments with garden peas To discuss about inheritance using basic specific LANGUAGE terminology To engage in visual matching between concepts and images To match titles to paragraphs To interpret visual information STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES To ask and to respond to “wh-“questions about the topic To identify key-words To work in pair Activity 1: work in pair (10 min) Warm up: The game of resemblance Look at the photos then match each photo with the correct caption in chart n 1. 1 2 3 Chart n. 1 number letter 1 4 6 Captions G These puppies closely resemble to their mother because they are pure bred. 30 2 D Long, honey-colored and curly hair, long, honey-colored and curly ears….they look so similar, but they don’t belong to the same species!!? 3 A Has Bob got blond hair or has Peaches inherited eyes, lips, nose and shape face from her father? 4 H “Oh poor me… my mother was a Basset hound and my father was a San Bernardo! What a strange hybrid I am! “ 5 F Like mother, like daughter: the family resemblance is obvious between Patti Hansen and Alexandra Richards 6 B “If I do not train, I will not highly develop big muscles”. 7 C The rose species have been hybridized by the gardeners for centuries and the domestication processes selected several breeds with different flower characters like double flowers, petal colors, fragrance etc. 8 E Offspring resemble to parents, but not exactly, and not like a mixture halfway between each parent. Children often inherit distinct characteristics, some from one parent, some from the other and some from a grandparent Chart n. 2 Basic glossary to talk about genetics: Synonymous/ definition Offspring Character Trait Heredity Hybrid Pure-bred To resemble To breed To inherit = progeny; the immediate descendant or descendants of a person, animal, etc; a heritable feature that varies among individuals. E.g. flower color A particular variant for a character such as white or purple colors for flower = inheritance: the passing of traits from parents to offspring An offspring of a cross between two genetically unlike individuals = True breeding; an animal or a vegetable organism that always passes down a certain trait to its offspring when crossed with another, identical organism. To look like to something/someone = to cross; To pair male and female (animals or plants) to produce offspring in a controlled way; To receive qualities, physical features etc. from parents or grandparents. To pass down = to pass on/ To pass from parents to offspring Cross A mating between a male and a female of a plant or animals species from which one or more offspring are produced 31 Translation (homework) Activity 2: work in pair/ whole class (15 min) Brainstorming: What is genetic? What is not genetic? Discuss first with your partner then with your classmates (you can use scaffolding materials). Activity 3. work in pair (15 min) Read the text and divide it into paragraphs then match the most suitable heading to the corresponding one choosing from the list below. (Use the white space on the right side) Mendel’s work Today the study of heredity is known as genetics. Our modern understanding of how traits may be inherited through generations comes from the principles proposed by Gregor Mendel, known as the "father of modern genetics”, who studied heredity carefully and objectively in the mid 1800s-. Gregor Mendel was born Johann Mendel in Austria in 1822. In 1843 Mendel entered the Augustinian St Thomas's Abbey and began his training as a priest: here he took the name Gregor upon entering religious life. In 1851 he was sent to the University of Vienna to study physics , sciences and mathematics. In 1853, upon completing his studies Mendel returned to the monastery in Brno and was given a teaching position at a secondary school, where he would stay for more than a decade. It was during this time that he began the experiments for which he is best known. For thousands of years, people thought that the heredity of a living organism was merely a blend of the characteristics of its parents. Before the discovery of DNA and chromosomes, principles of heredity were first identified by Mendel quantitative (i.e., counting and measuring) experimental work (remember he was a valid mathematician). Because the mechanisms of heredity are essentially the same for all complex life forms, whether you are talking about pea plants or human beings, genetic traits that follow the rules of inheritance that Mendel proposed are called Mendelian. Before Mendel arrived at the Monastery, the previous gardeners have developed different true- breeding stocks of pea plants. Gregor Mendel performed his experiments exactly with garden peas (Pisum sativum). 