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10th Grade Semester One
Unit 3: The Effects of Revolution
Stage 1: Desired Outcomes
Topic / Unit Title: Revolution in Thought
* How do revolutions lead to changes in society?
NYS Content Standards
Key Idea 2: Establishing timeframes, exploring different
periodizations, examining themes across time and within
cultures, and focusing on important turning points in world
history help organize the study of world cultures and
Key Idea 3: Study of the major social, political, cultural, and
religious developments in world history involves learning about
the important roles and contributions of individuals and groups.
Key Idea 4: The skills of historical analysis include the ability
to investigate differing and competing interpretations of the
theories of history, hypothesize about why interpretations
change over time, explain the importance of historical
evidence, and understand the concepts of change and
continuity over time.
Common Core Skills
Reading-Social Studies (RH)
1. Use relevant information and ideas from documents to support analysis
2. Determine the main idea of a document
5. Identify and analyze arguments/ideas presented in documents
8. Identify and analyze evidence
9. Compare and contrast primary and secondary source information
Writing (W)
1. Write an argument to support claims
4. Produce writing appropriate to task, purpose and audience
9. Draw evidence from informational text
Speaking and Listening (SL)
1. Initiate and participate in collaborative discussion
2. Accurately use multiple sources of information
4. Clearly present appropriate information and evidence
6. Demonstrate command of formal English
Essential Questions:
Effect of Congress of Vienna on European balance of power,
geography, and social structure.
The possibility of lasting peace on the European continent.
The social structure of Latin America prior to various Latin
American revolutions.
The impact of the French Revolution on Latin American
independence movements.
The role of nationalism in Latin American revolutions.
The differences between political and social revolutions (as
related to Europe and Latin America).
Key vocabulary: Congress of Vienna, balance of power,
Metternich, Creoles, Mestizos, Peninsulares, Father Hidalgo,
Touissant L’Overture, Simon Bolivar.
Effect of Congress of Vienna on European balance of power, geography, and
social structure.
The possibility of lasting peace on the European continent.
The social structure of Latin America prior to various Latin American revolutions.
The impact of the French Revolution on Latin American independence
The role of nationalism in Latin American revolutions.
The differences between political and social revolutions (as related to Europe
and Latin America).
Key vocabulary: Congress of Vienna, balance of power, Metternich, Creoles,
Mestizos, Peninsulares, Father Hidalgo, Touissant L’Overture, Simon Bolivar.
Stage 2: Assessments and Tasks
Common Core Literacy Task
Create a two-page dialogue based on the goals of the
leaders of the Congress of Vienna.
Write a 2-page diary entry from the perspective of one of the
Latin American revolutionary leaders explaining reasons for
revolution and difficulties in achieving their goals.
Write a 4 paragraph essay that answers the overarching unit
question using evidence how revolutions can change the
RAFT Activity
Role – African Slave or Native American in colonial Latin
Audience – Peninsulares or “ruling class” of colonial Latin
Format – poem or song lyrics
Topic – treatment of lower classes in Latin America, possibility
and growing sentiments of revolt, unfairness of colonial Latin
American social structure, appreciation of colonial Mother
Performance Task(s) – Other Evidence
Write an essay which discusses how revolutionary concepts apply to modern
Create posters, speeches, & obituaries which explain key concepts of the Latin
American independence movement.
Jig-saw/Expert activity wherein students individually learn about a particular
Latin American revolutionary leader and are then tasked with sharing their
expertise to the whole class (in speech or written form).
Story Chain, including vocabulary word maps and answers to various AIM
GISTing activity – students will read a topical article, answer the W’s (who, what,
when, etc.), and write a limited-word response in paragraph form to demonstrate
comprehension (for example, the paragraph can be no longer than 20 words
Accommodations: Scaffolds and Differentiation
Modify primary source texts (variety, complexity, length)
Incorporate alternative materials (visual, video, audio, internet)
Provide supplementary resources for supports
Group with a purpose
Model skills, task and/or product
Utilize graphic organizers / note taking template
Provide individual or group intervention and support
Re-enforce vocabulary / concept development
Provide choice / variety of activities or tasks
Group with a purpose
Assign specific, purposeful assessments to individuals or groups
Allow students to choose from a variety of assessments
Provide scaffolds / supports (outlines, templates, models)
Provide extension activities to expand thinking or understanding
Group with a purpose
How will students reflect upon and self-assess their learning?
Students will be asked to write a reflection based on what they learned and how effectively they worked.
Reading feedback on essays and other written work.
