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Discussion Sessions
Facilitated by
The LifeLine Group
Slides and Materials
Copyright Protected
Session A
ComET™ : Near field component
(Lead: Chris Chaisson/Paul Price)
Focus Issues:
1. Opportunities for Improving Accuracy of Metrics used to
characterize Sentinel Products. Replacing defaults and
assumptions with data relevant to the sentinel product for
any given compound.
2. Possible sources for data. Data evaluation and application:
sources for expertise.
3. Incentive for data donors…reaching the informed audience
and having the data provided to ComET™
4. Options for technical improvement.
Key Points
Review--What is a sentinel product
 Even if “fully stocked with detailed info”,
why ComET IS NOT a full risk assessment
studies by trade associations
 Helpful to indicate what the sentinel
products are and what routes, etc. (by
chemical)…improve search and summary
Use other models instead of EASE…use more
than one model to apply back to ComET
 CTFA about to release info.
 Put out help as reference of use metrics as
compared to use instructions on products.
Compare our assumptions to the actual use
instructions on these kinds of products. -another element to consider for groundtruthing
Many of the substances have been through the
evaluations processes in other countries
Agencies…find info in those data bases
 Swimmer exposures—in addition to algorithms,
SWIM model…data underlie the problem of
underlying toxic entity…eg,
chlorophorm…transformation to the toxic
component…to some extent ComET does not
address the transformation issue.
Note that regulations and defaults must be applicable to Canadian
citizens and the HC default values
Types of information—what kind of documentation is required?
– Publicly released,
 Marketing materials, MSDS, public info.
As we collect library of sentinel products, are there others not
covered? Bring these to our attention. The sooner we can get to
the list of sentinel products, the sooner we will get data for the
metrics on these sentinel products.
There will be advantage to get full list of sentinel products so
industry can turn their attention to getting the data we need. Can
we do some kind of scoping exercise.
In giving equal weight to the hazard
component…where there is high hazard, maybe
we should be more careful and specific about
the exposure component—maybe in those cases,
underestimating exposure would be unwise. For
the very toxic substances, the crude exposure
tools might need upgrading.
 Level of refinement of exposure will be
dependent on level of hazard.
 One significant figure should be used.
Careful!! Misuse of these numbers can be
 Code of practice should go with this. Is there
another term for “exposure estimate”?
 Ground truthing exercise—can we take some of
these instances and see if they are plausible…
 Ground truthing exercise—would the same
relative ranking exist…not if the exposure that is
predicted would actually exist. So the relative
ranking might be do-able.
Frame formulas in the poison control center (Lori
Fix)…ingredients in products…range of what is typical.
Contract manufacturers make things for many clients.
Might be able to get this info…CCL for example.
These sources of information can only be used if the
data are not CBI. Transparency will be a key point.
Lori Fix will put together lists of urls.
Old formulas—may be “prospective” and may not be
commercially viable—want current formulas that are
really being sold.
Which chemicals/sentinel use products are of interest to
HC? HC is going as fast as possible…remaining 1900+
chemicals will be subdivided. There will be generic
issues such as
– Polymers/monomer residues
May be helpful to highlight “what’s new” in the new
Solubility, and other parameters 1 vs. 0--is there a way to refine that ? Organics? Inorganics?
Suggestions? Rules to be defined by properties which
may be readily available for all substances?
Are we using high end use scenarios?
Highest? We use plausible high exposure
product AND plausible high use metrics.