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Industrial Toxicology
Sho’im Hidayat
What is Toxicology ?
- Traditional : the science of poisons
- The study of adverse health effects of chemicals
or physical agents on living organism
What is Industrial toxicology ?
Industrial toxicoloy is the science of poisons
whereby is used, produced or byproduced in
History :
Ancient time (1500 BC):
Have recognized the use of plants and animal poisons extracts
for hunting or warfare : hemlock, opium, arrow poisons,
certain metal
With time :
Poisons become widely used and with great sophistication
Victims : Socrates, Cleopatra, Claudius
Renaissance & Enlightenment :
Fundamental concept of toxicology began to take place
(Paracelcus, 1500 AD and Orfila, 1800 AD)
Paracelcus :
- Specific chemical actually responsible for toxicity of the plant
and animal poison
- His famous statement : dose–response relationship
All substance are poisons; there is none which is not a
poison. The right dose differentiates a poison and a remedy.
Orfila :
- Often referred as founder of toxicology
- Prepared a systematic correlation between chemical and
biological properties of poisons
- Demonstrates effect of poison in specific organ by autopsy
Basic Toxicology Terminology
There are varies in terminology :
toxic agent
toxic substance
toxic chemical
Toxic agent :
Anything can produce an adverse biological
effect (chemical : cyanide; physical : radiation;
biological: snake venom)
Not included : infected by microorganism
Biological toxin :
Chemical excreted by microorganism which is
the basis of toxicity
Ex : tetanus toxin (neurotoxin), produced by
Clostridium tetani
Toxic material :
Doesn’t consist of an exact chemical
Ex : asbestos (fiber and other chemical)
Organic toxin :
Substance originally derived from living organism
(named organic)
Contain carbon, large molecule
Inorganic toxin :
Specific chemical not derived from living organism
Generally small molecule, consist of few atoms
Xenobiotic :
Foreign substance taken in to the body
xeno = foreign
Xenobiotics may produce :
- beneficial effects (such as pharmaceuticals)
- toxic effect (such as lead)
Systemic toxin :
Effects is in the entire body or many organs rather
than a specific organ
Ex : potassium cyanide, it effects virtually every cell and
Organ toxin :
Effects only in specific cell or organ (target organ or
target tissue), not producing damage to the body as a
Ex : Benzene
blood forming tissue
CNS, kidney, hematopoietic system)
• Dose :
The amount of a substance administered at one
• Parameter needed : number of dose, frequency,
total time period
Ex : - 650 mg Tylenol as single dose
- 500 mg Penicillin every 8 hours for 10 days
- 10 mg DDT per day for 90 days
Type of Doses
Exposure dose
External dose*)
the amount of a xenobiotic encountered
in the environment
Absorbed dose
Internal dose*)
Effective dose*)
the actual amount of the exposed dose
that enter the body
Administered dose the quantity administered usually orally
or by injection
Total dose
The sum all individual doses
Dose Unit : mg/kg/day
Environmental exposure unit are expressed as
the amount of a xenobiotic in a unit of the media
Examples :
• mg/liter (mg/l) for liquid
• mg/gram (mg/g) for solids
• mg/cubic meter (mg/m3) for air
Smaller unit : µg/ml; ppm; ppb; ppt
Dose Response Relationship
Correlates : exposure and spectrum of effects
In general, higher dose more severe the response
(Based on observed data from animal, human clinic or cell
Knowladge of dose-response relationship :
- Establish causality
- Establisth the lowest dose where the induce effect
- Determines the rate which the injury build-up
Dose-response curve : sigmoid
• The point at which toxicity first appear 
threshold dose level
• At that point  the ability of the body to detoxify
a xenobiotic or repair toxic injury has been
• For most organs there is a reserve capacity so
that loss of some organ function does not cause
decreased performance
• For example, the development of cirrhosis in
the liver may not result in a clinical effect
until over 50% of the liver has been replaced by
fibrous tissue.