Student will peer- and self-edit essay for proper structure and mechanics, and students will evaluate essay content.
Students will revise first drafts of their essays.
Student will self-assess learning by attempting another combination in the RAFT.
Student will assess their key-term knowledge by attempting to recreate parts of their vocabulary word maps without looking through their
Students will compare their GIST paragraphs with their peers in order to determine the validity of their responses and whether they have
answered the W’s.
Stage 3: Learning Plan
Instructional Activities and Materials (W.H.E.R.E.T.O.)
Aim: Can an international organization provide stability and peace? OR Did the Congress of Vienna lay the foundation
for world stability? OR Can a balance of power maintain world peace?
Identify/define: conservative, reactionary, liberalism, balance of power, legitimacy, compensation, Concert of Europe, Congress of Vienna,
holy Alliance, Quadruple Alliance, nationalism.
Explain how the territorial changes made at the Congress of Vienna violated the principle of nationalism.
Explain how the Congress of Vienna tried to bring about a balance of power.
List and explain the methods used by Metternich and his allies to suppress nationalistic and democratic ideas: (a) military power, (b) alliances,
(c) censorship and spies.
Evaluate whether a balance of power can exist in a revolutionary world.
Evaluate the extent to which an international organization can provide stability and peace.
Aim: Do revolutions have a global impact? OR Did the French Revolution plant the seeds for future revolutions?
Show examples of spreading nationalism in other European nations as well as Latin American nations arising from the French Revolution: (a)
Latin American Revolutions from 1810-1832, (b) Revolutions of 1830 – 1832 in France, Belgium, Italy, and Poland: (c) Revolutions of 1848 in
France, the Austrian Empire, Italy and Germany
Evaluate the impact of the French Revolution on the revolutionary movements throughout Europe and Latin American during the Age of
Democratic Revolution.
Discuss the extent to which the French Revolution overturned the balance of power which previously existed in Europe.
Evaluate Metternich’s statement: “When France sneezes, all Europe catches cold.” Discuss this statement in light of the conditions and events
in 1830 and 1848.
Evaluate whether or not the Metternich System was effective in stopping the spread of European nationalism.
Aim: Did the Latin American revolutions against colonial rule bring about social change? OR Do revolutions create
social change?
Identify/define: peninsulares, Creoles, mestizos, nationalism, social revolution, political revolution.
Discuss the impact of the French and American Revolutions on the Latin American independence movements.
Analyze the roles and perspectives of the various social classes on the revolutions in Latin American: (a) land-holding elite, (b) Creoles, (c)
Mestizos, (d) native peoples, (d) slaves
Discuss the role of the Church and the military in the revolutions in Latin America.
Evaluate the role of nationalism in the Latin American revolutions,.
Analyze the difference between a political and social revolution and evaluate whether the Latin American revolutions were social or political
Evaluate whether or not the Latin American revolutions significantly changed Latin American society for the better.
Aim: Were the leaders of the Latin American independence movements true revolutionaires?
Identify/define: Father Hidalgo, Padre Jose Morelos, Augustin de Iturbide, Simon Bolivar, Toussaint L’Ouverture, Jose de San Martin,
Bernardo O’Higgins, gruto de Delores.
Describe the role of Toussaint L’Ouverture and discuss how Haiti achieved independence
Describe how Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin, and Bernardo O’Higgins ended Spanish rule.
Analyze how Bolivar’s ideas on Latin American independence and government reflect Enlightenment thought.
Explain the role of Father Hidalgo, Padres Jose Morelos, the Native Americans, and the mestizos in Mexican independence.
Compare and contrast the liberation of Brazil with that of the other Latin American nations.
Discuss the positive and negative effects of independence on the people of Latin America.
Evaluate whether or not the leaders of the Latin American independence movements were true revolutionaries.
Teacher Reflection for Future Planning
Evaluate exit tickets and response to questions during discussion.
Explore test results and essay writing skills on class exam to shape future writing lessons/assignments.
Determine how well RAFT work (did it stay afloat…?) and make necessary patches for future excursions.
Determine how accurately students were able to respond to the GIST activity (answering the W’s) and responding correctly to the limitedword-use paragraph format.
June 2010
Theme: Change—Ideas
The ideas of individuals have had a significant influence on groups, nations and regions.
Task: Select two individuals and for each
● Explain a specific idea developed by the individual
● Describe the historical circumstances that surrounded the development of the idea
● Discuss how the idea influenced a group or a nation or a region
You may use any individual whose ideas had a significant influence from your study of global history. Some suggestions you might
wish to consider include Confucius, Niccolo Machiavelli, Galileo Galilei, John Locke, Simon Bolivar, Karl Marx, Kemal Ataturk, Nelson,
Nelson Mandela, Deng Xiaoping, and Mikhail Gorbachev.
