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Double Jeopardy
Egyptian Daily
Test Questions
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $100
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
Q $200
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Q $300
Q $300
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Q $400
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Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Q $500
Final Jeopardy
$100 Question from Potpourri
Correctly pronounce the name of this category. ;)
$100 Answer from Potpourri
The name of this category is correctly pronounced :
“Poe – pur –ree”
$200 Question from Potpourri
If it wasn’t candy and soda that ate away at
the teeth of the Egyptians, what was it?
$200 Answer from Potpourri
It was bread that is said to have worn away
at Egpytians’ teeth. Actually, it was small
pieces of rocks in the bread that got their
during the preparation process.
$300 Question from Potpourri
These are steep rapids along a river.
$300 Answer from Potpourri
Cataracts are steep rapids along a river.
$400 Question from Potpourri
Why do historians believe there were canes
in Tut’s tomb?
Hint : If you don’t know, think
about why they left items in the tombs with
their dead.
$400 Answer from Potpourri
Historians believe there were canes in Tut’s
tomb because he may have needed them to
$500 Question from Potpourri
What languages are on the Rosetta Stone?
$500 Answer from Potpourri
The three languages on the Rosetta Stone
are Greek, Demotic, and Hieroglyphics.
$100 Question from Vocabulary
These are goods brought in from other
Hint : You learned about these during JA.
$100 Answer from Vocabulary
Imports are goods brought in from
other regions/countries.
$200 Question from Vocabulary
These are items sent out to
other regions/countries.
Hint : You learned about these in JA.
$200 Answer from Vocabulary
Exports are items sent out to
other regions/countries.
$300 Question from Vocabulary
This is the application of scientific knowledge
for practical purposes.
$300 Answer from Vocabulary
Engineering is the application of scientific
knowledge for practical purposes.
$400 Question from Vocabulary
He was a pharaoh famous mostly for the temples and
pyramid built during his reign. In fact, he built the
biggest pyramid of the pyramids at Giza.
$400 Answer from Vocabulary
Khufu was a pharaoh famous mostly for the temples and
pyramid built during his reign. In fact, he built the
biggest pyramid of the pyramids at Giza.
$500 Question from Vocabulary
This is an imaginary creature with the body
of a lion and the head of another animal (or human).
$500 Answer from Vocabulary
A sphinx is an imaginary creature with the body
of a lion and the head of another animal (or human).
$100 Question from Egyptian
In order to combat the heat and get rid of
lice, Egyptians wore these.
$100 Answer from Egyptian
In order to combat heat and lice, Egyptians
would shave their heads and wear wigs.
$200 Question from Egyptian
The Egyptians were thought to have invented this
game. A game in which one ball is rolled into a hole
while another ball is used to try to knock that ball away.
$200 Answer from Egyptian
The Egyptians are thought to have invented bowling,
or at least something like it.
$300 Question from Egyptian
What were the names of the three “seasons”
the Egyptians broke their year into when creating
the 365 day calendar?
$300 Answer from Egyptian
The 365 day calendar was broken up into
flood season, growing season, and harvesting
$400 Question from Egyptian
The more wigs a person owned, the more
______________ they were.
$400 Answer from Egyptian
The more wigs a person wore, the more wealthy
or important they were.
$500 Question from Egyptian
What would happen to papyrus the longer
Egyptians allowed the papyrus pieces
to soak in water?
$500 Answer from Egyptian
The longer papyrus was allowed to soak, the darker
the papyrus became.
$100 Question from Egyptian
Daily Life
The wealthy wore this made of more
expensive materials, while the poor wore
this made of beads and copper.
$100 Answer from Egyptian
Daily Life
Both the wealthy and the poor wore jewelry.
The wealthy wore more expensive jewelry
while the lower classes wore less expensive
$200 Question from Egyptian
Daily Life
True or False : The wealthy, regardless of gender,
went to school.
$200 Answer from Egyptian
Daily Life
False. Only wealthy males were allowed
to go to school since they were the only
ones who could afford it.
$300 Question from Egyptian
Daily Life
Instead of kings, Egyptians believed these
leaders were part god. For that reason, they were
given all the power in Egypt.
$300 Answer from Egyptian
Daily Life
Instead of kings, Egyptians gave pharaohs
all the power in Egypt.
$400 Question from Egyptian
Daily Life
Who was the vizier?
$400 Answer from Egyptian
Daily Life
The vizier was the pharaoh’s most important
advisor. Some may even call them the pharaoh’s
right-hand man.
$500 Question from Egyptian
Daily Life
How did Egyptians acquire slaves?
$500 Answer from Egyptian
Daily Life
Egyptians acquired slaves from conquered
$100 Question from Test
Egypt is broken up into two parts. What are those
two parts?
$100 Answer from Test
Egypt is broken into Upper Egypt and
Lower Egypt.
$200 Question from Test
True of False : Pyramids were built for all
people who died in ancient Egypt.
$200 Answer from Test
False. Not all people had pyramids built for them.
In fact, it was only very wealthy / important people
who died early in Egyptian history.
$300 Question from Test
Other than the Nile, what was it about the
geography of Egypt that made it a perfect
location to settle?
$300 Answer from Test
Natural barriers exist around Egypt, which made
it perfect to settle in. In other words, it was
protected to the north by the Mediteranean Sea,
to the west by the Sahara Desert, to the south by
cataracts, and to the east by the Red Sea.
$400 Question from Test
The southern part of Egypt was called what?
$400 Answer from Test
The southern part of Egypt was called Upper
$500 Question from Test
Who led the Egyptians in driving the Hyksos
out of Egypt?
$500 Answer from Test
Ahmose led the Egyptians in driving the
Hyksos from Egypt. He did so by creating
an army.
Final Jeopardy
Provide for me three reasons why some would say that
King Tut is one of the most
famous pharaohs from ancient History.
Final Jeopardy Answer
Some would say that Tut is the most famous pharaoh because :
1.He was the boy king, ruling for 10 year from approximately age 9-19.
2.His tomb in the Valley of the Kings was found intact.
3.He’s famous for the curse associated with his tomb being found.
4.He’s famous for the artifacts found in his tomb. Especially the burial
5.He’s famous for the possible stories about his mystery death.
6.Others may exist. Convince me.