Threshold :
• Shape and slope  important for
predicting the toxicity of substance
• Some / every substance may has a
different type of the curve
Dose estimates of toxic effect : LD50
LD50  20 mg/kg, rat, oral, 5%
Effective doses (ED) :
Indicate the effectiveness of a substance
Toxic doses (TDs) :
Indicates doses that cause adverse toxic effects
Therapeutic Index (TI) :
compare the therapeutically effective dose to the toxic dose
No Observed Adverse Effect Level
Low Observed Adverse Effect Level
Toxicity : complex process; dose is the most
important influencing factor
Xenobiotic :
- originally toxic
- after metabolized
Toxicity :
- adverse cellular
- biochemical
- macromolecular change
Examples :
Cell replacement, such as fibrosis
Damage to an enzym system
Disruption of protein synthesis
Production of reactive chemicals in cell
DNA damage
Indirectly :
• Modification of an essential biochemical function
• Interference with nutrition
• Alteration of physiological mechanisme
Factors influencing toxicity :
Form and innate chemical activity
Dosage, especially dose-time relationship
Exposure route
Ability to be absorbed
Distribution within the body
Presence of other chemicals
Examples : - methyl mercury – mercury vapour (element)
- Cr3+ - Cr6+
Examples : HCN
cytohrome oxidase
cholinergic receptor
Toxicant :
Acute toxicity :
CNS depressant
GIT damage
Chronic toxicity :
liver cirrhosis
skin / liver damage
Exposure Route :
- Ingested chemicals : intestine
- Inhaled chemicals : blood circulation
Liver : the most active organ for chemicals
Frequenly : diff. target organ for diff. exp. route
Selective toxicity :
Differences in toxicity between two species
- an insectcide is lethal to insect, not to human
- antibiotics lethal for microorganisme, nontoxic to
Age :
- parathion is more toxic to young animals
- nitrosamines are more carcinogenis to newborne
or young animals
Sex :
- male rats 10 x more sensitive to liver damage from
- female rats 2x more sensitive to parathion
Ability to be absorbed :
- ethanol is readily absorbed from GIT but poorly
absorbed through the skin
- organic mercury is readily absorbed from GIT, but
inorganic mercury is not
Metabolism = biotransformation
Is a major factor in determining toxicity
- detoxification (bioinactivation) : process by which a
xenobiotic is converted to a less toxic form
- bioactivation : process by which a xnobiotic may be
converted to more reactive or toxic form.
Distribution :
Determine the sites where toxicity occur.
Depend on how the lipid-solubility
Excretion :
Another major factor affecting the toxicity
Excretory organ : kidney, GIT, lung. Sometime
also : sweat, tears, milk
Presence of other chemicals
Antagonism, additivity, potentiation, synergism
Toxic effects occur at multiple sites,
including :
- acute toxicity
- subchronic toxicity
- chronic toxicity
- carcinogenicity
- developmental toxicity
- genetic toxicity (somatic cells)
• Acute toxicity
– occurs almost immediatly (h / d) after exposure
– Usually single dose at large dose
– Examples : Methyl isocyanat accident in Bophal India
• Subchronic toxicity
– Results from repeated exposure for several weeks or
• Chronic toxicity
– Represents cumulative damage to specific organ
system and takes many months or years to become a
recognizible clinical disease
– Ex : cirrhosis in alcoholics, chronis bronchitis in longterm cigarrete smokers, pulmonary fibrosis in coal
• Carcinogenicity
– Complex multistages of abnormal cell growth
and differentiation
– Need : initiator, promoter
– Mutation  results initial neoplastic
transformation of cellular gene
• Developmental toxicity
– An adverse effect on developing embryo or
– Involving : embryolethality, embryotoxicity,
• Genetic toxicity
– Results from damage to DNA and altered
genetic expression  mutagenesis
– 3 types of genetic change : gene mutation,