32 Peas are ideally suited to the study of heredity because: • many varieties are available with easily distinguishable traits that can be quantified • they are small, easy to grow, and produce large numbers of offspring quickly • their reproductive organs can be easily manipulated so that pollination can be controlled • they can self-fertilize Pea plant normally reproduce by self-pollination, in which pollens fertilize egg cells on the same flower. In this way, seeds that are produced from self pollination have only one plant as a parent. However pea plants can also cross- pollinate. In cross pollination, pollen from the flower on one plant fertilizes the egg cells of a flower on another plant. The seeds produced from cross pollination have two plants as parents. To perform his experiments, Mendel had to select the pea plant that mated with each other. Therefore, he needed to prevent flowers from self pollinating. How did Mendel accomplish this task? First, he cut away the male parts of a flower (stamens); then he dusted the carpel (female part) of that flower with pollen from a second flower. With this technique Mendel could choose any two pea plants to cross pollinate (= cross, for short). To simplify his investigation, Mendel choose to study only seven traits; each trait has only two contrasting forms (e.g. seed shape is either round or wrinkled) and there are not intermediate forms in between The importance ok Mendel work The bases of Mendel experimental work A short biography of Gregor Mendel Introduction Mendel and the Garden Pea The way pea plants reproduce themselves ACTIVITY 4. work in pair (5 min) Number the figures below and insert them correctly along the text using the space on the right side 33 ACTIVITY 5. work in pair (10 min)/whole class(15) Now read more carefully the text and: Find out the key words and highlight them ( you ca use the glossary in chart n2) Check the work results with the whole class. HOMEWORK - Find the key words in the glossary you used in the previous activity and translate them into Italian. - Study carefully par. 4-6 and write down at least three “Why” , “What” and “How” questions about scientific bases of Mendel’s work the answers of which are in these paragraphs. 34 MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 2/ principles of dominance and segregation (part 1) Date: OBJECTIVES: To Know: CONTENT Mendel’s experiments with garden peas Laws of dominance and segregation Structures: Passive form Listening skills: To understand oral information Writing skill: To take notes from oral lesson; to explain LANGUAGE using specific terminology Lexis: Classical genetics terminology; Mathematical language: ratio, fractions, percentages To remind and enhance the previous knowledge (acquired in lesson 1) To ask and to respond to “wh-“questions about the topic STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES To take notes from a ppt To interpret data and to make inference from imagines and charts To work in pair Warm up: Activity 1: whole class (10 min) Share the questions you created as homework: choose a partner and ask him to answer to your questions. ACTIVITY 2. Individual/ Whole class (10 min) Fill in the white space with the correct term or sentence in the figure that shows how to cross pollinate a pea plant. Activity 2: whole class (30 min) Pay attention to the teacher explanation and take note using the form. 35 Mendel and peas in the Garden Mendel started his work with a specific experimental design: • he first established …………………………….by allowing plants …………………………………. for several generations; in this way he ensured that each variety contained…………………… …………………; he named these …………………………. (P from latin “parentis”) • he then ………………………………………...exhibiting …………………………….traits, he named the resulting offspring ……………………………………….(F from latin filius) What Mendel Observed Mendel performed crosses for …………………………………………and repeatedly made his observations of F1: Examine the figure and write down inferences to explain why Mendel got this results. ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Now answer: - Did the traits blend? - Did the traits of both parents appear in F1? - Did the seven characters behave in the same way? Y N YN YN Results: for each pair of contrasting varieties that he crossed, one of the traits …………………………… the F1 generation! Mendel called • the trait expressed in the F1 generation the………………………………………………. • and named the trait not expressed in the F1 generation the …………………………….. The F1 offspring of these crosses are called hybrids. 36 The specific trait of one of the parents seemed to have vanished! But was it true? To find an answer Mendel continued his experiments. He left the …………………………………………….and called this offspring ……….generation. Incredibly enough, for each of the seven traits, the form that have vanished in F1, ………………………………………………………in the F2 generation! Mendel counted the number of each type of plant in the F2 generation and he found: Examine the figure and try to explain the results. Write down them ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Results: Ø ………………………..of the F2 individuals expressed the dominant trait while one-fourth expressed the recessive trait Ø the dominant : recessive ratio among the F2 plants was always close to ……….