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Safeguarding and behaviour
management: Staff and young
people, community and custody
Phil Sutton
Head of Business Change and Benefits Realisation, YJB.
Wiring Up Youth Justice: What’s it all about?
Wiring Up Youth Justice (WUYJ) is an information and communications
technology programme. It is being led by YJB on behalf of Youth Justice
The programme will improve how information is used and shared across the
youth justice system (YJS).
Access to information will become quicker, more reliable and more secure.
Information will be shared easily between organisations in the YJS and
ultimately, with the whole criminal justice and children’s services community.
It is part of our response to the Office of Criminal Justice Reform’s challenge to
improve and join up the criminal justice system by 2008.
Extensive research has been conducted to build on the strengths of current
practice and plug the gaps where they exist.
Leading youth justice practitioners have been brought in to give shape to the
programme and to support and direct IT expertise.
What are the Eye and connectivity projects? And what
are the benefits?
Electronic Transfer of
“Yellow Envelope”
Documents (connectivity)
Youth Offending Teams
Sent via
Sentenced cases only
Secure Estate
Sent via
(Sentence Management
● Quicker transfer to Secure Estate means
Less time spent faxing
Quicker electronic transfer of information by
More time to complete documentation at Court
● Better informed in making
placement decisions
planning & assessment can start before Young
Person arrives
● More informed staff at reception give a better
start for the Young Person
● Asset document is auto-populated directly into
eAsset which reduces keying errors
● eAsset facilitates the setting of effective
sentence plans that are risk led and directly
linked to YOT Asset scores
As we plan to rollout connectivity to YOTs, the Secure Establishments in the same region
will be implementing the eAsset system in parallel
The key to success at go-live will be the quality of the
core Asset document
Current National Picture*
18% of Assets arriving from YOTs into the
secure estate were satisfactory and
could therefore be used as a basis for
sentence planning
How will we support you?
Asset Sampling locally
Build a quality picture for the region
Regional Support Plan
37% of core Assets indicating risk of serious
harm were accompanied by the correct
additional assessment
Build a plan tailored to the issue locally
Asset Quality Training
Training Practitioners if required
47% of these Risk of Serious Harm
assessments were satisfactory
Asset Sampling locally
Build a quality picture for the region
A quality asset transferred via SeM will ensure accurate and relevant information is
transferred quickly to the secure estate for more informed sentence planning
*based on a sample from 3 YOIs
What are the benefits?
Reducing Risk. Moving relevant and high quality information quickly and securely will contribute
to a reduction in risk to others and reduction in risk of suicide and self harm for young person
going into custody
Better data, better policy. With better data, making policy advice and management decisions
should be more accurate and effective.
Less paperwork, more time with young people. Sharing information electronically reduces the
need for practitioners to re-input data. With less time form filling, more time can be spent with
young people.
Better informed decisions, swifter and fairer justice. With all information concerning a young
person easily available to practitioners, better informed and quicker decisions can be made in
sentence planning and management.
Financially more efficient processes. Better processes are estimated to save the YJS over
£10m per annum once the whole programme has been implemented.
Wiring Up Youth Justice will enable practitioners to have accurate & relevant information;
when they need it, accessible wherever they are working
Eye Progress across England and Wales
When YOTs Go Live
8 May 07
Yorkshire & Humberside
16 July 07
10 September 07
24 September 07
22 October 07
3 December 07
14 January 08
11 February 08
East Midlands
March 08
West Midlands
March 08
Eye is now live in 4 English Regions and Wales
Remaining 5 Regions will be live by March 2008
Change process includes a focus on improving quality of assessment for custody cases
Future Challenges will be finding an appropriate time to move regions from secure email to
eAsset is an electronic sentence management system for
the secure estate
Implications for Practitioners
What is eAsset?
eAsset is an electronic sentence management
system that will :
Bring together all the separate sentence
planning processes into one system
Hold information on young people and facilitate
the setting of effective sentence plans that are
risk led
Link objectives and targets to Asset scores and
encourage the use of Asset to inform sentence
Simplified system – less duplication
Clarity of recording and holding information
Clarity of functions and structures of sentence planning
and ability to develop risk led practice
Increased confidence in sentence planning meetings
Greater effectiveness in developing sentence plans
Implications for Young Person
Make assessments and plans accessible
Be logical, not over complex and straightforward
to use
Sentence plans and processes that make sense to them
Engages them in the sentence planning process
Is individually tailored to their needs and risks
Develops plans that include interventions both in secure
and in the community
Emphasises continuation of intervention on release
The implementation story so far for eAsset
eAsset: improving end-to-end Sentence Management
YOI eAsset pilots & rollout
 eAsset was piloted at Wetherby and Lancaster
Farms YOIs from Nov 2005 and is now Live at
these two YOI’s plus
Castington, Hindley, New Hall, Thorn Cross
 All 38 secure sites will be live by Spring 09
Benefits reported
 Better planning of interventions
 Better risk-led management of young person
 Less time spent form filling
 More time spent with Young person
“eAsset has meant that for the first time all
information on a young person is stored in
one place, which allows caseworkers to have
more holistic view of the persons time in
custody. Without eAsset coordination was
very difficult. If a young person was having
difficulty in one area, other departments
would not necessary know about it”
System Administrator, Lancaster Farms
“As the young person comes up for release, YOT
practitioners need to understand the
interventions put in place in custody, and plan
the young persons resettlement back into the
community. With eAsset, the asset has stayed
up to date and more detailed information can be
sent to YOTs as they plan resettlement – the
whole process is a lot more smoother ”
System Administrator, Lancaster Farms YOI