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XToy Programming
Translating high level language
into machine code
program Add
// Input: Stored in memory location 00 and 01
// Output: Sum of two integers 5 + 8 = D
// saved in memory location 02
High level language
1) int a = 8;
2) int b = 5;
3) int c = a + b;
8 has to be in memory
5 has to be in memory
Machine code
•00: 0008
•01: 0005
•02: 0000
•10: 8A00
R[A] <- mem[00]
•11: 8B01
R[B] <- mem[01]
•12: 1CAB
R[C] <- R[A] + R[B]
•13: 9C02
mem[02] <- R[C]
•14: 0000
1) put contents of memory location 00 into register A
2) put contents of memory location 01 into register B
3) put results of addition into register C
0) save contents of register C into memory location 2
program Sum
// Input: Sequence of non-zero integers, followed by 0000
// Output: The sum of all the integers
High level language
1) sum = 0 ;
2) while (true)
3) {
read a ;
if (a == 0) break ;
sum = sum + a ;
7) }
Machine code
•10: 7C00
•11: 8AFF
•12: CA15
•13: 1CCA
•14: C011
•15: 9CFF
•16: 0000
RC <- 0000
read RA
if (RA == 0) pc <- 15
RC <- RC + RA
pc <- 11
write RC
8) write sum ;
1) We could store 0 in a register (e.g. C)
2) Its an infinite loop so we must come back here when line 7 is executed
4) Read in a value from stdin and save in register A
5) If the value we read in is zero .. then finish .. ie jump to line 8
6) Add contents of register A to the current value in register C
7) Jump back to line 2
8) When we do finish we print out answer to user
Now we can see the benefits of “pseudo-code”.
•0A: 0003
•0B: 0009
•0C: 0000
•0D: 0000
•0E: 0001
•10: 8A0A
•11: 8B0B
•12: 8C0D
•13: 810E
RA <- mem[0A]
RB <- mem[0B]
RC <- mem[0D]
R1 <- mem[0E]
•14: CA18
•15: 1CCB
•16: 2AA1
•17: C014
•18: 9C0C
•19: 0000
if (RA == 0) pc goto 18
RC <- RC + RB
RA <- RA - R1
pc <- 14
mem[0C] <- RC
TOY idioms
• Register-to-register transfer.
– Suppose you want to make register 2 have
the same value as register 1.
– There is no built-in instruction to do this.
– Relying on the fact that register 0 always
contains 0000, we can use the addition
instruction to sum up R0 and R1 and put the
result in R2.
10: 1201
R[2] <- R[0] + R[1]
TOY idioms
• No-op
– In a structured programming language like Java inserting extra code is
– But in an unstructured language like TOY (where there are line numbers
and goto statements), you must be careful about inserting code.
– A branch statement hardwires in the memory address to jump to;
• if you insert code, the line numbers of your program may change.
• To avoid some of this awkwardness, machine language programmers often
find it convenient to fill in the program with "useless" statements to act as
– Such statements are called no-ops because they perform no operation.
– The instruction 1000 is ideal for this purpose since register 0 is always 0
anyway. (The instruction 10xy would also be a no-op for any values of x
and y because register 0 always contains 0, regardless of how you might
try to change it.
TOY idioms
• Goto
– There is no instruction that directly changes the
program counter to the particular address.
• Like a GOTO statement
– However, it is easy to use the “branch if zero”
instruction with register 0 to achieve the same effect.
– For example, the instruction C0F0 changes the
program counter to F0 since register 0 is always 0.
• So its like saying GOTO FO
• Arrays are not directly built into the TOY
language, but it is possible to achieve the same
functionality using the
– load address, load indirect, and store indirect
• We consider a program that reads in a sequence
of integers and prints them in reverse order.
Reads in a sequence of integers and prints them in reverse order.