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Madawaska Valley
Association for
Community Living
19491 Opeongo Line, P.O. Box 1178,
Barry’s Bay, Ontario K0J 1B0
Tel: (613) 756-3817 Fax: (613) 756-0616
The Association is committed to maintaining a healthy work environment, providing quality
service to those it serves and supports and respecting their rights and those of Association
1. People served or supported who have communicable diseases have the right to receive
services without discrimination based on illness or perceived illness. Association employees
a) Assist people served or supported to partake in work or leisure activities as long as
their condition permits;
b) Ensure they receive the same benefits accorded to their peers; and
c) Ensure complete confidentiality.
2. Employees with communicable diseases have the right to:
a) Continue working as long as their condition permits;
b) Receive the same benefit coverage as is accorded other employees; and
c) Be accorded complete confidentiality.
3. Other people served or supported and employees have the right to a safe and healthy working
4. Discriminatory acts against a person served or supported or employed with a communicable
disease are unacceptable and shall be subject to disciplinary action.
5. Unless an employee can demonstrate that there is an unacceptable level of risk to
himself/herself, outright refusal to work with someone served or supported because of a
communicable disease shall be subject to disciplinary action.
6. With any known infectious and potentially serious disease, employees shall take all
responsible steps to prevent transmission of illness to others.
7. The Association will undertake to make reasonable accommodations to the work schedule or
duties of an employee with a communicable disease when the employee’s condition so
8. Information sheets on communicable disease will be given to employees during orientation.
9. a) The employee must provide certification that they have been immunized in
accordance with the requirements of the medical officer of health and vaccinated for
Hepatitis B.
b) If a person refuses to be immunized for Hepatitis B, he/she must sign the Waiver of
Liability re Hepatitis B form (copy attached) and return it to MVACL.
These forms will become part of the employee’s personnel file.
Approved April 17, 2007
Board of Directors
C:\Policies\Communicable Disease
Communicable Disease Policy
Madawaska Valley
Association for
Community Living
19491 Opeongo Line, P.O. Box 1178,
Barry’s Bay, Ontario K0J 1B0
Tel: (613) 756-3817 Fax: (613) 756-0616
It is the Policy of the Madawaska Valley Association to accept persons into their programs who
are carriers of Hepatitis B. The following are guidelines to be followed when working with
1. If the carrier requires medical, dental or hospital attention, inform the attending persons of
the carrier's status.
2. Do not share or use toothbrushes, razors, scissors, nail files or other personal toiletry items of
a known carrier.
3. Do not share items that have been placed in the mouth of known carrier such as food, pencils,
bottled beverages, sups, utensils. Note: Dishes and cutlery may be handled in the normal
4. Avoid kissing a carrier on the mouth.
5. Good housekeeping/maintenance and regular cleansing are to be practice.
6. A carrier may handle food consumed by others although preparation of food where there risk
of cutting should be avoided.
7. Good general personal hygiene is to be practice at all times.
Note: Those staff not vaccinated are instructed to avoid involvement in the following
Where a carrier has a bleeding or oozing wound, a nosebleed or is menstruating.
Communicable Disease Policy
In the situation where a carrier has a bleeding or oozing wound, a nosebleed or is menstruating,
the attending person does the following:
a) Wear clean disposable surgical gloves.
b) Gloves, sanitary napkins, bandages and surgical or gauze pads must be discarded in a sealed
bag which is placed inside a second bag and put in garbage.
c) Hands of attendant and carrier are to be thoroughly washed using dispenser soap.
d) Any area soiled by blood is to be cleaned immediately with a disinfectant and the cloth
destroyed as in Step (b). N.B. A concentration of 1 cup Javex per 1 gallon of water is
Communicable Disease Policy
Madawaska Valley
Association for
Community Living
19491 Opeongo Line, P.O. Box 1178,
Barry’s Bay, Ontario K0J 1B0
Tel: (613) 756-3817 Fax: (613) 756-0616
1. Hepatitis B is an acute infection of the liver caused by the Hepatitis B virus (H.B.V.) Not
everyone who is exposed to the virus becomes infected. Of those infected, 50-10% become
carriers of the virus.
Individuals in institutions/group homes for the mentally handicapped are at a higher risk of
acquiring Hepatitis B than the general population.
Staff of the institutions/group homes is at an intermediate risk. The spread of Hepatitis B is
more likely from carrier individuals who are aggressive and biting.