(three to one) Mendel came to some important conclusions from these experimental results: Ø that the inheritance of each trait is determined by " indivisible units" or "factors" that……………………………………………………………………………….. Mendel called this unit a “merkmal” (= character in German). Ø that an individual must contain ……………………………………………………..for a trait. When the two alternatives differ, the dominant one mask the presence of the other. This is called now ……………………………………………………………(However, the dominant factor does not alter the recessive one in any way. and both can be passed on to the next) Ø during the production of gametes the two copies of each hereditary factor segregate so that offspring acquire one factor from each parent. This is called also……………………………………………………… ACTIVITY 3. work in pair (15 min) Work with modern classical genetics terminology Read carefully the text then perform the task: There are some important vocabulary terms today used in modern genetic. Mendel’s inheritable factors are called genes and we call alleles the different form of a gene. The genotype is the organism’s genetic composition, the genes present in his DNA . The Phenotype is the observable features of an individual organism, the trait physically shows-up in the organism(it results from an interaction between the genotype and the environment) Examples of phenotypes: blue eyes, brown fur, striped fruit, yellow flowers. By convention biologists represent a dominant allele with a capital letter and the recessive allele with the corresponding lower case letter. Thus for pea plant, Y means “dominant color of seed yellow” and y means “recessive color of seed green”. Organisms that have an identical pair of allele are called homozygous for that trait (eg. YY or yy) 37 and organisms that have a mixed pairs of alleles are called heterozygous(Yy). A heterozygous genotype can also be referred to as hybrid. Let's Summarize: Genotype = genes present in an organism (usually abbreviated as two letters) TT = homozygous = Tt = heterozygous = tt = homozygous = pure pure hybrid Write the number of the definition that best matches with the term: ____allele 1. Refers to an individual with two different alleles for a character ____dominant 2. An alternative form of a gene ____ recessive 3. The genetic make up of an organism indicated by its set of alleles ____homozygous 4. The first two individual that mate in a genetic cross ____heterozygous 5. Genetic trait that is expressed in homozygous and heterozygous individual ____Phenotype ____genotype 6. The first offspring from a cross of two varieties in the parental generation ____P generation 7. Observable characters of an organism ____F1 generation 8. Refers to an individual with two identical alleles for a character -------hybrid 9. A trait that is masked from dominant one 10. An individual with heterozygous genotype for a character Solutions: 2, 5, 9, 8, 1, 7, 3, 4, 6, 10. HOMEWORK Study carefully the texts and memorize the terms you have learnt. 38 MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 3: application of principles of dominance and segregation (Time: 1h) Date: OBJECTIVES: CONTENT Punnett square to predict the results of crosses. Listening skills: To understand oral information LANGUAGE Reading skills: to understand instructions from written text To self-assess knowledge STUDY SKILLS AND To predict the results of crosses. using a Punnett square STRATEGIES To compare and contrast an individual’s genotype and phenotype. To work in pair Activity 1: whole class (15 min) Watch the video “Punnet square”: the first time listen carefully without look at the text, the second time try to fill in the missing words choosing from the list below. (If necessary you can ask to watch the video for the third time). At the end the teacher will check the work. In genetics, one of the most useful …………….that you find is what is known as a “Punnett square”, which is simply a …………………..way of helping you ………………………….genetic problems. Now, once you've seen how to do it, the Punnett Square is pretty easy, but you have to keep in mind is that the ………………….of the parents that you are going to investigate are on the………………. of the Punnett Square, while the things inside these squares are the ……………………….. Let me show you an example of Punnett Square being used for a cross between two …………………………. individuals (you must look at just one gene). So, here is one ……………………and here is the other. So, somebody has a ……………and little r, and we are going to do this for the …………………… allele “…” ,versus the recessive non-rolling allele “…”. So this parent, what I do is (I know by the first law of Mendel, the Law of……………………….), that these two “little r” have to separate in one of a ………………………..gametes. So this person can