Download National CANCER Patient Experience Survey

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Request From Lead Cancer Nurses:
To put the National Cancer Patient Experience Survey results and actions
on the SSG meeting agendas as a permanent recurring item
Purpose of the request:
To promote pathway service improvements in the way that the Clinical
nurse specialists would like to see their services maintained or changed
Best practice to be discussed and shared
Trust / network level priorities identified for
pathway improvements
Action plan required to address identified
areas for improvement
Progression of the action plan/service
Overall disappointing results for UHBristol
729 patients responded to the survey from the trust (44
respondents for Head & neck)
Total of 70 survey questions
Good Practice
Given a choice of types of treatments (100% ↑13 )
Given right amount of info about condition and treatment (95% ↑1)
CNS listened carefully (94% ↑6)
Staff explained completely what would be done during test (93% ↑6)
Seen info about cancer research in hospital (93% ↑12)
Told sensitively they had cancer (88% ↑4)
Did everything to control side effects of radiotherapy (87% ↑2)
Given name of CNS (84% ↑12)
Gave info about support groups (83% ↑14)
CNS /MDT Specific
 Written information about the type of cancer (49% ↓4)
 Easy to contact CNS (70 % ↓19)
 Understandable answers all/most of the time (88% ↓12%)
 Told they could get free prescriptions (57 % ↓19)
 Told about side effects that could happen in the future (56% ↓14)
Ward staff /Inpatient care
 Patients got understandable answers to Q’s (64% ↓16)
 Confidence and trust in the ward nurses (61% ↓17)
 Staff did everything to control Pain (81% ↓13)
 Definitely given enough care from Health and Social services. (43% ↓30)
 Gave patient enough emotional support. (64% ↓10)
 Offered a written assessment and care plan (9% ↓6)
Head & Neck centralisation March 2013
UHBT/NBT Head & neck ward moves
Survey questionnaire sent out in in Sep-Dec
2 CNS’s in post at the time of the survey
Head & neck patients that require the most
CNS support are unlikely to complete survey
(Alcohol dependency, socially deprived,
illiteracy, poor prognosis)
Survey results do not reflect patient
comments (mostly positive)
Increase in CNS’s (WTE – 2.8).
Admin support 30 hours a week – easier to contact CNS team.
Answer machine, mobile phone, CNS bleeps and email
CNS cover from 7:30 – 5pm Monday –Friday.
CNS assessment sheet and checklist created for all new
diagnosis to highlight support and services available.
New CNS patient leaflet.
Cancer specific related information (including treatment and
side effects) available in MDT, oncology support centre and
online via trust DMS and Macmillan.
Patient flow board created to help facilitate complex process
Patient’s and families have the opportunity to meet Macmillan
support team prior to treatment (Morris room, POAC)
Ward teaching – Increased trachy study days, Head & neck
nursing assistant study day.
CNS attends ward rounds daily – education, training,
continuity of care
CNS uniforms
Enhanced recovery
End of treatment summaries
CNS team will facilitate complex discharges (Non cancer
patients included)
Close links with support services – SLT, Dietitian, OT, HDT,
Physio, Palliative care, hospice, District nurses
Head & Neck Macmillan/UHBT website
Holistic needs assessments
Nurse led clinics/MSC clinics/wound care clinics
Next steps ICE referrals
Non-medical prescribing and clinical
Tracheostomy/Laryngectomy/Head & Neck
Support groups (Thyroid, surgery)
In-house repeat of survey
Re-design of survey