Please note that the Madawaska Valley Association for Community does accept individuals
who are carriers of Hepatitis B.
2. Hepatitis B is a serious communicable disease causing an infection of the liver.
The majority of people who get Hepatitis B recover uneventfully. These people are immune
and cannot be infected a second time.
One percent (1%) of infected persons die from (fulminate) acute Hepatitis.
About five percent (5%) of people who get Hepatitis B the symptoms of the illness disappear
but the virus remains. These individuals, called carriers, have all or part of the Hepatitis B
virus in their blood and can infect others who are susceptible to the virus.
3. M.V.A.C.L., in carrying out its programs, cannot isolate carriers of Hepatitis B from
susceptible staff and other persons.
4. Risk of transmission of Hepatitis B can be minimized by the maintenance of good hygiene
5. The most effective protection against Hepatitis B is by vaccination. Hepatitis B vaccine
provides safe and effective long-term protections against Hepatitis B, with no serious adverse
reactions. Clinical trials have shown a level of protection of 90-95% after three doses of
Communicable Disease Policy
6. Contact with infected blood is the most common way in which the virus is transmitted, for
a) needles (drug addictions)
b) cuts (blood to blood contact)
7. Transmission can occur through breaks in the skin, such as bites, cuts, scratches or
abrasions, coming into contact with virally contaminated body fluids or a carrier.
8. Spills of blood should be wiped up by a 1-10 dilution of household bleach, rubber gloves
should be worn by cleaner.
9. All support staff working with individuals of M.V.A.C.L. are to be screened for Hepatitis B.
10. All staff and individuals of the Association are to consult with their physician with regards to
being vaccinated for Hepatitis B. M.V.A.C.L. agrees to cover the cost of the immunization
serum for Hepatitis B.
Communicable Disease Policy
Madawaska Valley
Association for
Community Living
19491 Opeongo Line, P.O. Box 1178,
Barry’s Bay, Ontario K0J 1B0
Tel: (613) 756-3817 Fax: (613) 756-0616
Health Assessment & Immunization
PATIENT’S NAME: _____________________________________________________
The Madawaska Valley Association for Community Living
This is to certify that ______________________________________________ is:
(Patient’s Name)
A) Has active tuberculosis or other communicable or contagious disease Yes
B) Physically fit to undertake duties as outlined in attached Job Description Yes
C) Has been immunized in accordance with the requirements of the Medical
Officer of Health
D) Has been vaccinated for Hepatitis B
*If in the process of receiving vaccination, please check this box
*If refusing Hepatitis B vaccination, please fill out Waiver of Liability on the back.
PHYSICIAN: ________________________________________________________
(Signature of Physician)
(Please Print)
TELEPHONE: _________________________________________________________
Please send this form when completed to Madawaska Valley Association for Community
Living or have your patient return the form to their employer.
Communicable Disease Policy
Madawaska Valley
Association for
Community Living
19491 Opeongo Line, P.O. Box 1178,
Barry’s Bay, Ontario K0J 1B0
Tel: (613) 756-3817 Fax: (613) 756-0616
Waiver of liability re: Hepatitis B
(Employee’s Name)
The Madawaska Valley Association for Community Living has:
Provided to me an information package regarding Hepatitis B and its control
This information regarding Hepatitis B and the possible consequences
involved has been fully explained to me.
Requested screening for me by means of a blood test to determine my Hepatitis B
Urged that I be vaccinated against Hepatitis B. The Association will pay the cost
associated with the vaccine.
I refuse vaccination even though I/we have been informed of the risks to myself and to
others of my refusal.
I hereby release and forever discharge the Madawaska Valley Association for
Community Living, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers and medical consultants
of and from all manner of action, causes of action, suits, claims and demands whatsoever
at law or in equity as against the release, its directors, officers, employees, volunteers and
medical consultants.
These provisions shall be binding upon the releaser, his/her heirs, executors,
administrators, successors, assigns and other legal representatives.
The releaser declares and understands that the terms of this acknowledgment and release
are voluntarily made.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned has executed this Acknowledgment and Release at
_______________________________ this ____________ day of_______________, 20_____ .
In The Presence Of (Witness)
Witness Signature
Approved April 17, 2007 Board of Directors C:\Policies\Communicable Disease
Communicable Disease Policy