create a gamete that has a big R, or he can produce a gamete that has a little r. This parent does the same thing: so they produce a gamete that has a big R, or they can also produce a gamete that has a little r. To make it more apparent, let me add here some………………………: so here we have the guy’s ……….and here the girl's…………… So now we make some babies: so we have RR, a big R ………………………….with little r, (are you getting the point here?) we have another big R. Now, just as little technique thing, you always put the dominant allele ……………, even if you can think: “but that one came here on the left...” No, you put the dominant one first. And then my last little guy over here, is little r, little r. So I can see that these two parents can produce four offspring: now, …………………my offspring is going to be homozygous dominant for tongue-rolling; two of my offspring out of the four possible different offspring will be heterozygous: they can still roll their tongue, so they look …………………………the same as this one here. This guy down here is my one……………………….. recessive individual: the one non-rolling of the group. This is a great method for ………………….offspring, but you can also use it for figuring out what the parents are like. different, parent, combined, 39 predicting, big R, heterozygous, gametes, tongue rolling, sperm, outside, segregation, one of, homozygous, tools, phenotypically, offspring eggs graphical, details, figure out, first. Quick check: train Punnet square. Cross a homozygous rolling tongue female with a heterozygous rolling tongue male and predict the phenotype and the genotype ratios. GENOTYPES: PHENOTYPES: Activity 2: Work in pair (30 min) Monster’s genetics. In this activity the task is to discover the identity of KROG’s parents by doing Punnet squares on three characteristics: • number of eyes: Three eyes are dominant (E), and two eyes are recessive (e). • fur color: Blue fur is dominant (B), and purple fur is recessive (b) • number of horns: Two horns are dominant (H), and one horn is recessive (h). KROG’s phenotype is: THREE EYES - BLUE FUR - ONE HORN. Below you will find listed the names of each of the three possible families, the characteristics of each of the parents, and blank Punnet squares to fill in. Only one of these families could possibly be KROG’ s true parents. Which family is it? Perform the task and motivate your answer Family 1 :The Venusians • The genotype of the mother is Ee, bb, and Hh. • The genotype of the father is ee, bb, and Hh. Eyes Fur Horns Possible phenotypes of the offspring: ____________________ ___________________ Family 2: The Neptunians 40 ____________________ • The genotype of the mother is ee, Bb, and hh. • The genotype of the father is EE, Bb, and Hh. Eyes Fur Horns Possible phenotypes of the offspring: ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ Family 3 The Plutonians • The genotype of the mother is Ee, bb, and Hh. • The genotype of the father is Ee, BB, and HH. Eyes Fur Horns Possible phenotypes of the offspring: ____________________ ___________________ ____________________ KROG ‘s family is_______________________________________ Motivation:________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ACTIVITY 3: Individual work (10 min) Quick Check Vocabulary-self-assessment: Choose the correct answer to review the specific terms you learnt in the previous lesson, then check the solutions and assign 1 point to every correct answer. 1. Which of the following is a possible genotype? A. BC B. Pp C. Ty D. Yg 2. What is the best way to determine the phenotype of the feathers on a bird? A. analyze the bird's DNA (genes) B. look at the bird's feathers C. look at the bird's beak d. examine the bird's droppings 3. The genes present in an organism represent the organism's A. genotype B. phenotype C. physical traits 41 D. Chromosomes 4. Which choice represents a possible pair of alleles? A. k & t B. K & T C. K & k D. K & t 5. How many alleles for one trait are normally found in the genotype of an organism? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 6. Which statement is not true? A. genotype determines phenotype B. phenotype determines genotype C. a phenotype is the physical appearance of a trait in an organism D. alleles are different forms of the same gene 7. Which of the following represent the genotype of a hybrid pea plant? A. Yy B.Green seeds C.Yellow seeds D. YY 8. A chestnut male horse is crossed with a black female horse. All of their offspring are black colored. Which trait is dominant?_______________ 9. Two heterozygous tall plants are crossed. What are the genotypes of the parents? ________ x ________. What fraction of the offspring will also be tall? A. 1/4 B. 1/2 C. 3/4 D. None of them 10. Referring to the Law of segregation, which is the most suitable term to explain what happens to the alleles during the formation of gamete? A. They are recombined B. They are separated C. They are mixed D. The recessive one disappears (SOLUTIONS: 1B; 2B; 3A; 4C; 5B; 6B; 7A; 8 black; 9Tt, Tt; C; 10 B ) SCORE=__________ HOMEWORK 9-10 very good! 7-8 good; 6 pass; 0-5 review the previous lesson! Watch the animation about inheritance of one character (the first part) from the site below ml and solve the interactive exercises only about monohybrid crossing using the information provided. 