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The Cold War
By: Isaiah Jones
• The Cold War was a period in time when state of
political hostility that existed between the United
States and the USSR which often dated between
1945, which was the end of Word War II, until
1991 which was the end of the Soviet Union.
What is The Cold War
Disagreements over rebuilding Europe
The differing political systems
War devastation causing suspicion and mistrust
Democracy vs. Communism
Causes of The Cold War
• In 1948 George Marshall, Secretary of State, began the
Marshall plan also known as the European Recovery Plan.
“The need for such a program was considered urgent not
only to support America's largest trade partners, but also to
prevent the spread of communism from the Soviet Union.”
So for the next four years the U.S. spent time restoring
Europe to prosperity. Overall the U.S. contributed 13
billion dollars to European counties. “By the end of the
plan, approximately $3.4 billion had been spent on the
importation of raw materials and semi-manufactured
products, $3.2 billion had been spent on food and
agricultural needs, $1.9 billion had been spent on vehicles
and machinery, and $1.6 billion had been spent on fuel.”
Marshall Plan
• In 1950 was the Korean War and was significant because
it was the first “hot war” that was arising during the Cold
War. It was fought between South Korea and North
Korea and was fought at the 38th parallel, which became
the postwar border between South Korea and North
The Korean War
• In 1955 the Warsaw Pact was formed. The Warsaw Pact
was a military alliance between the communist nations in
Eastern Europe that included the Soviet Union,
Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, East Germany, Romania,
Poland, Hungary, and Albania. It was given its name
“Warsaw” because the treaty was signed in Warsaw and
was basically the Soviet Union’s response to West
Germany joining the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty
Warsaw Pact
• In 1961 the Berlin Wall was built. The wall was built and
acted as a border between East and West Berlin to prevent
East Germans from escaping from the East and traveling
to the West. The main reason people wanted to cross the
Berlin Wall was to escape the communism and go to the
free country of West Germany so that the people could
start a new and better life. And in the process of crossing
the Berlin Wall many people died and or were killed by a
guard but some crossed the border successfully.
The Berlin Wall
• In 1962 the Cuban missile crisis occurred and was a time
when John F. Kennedy discovered that Cuba had been
armed with the Soviet Union’s missiles. Kennedy’s plan
was to surround Cuba with a naval blockade hoping it
would prevent the Soviets from receiving any more
military supplies. “He demanded the removal of the
missiles already there and the destruction of the sites.”3
So for 13 days the world waited for the outbreak of a
nuclear war and hoped that the outcome of the Cuban
missile crisis would be resolved peacefully.
The Cuban Missile Crisis
• In 1989 the Berlin Wall was considered to have fallen and
all of the points along the wall we re permitted to anyone
and they were allowed to cross at any time. The reason
the wall came down was because President Reagan
demanded that the wall came down so the Soviets were
forced to take the wall down. The many people who
hated the wall were now ecstatic that it came down
considering that the Berlin Wall was a hated symbol of
Fall of the Berlin Wall
• The Cold War basically ended as the tensions
between the United States and the Soviet Union
relaxed and calmed down in 1991.
End of the Cold War