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Aim: What are the
basic scientific terms
that you need to
know to solve a
What is Science?
Science is the attempt to understand the
world we live in.
It tries to find general principles to
explain why things are as they are and
why things happen the way they do.
What is the “heart” of Science?
Progress in science depends on people
who not only wonder how the world works
but who also take the time to develop
questions that can be tested and
• What is a
• A Scientist is
someone who
investigates to
solve a problem
Do you see yourself as a
• We are all scientists because
we solve problems just the way
scientists do.
Important Scientific Terms:
Observations: Information that is collected
with any of the senses. Instruments can
enhance our senses.
Evidence: Support for the idea that something
is true.
• What is an inference?
• An inference is a
conclusion or deduction
based on observations.
• What is an assumption?
• A statement that you believe to be
true, but cannot be proven. All
scientists should not make
What is an opinion?
Ideas people have that may or may not be true
Opinions are often biased and
should not be included in science
How do scientists solve problems?
• Definition: A process that is
used to logically solve
• Problem
• Observation
• Research
• Hypothesis: Experiment
• Results/Data
• Conclusion
Identify the following as an: Opinion,
Inference, Observation, or Assumption:
1. Living Environment is the best subject.
2. It is sunny out today.
3. Paul did not eat lunch today because he had a big breakfast.
4. After many careful observations, Isaac Newton claimed that
objects fall to the ground due to the force of gravity.
5. John has blue eyes.
6. The Yankees have better uniforms than the Mets.
7. Research indicates that cigarette smoking increases the risk for
developing lung cancer.
Sir Alexander Fleming
•In 1928, Sir Alexander Flemming was studying Staphylococcus
bacteria growing in culture dishes. He was looking for a chemical
agent that could kill bacteria. One day, Flemming was cleaning up
his lab area and throwing out old culture dishes. Before
discarding these culture dishes, Flemming quickly examined
them. He noticed that the bacteria were not growing in the culture
dishes that were contaminated with a certain type of mold. A clear
area existed around the mold indicating that the bacteria in this
area had died. In the culture dishes without the mold, no clear
areas were present. Flemming later identified this mold which
was called Penicillium.
1. List an important observation from this
2. What can we infer about the effects of
Penicillium from this passage?