42 43 MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 4: principles of independent assortment (Time: 1h) Date: OBJECTIVES: Law of independent assortment CONTENT Punnett square to predict the results of di-hybrid crosses. LANGUAGE Listening skills: To understand oral information To reinforce knowledge acquired STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES To Compare and to contrast genotype and phenotype. To summarize information using charts ACTIVITY 1: individual work / work in pairs (30 min) Watch the animation from the site You are going to watch it twice. After that , you will be requested to perform the test. Then check the results with your partner using the transcript. At the end the teacher will check the work. 1. The law of independent assortment was based on experiments in which Mendel crossed plants that were different for one character. T/F 2. For a pea plant, having a dominant R gene results in wrinkled seed. T/F 3. For a pea plant being homozygous recessive (yy) results in green seed. T/F 4. Mendel crossed a large number of F2 hybrid. T/F 5. In Mendel idea, the distribution of the alleles of seed color into gametes was independent of the distribution of the alleles of seed shape . T/F 6. In the results of Mendel’s experiments, 9 out of 16 F2 individuals have round and green seeds. T/F 7. 1 out of 16 was homozygous recessive for both characters. T/F 8. The inheritance of seed shape depends on the inheritance of seed color. T/F 9. The law of independent assortment states that when gametes form, the two alleles for different characters always segregate together. T/F 10. Complete the chart: Seed shape Seed color 9/16 3/16 3/16 1/16 Script: Mendel's Law of Independent Assortment- A two-trait breeding experiment As a field of science genetics did not begin until 1866, the year that an Augustinian monk named Gregor Mendel published a landmark paper on inheritance in pea plants. Mendel's laws of inheritance help us predict the phenotypes of offspring from the genotypes of the parents. One of Mendel's laws, the law of independent assortment, was based on two-trait breeding 44 experiments: crosses in which he tracked two completely different traits at the same time. Mendel wanted to know what would happen if true-breeding plants with round yellow seeds (RRYY) were crossed with true-breeding plants with wrinkled green seeds (rryy). The R gene controls seed shape: having a dominant R results in round seeds, and being homozygous recessive (rr) results in wrinkled seeds. For seed color, having a dominant Y results in yellow seeds, and being homozygous recessive (yy) results in green seeds. Mendel asked, is the inheritance of seed shape independent of the inheritance of seed color? That is, do the alleles assort independently? If Mendel's hunch was right, the distribution of the alleles of one gene into gametes would be independent of the distribution of the alleles of the other gene, so all possible combinations of the alleles would be found in the gametes. The plants of the next generation are called F1 hybrids, and Mendel crossed large numbers of them. Again, if the alleles assort independently into gametes, all four different gamete possibilities would be produced in equal proportions. A Punnett square is useful in predicting the genotypes and phenotypes in the next generation—the F2 plants. The genotypes of the sperm and eggs are placed along the sides of the Punnett square. Sperm and eggs are then combined systematically within the grid to create diploid individuals. Based on the genotypes in each square, the phenotypes are filled in. The Punnett square depicts the phenotypic ratios of alleles that are assorting independently. That is, 9 out of 16 F2 individuals would have round and yellow seeds, 3 out of 16 would have round and green seeds, 3 out of 16 would have wrinkled and yellow seeds, and 1 out of 16 would have wrinkled and green seeds—an overall ratio of 9:3:3:1. What did Mendel actually see? From hundreds of F2 plants examined, he found a very similar ratio. From the data, he could conclude that the inheritance of seed shape is indeed independent of the inheritance of seed color. Mendel made similar crosses for various combinations of the seven traits he studied. His results led him to propose the law of independent assortment, which states that when gametes form, the two alleles of any given gene segregate during meiosis independently of any two alleles of other genes. ACTIVITY 2: individual work/ check in pair (time 10 min) Complete the chart that summarize Mendel's Laws.. .You have to specify phenotypes and genotypes LAW DOMINANCE PARENT CROSS ………. Purple x white Tt x Tt …………… INDEPENDENT ASSORTMENT HOMEWORK ……………. Tall & green pods x Tall & green pods OFFSPRING ……………… purple ………tall (………….) ………...