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All About Hearing Aids
By: Ryan Robinette
Hearing Aid Parts
Click on parts of the hearing aid to learn their names.
Volume Control
Battery Case
Battery Case
Volume Control
The microphone picks up the sound.
The amplifier makes the sound louder.
The receiver puts the sound in your ear.
If you use a behind-the-ear hearing
aid or body hearing aid, you have an
earmold. This is made just for you.
Be sure it fits well. Practice putting
your earmold or in-the-ear hearing
aid in your ear.
Volume Control
This dial makes sure sound is soft enough or loud enough
for you . Your hearing aid has a tone control and power
control. Your audiologist will change them for you.
The switch turns your hearing aid on and off. The letter
“M” sometimes means on or microphone. The telephone
“T” switch lets you use a phone or an assistive listening
device. Turn your hearing aid on after you put it in your ear
and turn your hearing aid off before you take it out. If you
have a hearing aid, practice this now.
Battery Case
All hearing aids use a battery. A battery tester
shows if your battery is working. You can practice
using a battery tester. Keep your batteries in a safe
Hearing Aid Care
1. Keep your hearing aid in a dry safe place.
2. Keep your hearing aid clean.
3. You can wash your earmold with soapy water, and
let it dry before attaching it to the hearing aid again.
4. Listen to your hearing aid every day to see if it
is working.
5. Put it in a dri- aid kit when you are not wearing it,
or if it gets wet.
6. Use an umbrella, hat or hooded sweatshirt when it
is raining.
7. Do not wear your hearing aid in the water.
Now let’s see what you’ve learned......
Answer the following questions by clicking on
the appropriate letter. If you answer correctly,
it will progress to the next question. If you
answer incorrectly, it will ask you to try again
until you answer it right.
Good luck!!
1. You can clean your earmold with:
A. a paper towel.
B. soapy water.
C. You don’t need to clean it.
2. Put your hearing aids in a ____________
when you’re not wearing it or if it gets wet.
A. keep it in your ear
B. pocket
C. dri-aid kit
3. What do the “T” and “M” mean?
A. Microphone/On and Telephone Switch
B. Mickey Mouse and Toto
C. Macaroni and Tacos
Every day you should :
A. not use your hearing aids.
B. lose your hearing aids.
C. listen to your hearing aids
5. What does the volume control do?
A. Makes the hearing aid loud or soft.
B. Turns your hearing aids off.
C. Blocks out background noise.
6. The ____________ puts the sound in your ear.
A. amplifier
B. receiver
C. microphone
7. The ____________ makes the sound louder.
A. amplifier
B. receiver
C. microphone
8. The ____________picks up the sound .
A. amplifier
B. receiver
C. microphone
9. This is the ___________.
A. earhook
B. volume control
C. earmold
10. How many different kinds of hearing aids are there?
A. 6
B. 5
C. 7
Click here to end show!
The information for this presentation was taken from a
program called Knowledge Is Power, a publication to help deaf
and hard of hearing people better understand various topics
related to their hearing loss.
This presentation was created by
Ryan Robinette!
5th grade
May 2002
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