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1. Functions of
1. carries oxygen from lungs to body cells and
carries carbon dioxide to lungs to be exhaled
2. carries waste products from cells to kidneys
3. transports nutrients and other substances to
body cells
4. cells and molecules in blood fight infections
and help heal wounds
2. blood
-tissue made of plasma, red and white blood
cells, and platelets
- makes up 8% of body’s total mass
3. plasma
-liquid part of blood
-made mostly of water
-nutrients, minerals and oxygen are dissolved in
4. red blood
-disk shaped
- no nuclei when mature
- contain hemoglobin
- carry oxygen
- life span of about 120 days
5. hemoglobin
- a molecule that carries oxygen and carbon
6. white blood
-fight bacteria, viruses, and other invaders to
your body
- life span varies from a few days to many months
7. platelets
-irregularly shaped cell fragments that help clot
- life span of about n5 to 9 days
8. Blood Clotting
-clot plugs wounded blood vessels
- platelets stick to wound and release chemicals
- chemical reactions form fibrin that form a
sticky net to trap blood cells and platelets
-hemophilia- genetic condition where blood
doesn’t clot
9. Rh Factor
-an inherited chemical identification tag
- on red blood cells
- Rh positive if have the tag, negative if not
- if negative receives positive blood, blood will
produce antibodies and clump up
- Rh- mother can produce antibodies against Rh+
baby which can destroy babies red blood cells