…(…………) 9/16 Tall & green pods …………………………….. …………………………… ………………………......... Do the exercises below to apply Mendel’s laws and to predict genotypes and phenotypes in monohybrid crosses 1. A heterozygous round seeded plant (Rr) is crossed with a homozygous round seeded plant (RR). What percentage of the offspring will be homozygous (RR)? ____________ 2. A homozygous round seeded plant is crossed with a homozygous wrinkled seeded plant. What 45 are the genotypes of the parents? __________ x __________ What percentage of the offspring will also be homozygous? ______________ 3. In pea plants purple flowers are dominant to white flowers. If two white flowered plants are cross, what percentage of their offspring will be white flowered? ______________ 4. A white flowered plant is crossed with a plant that is heterozygous for the trait. What percentage of the offspring will have purple flowers? _____________ 5. Two plants, both heterozygous for the gene that controls flower color are crossed. What percentage of their offspring will have purple flowers? ______________ What percentage will have white flowers? ___________ 6. In guinea pigs, the allele for short hair is dominant. What genotype would a heterozygous short haired guinea pig have? _______ What genotype would a purebreeding short haired guinea pig have? _______ What genotype would a long haired guinea pig have? ________ 7. Show the cross for a pure breeding short haired guinea pig and a long haired guinea pig. What percentage of the offspring will have short hair? __________ 8. Two short haired guinea pigs are mated several times. Out of 100 offspring, 25 of them have long hair. What are the probable genotypes of the parents? ________ x ___________ Show the cross to prove it. 46 MODULE Title: INHERITANCE IN ACTION Unit n.1: Title Mendel’s work Lesson 5: applying the principles of probability to simulate genetic crosses (Time: 1h) Date: OBJECTIVES: Basics of Probability and genetics CONTENT Actual data versus predicted Reading skills: to understand instructions from written text LANGUAGE Lexis: Probability; Actual To revise and reinforce knowledge acquired To relate probability to genetics To compare and contrast an individual’s genotype and STUDY SKILLS AND STRATEGIES phenotype. To simulate crossing using coins To work in pair Activity 1: whole class (10min) The Teacher checks the exercises he gave out as homework. Activity 2: whole class 5 (min)/ work in pair (30 min) Tossing coin genetics: minilab Pay attention to the teacher: she will introduce the activity you are going to do explaining the basics of probability that can applied to genetics crosses for one character. The rules of probability can be applied to Mendelian crosses to determine the phenotypes and genotypes of offspring. Mendel's laws of segregation and independent assortment reflect the same laws of probability that are applied to tossing coins. Probability is the chance that something happens. When you toss a coin there is a same probability of 50% that you obtain a head or a tail. The next time you toss the coin the probability doesn’t change as every flip is an independent event. In the same way, when eggs (or sperm) are produced, each allele has the same chance (50% of probability) of ending up in an egg or sperm cell. Thus there is an equal probability of ½ (50%) for each egg or sperm to join forming a zygote; Look at the picture and pay attention to this example: in a Mendelian cross between pea plants that are heterozygous for flower color (Pp), what is the probability that the offspring will be homozygous recessive (pp)? The probability that an egg from the F1 (Pp) will receive a p allele = 1/2. The probability that a sperm from the F1 will receive a p allele = 1/2. The overall probability that two recessive alleles will unite, one from the egg and one from the sperm at fertilization is: 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4. (25%) This is called the Product Rule: the probability that independent events will occur simultaneously is the product of their individual probabilities Tossing coin mini-lab: In this lab you will make predictions using Punnett Squares and using coins to simulate the crosses. Then you will compare the actual ratios with the predicted ratios. Pay attention to the term “actual”: it means real, effective ( its meaning is very different from the Italian meaning !!) The Mendelian character you are going to study is the length of 47 big toe in humans. A big T represents the dominant allele (short big toe), t is the recessive allele, long big toe. The following genotypes are possible. Fill in the phenotypes for them: Genotype Phenotype