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By: sepideh
What is dolphin?
How fast do dolphin swim?
What dolphin eat?
How big the dolphin grow?
Do dolphin have families?
dolphin body part!
What's the difference between dolphin and porpoise
Dolphins are one of the smartest animals living
in the ocean. There are about 40 species of
dolphins. There are thirty-three ocean dolphins,
five river dolphins, and six different kinds of
porpoises. They have adapted to all of the
oceans of the world. Dolphins are not fish; they
are mammals. Dolphins' closest land relatives
are pigs, cows, and deer! Dolphins evolved in
the ocean, while hoofed animals evolved on
What is dolphin?
Dolphins, like you and me, are mammals.
They have teeth, are warm-blooded, have a
four-chambered heart, and nurse their young
from mammary glands. Dolphins also have
hair — but not very much!
How fast do dolphin swim
• We don't know how fast most dolphins
swim but bottlenose dolphins typically
swim at 3 to 7 miles per hour. They can go
over 20 miles per hour when they work
hard. The body shape of a dolphin helps it
swim fast. A dolphin's body is shaped like
a tube that is pointed at both ends.
This streamlining helps the water flow over
the dolphin's body as it swims.
What dolphin eat?
• They eat fish. The fish that they eat
include squids and crustaceans, such as
shrimp. Adult dolphins eat up to 4% to 5%
of their body weight per day, but a nursing
mother may eat up to 8% per day.
Dolphins do not chew their food. They
swallow i whole. They swallow fish head
first so that the spines of the fish won't
catch in their throats.
How big the dolphin grow?
The biggest dolphin is the killer whale. Killer whale
calves are about 8 feet long at birth and can grow to over
20 feet long. Bottlenose dolphins are about 3 1/2 feet
long at birth and grow to 8 or 9 feet long.
Do dolphin have families?
The structure of dolphin groups (also called
herds or pods) is more like that of elephants
than humans. In killer whales the social group
is formed by a female and her calves — even if
they have grown to adults. The fathers of the
calves do not live with the pod. We do not know
what the social structure is for many kinds of
Dolphin body part
Whats the difference between dolphin
and porpoise
What's the difference between a
dolphin and a porpoise?
Even though they are both toothed
whales, they have different body
shapes. Dolphins usually have a large
forehead. The easiest way to tell them
apart is to look at their teeth. All dolphin
teeth are round when you cut them in
half. All porpoise teeth are flat.
, I’m this book author my name is sepideh keshavarz I
am from IRAN student of Russell sage junior high
school 190 in 7 grade . I like to write book for everyone
to read and enjoy , I exertion to make this book , I am
searching a lot in to the internet and I am study many
book to find this information and I also use easy words
to understand better, my aim of this are to show you
what mammals are dolphin and I also show you body
parts and other thing…..