chromosome abberation, aneploidy /
Organ specific toxicity
Type of organ specific toxic effect are :
- blood / cardiovasculer toxicity
- dermal / occular toxicity
- genetic (germ cell) toxicity
- hepatotoxicity
- immunotoxicity
- nephrotoxicity
- reproductive toxicity
- respiratory toxicity
• Blood & cardiovascular toxicity
– Toxicity on circulating blood, bone marrow,
– Ex : - hypoxia do to monoxide
- decrease leucocyte do to chloramphenocol
- leukemia do to benzene
• Dermal and eye toxicity
– Results from direct contact or internal
distribution to the skin
– Ex : dermal irritation, dermal corrosion,
hypersensitivity, skin cancer
• Hepatotoxicity
– Toxicity to the liver, bile dict and gall bladder
• Immunotoxicity
– Toxicity of the immune system
– Forms : hypersensitivity (allergic & autoimmunity),
immunodeficiency, uncontrolled proliferation
(leukemia & lymphoma),
– Ex : contact dermatitis, systemic lupus erytematosus
• Nephrotoxicity
– Succeptibility factor of kidney : high volume blood flow
& filtrates amount of toxin
– Forms : decrease excrete body waste, inability to
maintain body fluid, decrease to synthesis hormon
• Neurotoxicity
– Damage cell of CNS & PNS
– Types :
Neuropathy (neuron injury)
Axonopathy (axon injury)
Demyelination (loss of axon insulation)
Interference with neurotransmitter
• Reproductive toxicity
– Male and female
– Effects :
Impotency / decrease of libido
Interupted pregnancy
Infant death / childhood mortality
Childhood cancer, etc
• Respiratory toxicity
– Upper and lower respiratory tract
– Forms :
Pulmonary irritation
Asthma bronchitis
Reactive airways disease
Allergic alveolitis
Fibrotic lung disease
Lung cancer
Type of interaction :
The interactions described can be
categorized by their chemical or biological
mechanisms as follows:
– chemical reactions between chemicals
– modifications in absorption, metabolism, or
– reactions at binding sites and receptors
– physiological changes
Additivity :
Tranquilizer + alcohol
Two Organophosphate
Organochlorine + halogenated solvent
Synergism :
Cigaret smoke + asbestor / radon
Ethanol + carbontetrachloride
Potentiation :
Carbontetrachloride (hepatotoxic) + isopropanol
Antagonysme :
Toxicokinetics determines the severity of
toxicity, through :
- duration & concentration of substance at portal
of entry
- rate & amount that can be absorbed
- distribution in the body & concentration at
specific sites
- efficiency of biotransformation & nature of
- ability of substance pass through cell membrane & reactivity to specific cell component
- the rate and sites of excretion
Process whereby toxicants gain entrance
into the body
Varies with specific chemicals and the route
of exposure
Factors influencing the absorption :
- route of exposure
- concentration of the substance at the site of
- biochemical and physical properties of the
Primary route of exposure/absorption :
Diagram how chemicals pass through membrane
How chemicals pass through membrane
1. Passive transfer : simple diffusion
- Difference concentration on opposite sides
- Ability of substance to move through small
pores in membrane
It is depend on : lipid solubility, molecule size
and degree of ionozation
2. Facilitated transfer :
- facilitated diffusion
- active transport
- endocytosis (phagocytosis & pinocytosis)
Large molecules and particles can not enter
cell via passive or active mechanism
by endocytosis
- phagocytosis (cell eating)
- pinopcytosis (cell drinking)
Route of entry :
1. Respiratory tract
The most chemicals in industry absorbed /
inhaled via respiratory tract :
- aerosol : dust, fume, mist
- gas / vapour
Region :
- nasopharyngeal
- tracheobronchial
- pulmonary
Toxic effect on respiratory tract, caused by:
- gas / vapour:
- irritant
- aphyxiant
- Dust
- nonspecific
- specific (fibrogenic, carcinogenic)
Irritant gas / vapour :
- NH3, Cl2, HCl, formaldehyde, phosgen, etc.