TT Tt tt PREDICTED RATIO Use a Punnet Square to predict the ratio of offspring (F1) in a cross where the parents are both Tt These are your predicted ratios (Express them also in percentage) Genotype Ratio Phenotype Ratio ACTUAL RATIO Now you will determine the actual ratios by using coins to represent the crosses. You have two coins. One side of the coin, (HEAD) is the letter T; on the other side (TAIL) is the letter t. The first coin represents a parent that has the genotype T t. A second coin represents the other parent that has genotype Tt too. One partner is going to play the role of female, the other will play the role of male. When the coin is flipped, you are determining what sperm or what egg is being donated to the match. When you flip the coins together, you are simulating fertilization. Now, practice flips… Flip the two coins. The results show you what your offspring will be. Did you get head/head (TT) , head/tail (Tt) or tail/tail ( tt) ? __________ What is the Phenotype of your offspring? ________________ And now start the activity: ACTUAL RATIO: To determine Actual Ratios, flip your coins 100 times , recording in the table below how often each combination came up. 48 Use tally marks to record your data then summarize as a number GENOTYPES head/head (TT) head/tail tail/tail (Tt) (tt) Number of times Probability (percentages) PHENOTYPES Total Short toe ( TT + Tt) Long toe (tt) Now compare Actual to Predicted Ratios: Predicted ratios Actual Ratios TT Tt tt Short Toe Long Toe Analysis Would you consider the actual and predicted ratios the a. SAME b. CLOSE TO THE SAME c. NOT CLOSE AT ALL What do the coins represent in the simulation?___________________________________________ When you toss the coin to see which side lands up, what part of the process of sexual reproduction 49 does this simulate?___________________________________ When you put the two coins that are flipped together, what part of the process of sexual reproduction are you simulating?_______________________________________ Now share your results with the class and discuss them. Curiosity: This specific trait is also called “Venus foot” and it is very frequent in artistic representation like Botticelli’s Venus. Someone sustains that this trait could be linked with special beauty. So, what kind of big toe have you got? Activity 3: whole class (10min) Revision of the UNIT 1; useful information for the assessment 50 VALUTAZIONE PREMESSA Le valutazione ha preso in considerazione vari aspetti contenutistici, linguistici ma anche relativi ad abilità integrate. L’UD ha previsto momenti di verifica formativa dell’acquisizione e comprensione dei contenuti chiave in LS e una verifica scritta in parte oggettiva e in parte a quesiti aperti a risposta breve. Relativamente a quest’ultima, sulla parte oggettiva la valutazione attribuita in punteggio concerne sostanzialmente l’acquisizione dei contenuti mentre sulle domande aperte è stata prevista anche la valutazione delle competenze linguistiche da parte del docente di LS (vedi griglie allegate). Nell’attribuzione dei punteggi si è data prevalenza alla componente contenutistica rispetto a quella linguistica e per quest’ultima alla efficacia comunicativa rispetto alla correttezza. - La valutazione complessiva di fine modulo invece è determinata da una media ponderata tra le valutazioni della verifica scritta (70%), e dalla valutazione globale sulla interazione orale degli alunni desunta dalle rilevazioni nel corso delle attività (30%). 51 VERIFICA SCRITTA UD1 UD1 ASSESMENT PHASE (Time 1 h) 1. Multiple choice. Choose the right answer. (Pt 2*9) Which cross would best illustrate Mendel's Law of Segregation? A. TT x tt B. Hh x hh C. Bb x Bb D. rr x rr In the cross Yy x Yy, what percentage of offspring would have the same phenotype as the parents? A. 25% B. 50% C. 75% D. 100% In a certain plant, purple flowers are dominant to red flowers. If the cross of two purple-flowered plants produces some purple-flowered and some red-flowered plants, what is the genotype of the parent plants? A. PP x Pp B. Pp x Pp C. pp x PP D. pp x pp Crossing two di-hybrid organisms results in which phenotypic ratio? A. 1:2:1 B. 9:3:3:1 C. 3:1 D. 1:1 The outward appearance (gene expression) of a trait in an organism is referred to as: A. genotype B. phenotype C. an allele D. independent assortment The phenotype of a pea plant can best be determined by: A. analyzing its genes B. looking at it C. crossing it with a recessive plant D. eating it Mendel formulated his Law of Segregation after he had: A. studied F1 offspring B. studied F2 offspring C. produced mutations D. produced hybrids Which cross would produce phenotypic ratios that would illustrate the Law of Dominance? A. TT x tt B. TT x Tt C. Tt x Tt D. tt x tt The mating of two curly-haired brown guinea pigs results in some offspring with 52 brown curly hair, some with brown straight hair, some with white curly