January 2006
Theme: Change
The ideas and beliefs of philosophers and leaders have led to changes in nations and regions
Task: Choose two philosophers and/or leaders and for each
● Explain a major idea or belief of that philosopher or leader
● Discuss how that idea or belief changed one nation or region
You may use any philosophers or leaders from your study of global history. Some suggestions you might wish to consider include
Confucius, John Locke, Adam Smith, Simon Bolivar, Otto von Bismarck, Vladimir Lenin, Mohandas Gandhi, Mao Zedong, Fidel
Castro, or Nelson Mandela
January 2003
Theme: Change
Throughout history, political revolutions had many causes. These revolutions affected society and led to many changes. The changes
may or may not have resolved the problems that caused the revolutions.
Task: Choose one political revolution from your study of global history and geography and
Explain the causes of the revolution
Explain the causes of the revolution
Describe the effects this political revolution had on society
Evaluate whether the changes that results from the political revolution resolved the problems that caused it
You may use any example from your study of global history, but do not use the American Revolution. Some suggestions you might
wish to consider include the French Revolution (1789), Mexican Revolution (1910), Russian Revolution (1917), Chinese Revolution
(1949), Cuban Revolution (1959), or Iranian Revolution (1979).
Multiple Choice
1 What was one effect of the Latin American revolutions of the 19th century?
(1) Democracy became the dominant political system in Latin America.
(2) European colonialism replaced the independent governments of Latin America.
(3) Many Latin American countries achieved independence.
(4) Countries in Latin America deported most people with European ancestry.
Base your answer to question 2 on the cartoon below and on your knowledge of social studies.
2 The idea expressed in this cartoon is most closely associated with the
(1) alliances formed in Europe
(2) division of Africa discussed at the Berlin Conference
(3) spheres of influence established in China by foreigners
(4) border changes made at the Congress of Vienna
3 Which region’s colonial class structure included peninsulares, creoles, and mestizos?
(1) western Europe
(2) sub-Saharan Africa
(3) East Asia
(4) Latin America
•Toussaint L’Ouverture
• Bernardo O’Higgins
• José de San Martín
These individuals had their greatest impact on the
(1) unification of Italy
(2) independence movements in Latin America
(3) Zionist movement
(4) Catholic Counter Reformation
5 Simón Bolívar, Toussaint L’Ouverture, and José de San Martín are all associated with revolutions in
(1) Africa
(2) Europe
(3) South Asia
(4) Latin America
6 During the 1800s, many Latin American countries were characterized by a
(1) reliance on cash crops
(2) transition to command economies
(3) redistribution of land to the peasants
(4) withdrawal from the world market
7 Toussaint L’Ouverture and José de San Martín are leaders best known for
(1) leading independence movements
(2) supporting religious reforms
(3) promoting civil disobedience
(4) opposing democracy
8 One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Kwame Nkrumah, and Ho Chi Minh are similar is that each leader
(1) opposed the role of the Roman Catholic Church in politics
(2) established the first democratic government in his country
(3) fought to free his country from European control
(4) embraced the principles of civil disobedience
9 One way in which Toussaint L’Ouverture, Simón Bolívar, and José de San Martín are similar is that they all were
(1) supporters of mercantile policies
(2) leaders of independence movements
(3) democratically elected leaders
(4) industrial labor reformers
Base your answer to question 10 on the partial outline below and on your knowledge of social studies.
I. __________________________________
A. Ideas from the American Revolution spread.
B. Enslaved persons burned sugar fields and rebelled against French slave owners.
C. Toussaint L’Ouverture organized rebels.
10 Which title best completes this partial outline?
(1) Causes for Bismarck’s Rise to Power
(2) Factors of the Haitian Revolution
(3) Results of the Munich Pact
(4) Situations Contributing to the Zionist Movement
11 Which mountains were an obstacle to Simón Bolívar’s efforts to unify Gran Colombia?
(1) Alps
(2) Andes
(3) Zagros
(4) Urals
12 Which geographic feature presented an obstacle to Simón Bolívar’s forces?
(1) Sahara Desert
(2) Andes Mountains
(3) Great Rift Valley
(4) Strait of Malacca
13 The Andes Mountains and the Amazon River basin affected Simón Bolívar’s efforts to bring about
(1) economic imperialism
(2) political unification
(3) religious solidarity
(4) technological improvements