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Mother Teresa:
An Inspirational Figure in the Care of the Dying
A Few Suggested Viewings and Readings
Mother Teresa by Ann and Jeanette Petrie, 1986
The Love that Made Mother Teresa by David Scott, 2015
Something Beautiful for God by Malcolm Muggeridge, 2003
Especially for those seeking faith
Works of Love are Works of Peace, A Photographic Record by Michael Collopy, 1996
Mother Teresa’s Secret Fire by Joseph Langford, 2008
All Are Welcome
Quotes from Mother Teresa from the “The Joy in Loving” compiled by Jay Chalika and
Edward Le Joly.
I love all religions but I am in love with my own. If people become better Hindus,
better Muslims, better Buddhists by our acts of love, then there is something else
growing there, they come closer to God. When they come closer to God they have
to choose.
We have absolutely no difficulty regarding having to work in countries with many
faiths. We treat all people as children of God. They are our brothers and sisters.
We show great respect to them. Our work is to encourage these people, Christians
as well as non-Christians, to do works of love. Every work of love done with a full
heart brings people closer to God.
Our purpose is to take God and His love to the poorest of the poor, irrespective of
their ethnic origin or the faith they profess. Our discernment of aid is not the belief
but the necessity. In our work we bear witness to the love of God’s presence and if
Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists or agnostics become for this reason better men--simply better---we will be satisfied. Growing up in God’s love they will be nearer to
God and will find Him in His goodness.
Whether one is Hindu or Muslim or a Christian, how you live your life is proof that
you are or not fully his. We cannot condemn or judge or pass words that will hurt
people. We don’t know in what way God is appearing to that soul and what God is
drawing that soul to; therefore, who are we to condemn anybody?
Religion is not something that you or I can touch. Religion is the worship of God--therefore a matter of conscience. I alone must decide for myself and you for
yourself, what we choose. For me the religion I live and use to worship God is the
Catholic religion. For me this is my very life, my joy and the greatest gift of God in
His love for me. He could have given me no greater gift.
I love my people very much, more than myself, and so naturally I wish to give them
the joy of possessing the treasure that is my religion, but it is not mine to give, nor
can I force it on anyone. So also no man, no law, no government has the right to
prevent or force me, or anyone; if I choose to embrace the religion that gives me
peace, joy and love.