hair, and even some with white straight hair. Which of Mendel's Laws does this mating illustrate? A. Dominance B. Segregation C. Independent Assortment D. Sex-Linkage 2. Study Dihybrid Cross: (pt 5) AA or Aa = purple; aa = white BB or Bb = tall; bb = short complete the Punnet square, then answer to the questions: 3. Solve the problems: a) A white-flowered plant is crossed with a pink-flowered plant. All of the F1 offspring from the cross are white. Draw the Punnet square for this cross then answer (pt 5) Which phenotype is dominant? _______________________________ What are the genotypes of the original parent plants? _____________________________ What is the genotype of all the F1 offspring? ____________________________________ What would be the percentages of genotypes & phenotypes if one of the white F1 plants is crossed with a pink-flowered plant? _________________________ Which of Mendel's Laws is/are illustrated in this question? ________________________ b) - One cat carries heterozygous, long-haired traits (Ll), and its mate carries homozygous short-haired traits (ll). Use a Punnett square to determine the probability of one of their offspring having long hair.________________ (pt 6) c)- In a certain species of pine trees, short needles are dominant to long needles . Draw the Punnett squares to figure out the possible offspring of a cross between a short needles plant and a long needles plant. What is the probability of an offspring having long needles? (pt 6) 53 4. Answer each of the following questions in a complete sentence: (pt 5*6 ) 1. Describe the contributions that Mendel made to the study of biology 2. Explane the difference between self pollination and cross pollination 3. In Mendel’s experiments, what was the P generations? The F1 generation? The F2 generation? 4. Why can organisms that have the same Phenotype for a trait have different genotype for the trait? 5. In Mendel’s F1 crosses, explain why one form of a character seemed to disappear in the F1 generation and then reappeared in F2 generation. 6. Describe the principle of independent assortment. Contents: TOTAL SCORE 70 54 GRIGLIE DI VALUTAZIONE 1.GRIGLIA PER VALUTAZIONE VERIFICA SCRITTA BELOW AVERAGE PASS FAIR GOOD VERY GOOD COMPRENSIONE CONTENUTI 0-39 40-45 46-54 55-6O 61-70 EFFICACIA COMUNICATIVA 0-10 11-14 15-16 17-18 19-20 CORRETTEZZA USO TERMINOLOGIA SPECIFICA 0-5 6 7 8-9 10 TOTAL Score/100 = MARK/10 = 55 2. QUESTIONARIO DI AUTOVALUTAZIONE DEL LAVORO DI GRUPPO PER ALUNNI Per nulla poco Ho mostrato disponibilità nella partecipazione al lavoro di gruppo Ho contribuito in modo efficace alla discussione nel gruppo Ho contribuito attivamente al mantenimento dell’armonia nel gruppo Sono stato responsabile rispetto al lavoro e ai compiti assegnatimi Ho contribuito attivamente alla ricerca dei materiali Ho contribuito attivamente alla elaborazione del progetto di gruppo Ho contribuito attivamente alla realizzazione del prodotto 56 abbastanza molto 3. SCHEDA VALUTAZIONE DELLA PRODUZIONE ORALE studen ti Quantità interazioni I. A B Utilizzo lessico specifico I. A Nota: I= insufficiente; A= adeguato; B= buono 57 B fluency I. A B 4. QUESTIONARIO DI VALUTAZIONE DEL PROGETTO PER STUDENTI Il presente questionario è anonimo PN 1.Quando ti è stato proposto questo percorso CLIL hai pensato che: - Avresti potuto migliorare le tue competenze linguistiche - avresti potuto progredire in entrambe le discipline - avresti incontrato molte più difficoltà nella materia 2.Ritieni che imparare le scienze in inglese sia utile? 3.Al termine del percorso ti è sembrato che acquisire i contenuti della materia sia stato più difficile del previsto? 4. Nelle lezioni CLIL ti è sembrato più difficile? - capire l’insegnante di materia che parlava in LS - comprendere i concetti attraverso la lettura di testi - comprendere i concetti attraverso le immagini e le animazioni - svolgere gli esercizi - esprimere oralmente in LS quanto appreso - partecipare alle discussioni in gruppo 5. La presentazione dei contenuti è stata adeguata al tuo livello linguistico? 6. La presentazione dei contenuti ti è sembrata chiara ed efficace? 7. Quali tra le attività proposte hai trovato di maggior gradimento? - attività di lettura - attività di ascolto - animazioni - discussioni di classe - attività laboratoriali 58 P A M MM - lavoro individuale 8. Ti piacerebbe proseguire l’esperienza del CLIL? Altre osservazioni e suggerimenti: BIBLIOGRAFIA Campbell N. A., J.B. Reece et al: Biology: concepts and connections, 6th Edition - PEARSON ed, 2009; Federici M.: Proposte di strumenti e questionari di valutazione e autovalutazione degli apprendimenti in percorsi CLIL. Ist. Superiore Contardo Ferrarini, Verbania. Miller/ Levine: Biology, the living science, Teacher’s edition, Prentice Hall; Ricci Garotti F. a cura di: Il futuro si chiama CLIL, IPRASE Trentino,2006. Starr C.: Biology today and Tomorrow , Brooks/Cole, 2005; SITOGRAFIA http.// 59