- Inflammatory effect
- Sites of effect depend on the water solubility of
the substance
- Deposition at epithel
- Inflammatory effect (nonspecific)
- Specific effect
Asphyxiant gases :
1. Simple asphyxiant
due to decreasing of partial pressure of oxygen in
2. Chemical asphyxiant
- Monoxide gas (CO) more reactive to haemoglobine
competitive inhibitor
- Cyanides gas
blocking to cytochrome enzyme
2. Gastrointestinal Tract
3 factors affect absorption :
- type of cell at the specific site
- period of time that the substance
remain at the site
- pH of stomach or intestinal
3. Skin
Consist of 3 main layer :
- epidermis
- dermis
- subcutaneus tissue
- Intact & dry skin is good barrier
- Lipid soluble substance more absorbable
Process whereby an absorbed chemical move away
from the site of absorption to other areas of the body
How do chemicals move through the body ?
- pass through cell lining of the absorbing organ
to the interstitial fluid
- leave the interstitial fluid and then :
- entering local tissue cell
- entering blood capillaries and blood
circulation system
- entering the lymphatic system
If chemicals is in the blood stream, may
be :
- excreted
- stored
- biotransformed into difference chemical
- its metabolite may be excreted or stored
- the chemicals or its metabolites may
interact with cellular component
Does distribution vary with the route of
exposure ?
- Yes it does
liver (here biotransformed)
target organ
- skin or inhaled
Structural barrier to distribution
- Blood brain barrier
- Placenta
- Testes
Organ or tissue differ in amount of chemicals that
they receive due to 2 factors :
- volume of blood
- presence of special barrier
Storage sites :
- adipose tissue : lipid soluble toxicant
- bone : Sr, Pb
- liver : many substances
- kidney
- nail, hair
Process whereby a substance is changed from
one chemical to another by a chemical reaction
in the body
Results called as metabolites
Metabolites : less toxic (bioinactivation /
detoxification) or more toxic (bioactivation)
Chemical Reaction :
- By enzymatic reaction
- Enzyme as a catalyst
- Generally as a complex reaction
- Phase 1 : degradation of chemicals
(parent) through oxidation,
hydrolysis and reduction, acetylation
- Phase 2 : conjugation
Oxidation :
A chemical reaction in which a substance
loses electrons.
Aerobic (need oxygen) or anaerobic (without
Examples : oxygenation
electron transfer
Illustration of oxidation :
Reduction :
Chemical reaction in which the substance gain
Most likely to occur with xenobiotic in which
oxygen content is low
Reduction can occur across nitrogen-nitrogen
double bond (azo reduction) or on nitro group
Amina compound
oxidized forming toxic
Carbon tetrachloride
free radicals
Reduction :
Hydrolysis :
Phase 2 reaction : conjugation
Phase 1
new intermediate metabolite
that contains a reactive chemical group :
- hydroxyl (-OH)
- amino (-NH2)
- carboxyl (-COOH)
Modifier of Biotransformation :
- age
- genetic variability
- enzym inhibition and enzym induction
- dose level
Major route :
- gastrointestinal tract, sweat and saliva
- mother milk, tears and semen
- urinary excretion, feces excretion, and
exhaled air (main route of excretion)
Urinary excretion :
- primary route of excretion
- Nephron : functional unit (about one million per
kidney) :
- glomerulus
- proximal tubule
- distal tubule
Fecal excretion :
- excretion in bile, then enters the intestin
- direct excretion into the lumen of GIT
- enterohepatic circulation will prolong the
life of xenobiotic in the body
Exhaled air :
Main route excretion of volatile liquid
Other route of excretion :
• Milk : DDT, polybrominated biphenyl, lead
• Saliva
• Sweat : cadmium, copper, iron, lead, zinc
• Tears, hair, skin