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Concluding Plenary Session:
Findings and Next Steps
Stephanie Pratt, Research Health
Scientist, NIOSH
T1.1 International initiatives
• UN Road Safety Collaboration
– Lori Mooren, University of New South
• Policy change and new perspectives on
sharing responsibility for road safety
– Matts-Åke Belin, World Health
T1.1 International Initiatives
• Morbidity and mortality should not come at
the price of mobility.
• Need to be focused on developing policies
based from a scientific understanding.
• A safe systems approach is needed to
inform the development of policies.
T1.2 Legal perspectives on fleet
• Negligent entrustment — when is a license
check not enough?
– Paul Farrell, SafetyFirst Systems
• Best practices in fleet risk management:
avoid conflict with privacy regulations and
driver expectations
– Stanley Underwood North, LeClair Ryan
T1.2 Legal Issues
• The legal concepts with vehicles including fault
vs. negligence and personal vs. business use
• Employer strategies to deal with negligent
hiring, supervision, retention, maintenance, and
• Entrustment, make sure you know your driver,
provide training, do background checks
• How to deal with privacy issues in and between
the EU,US and across the states
T1.3 Labor relations perspectives
• Impact of regulation and deregulation,
industry structure, pay structure, and hiring
practices on road safety
– Michael Belzer, Wayne State University
• Occupational road safety in India
– Param Preet Ghuman, Employee State
Insurance Corporation
T1.3 Labor relations perspectives
Impact of deregulation on trucking safety:
• The driver is only one component of the transport system
• Increased competition, lower wages, and longer work hours
• Higher driver pay is strongly associated with better driver
selection practices and reduced crashes
• Recommends further economic analysis and human capital
Road safety in India:
• From clinical experience, work stress is crash risk factor for
truck drivers in India
• Recommends multisectoral approach
T1.4 Corporate social responsibility
• GRSP: Business, government, and civil society
contributing to road safety
– Andrew Pearce, Global Road Safety Partnership
• Organizational and technology interventions to
improve safe and eco-driving
– Paul Davis, Nestlé SA
• Technology and environmental considerations
can drive fleet safety
– Inder Poonaji, Nestlé SA
T1.4 Corporate social responsibility
Global Road Safety Partnership
• Business-civil society-government working in
partnership is necessary for managing road safety
• Fleet safety management must be an organized
program with long-term (10-15 years) investment
• Can link fleet safety to CSR and marketing activities
which emphasize environmental concerns
• Recommends caution with telematics: use only for the
right reasons, with strong involvement and support
from local operations managers and drivers
T1.5 Using research to promote policy
• Occupational light vehicle use
– Rwth Stuckey, Monash University
• Influencing New Zealand commercial fleet
– Debbie Stearns, Accident Compensation
Commission of New Zealand
T1.5 Using Research to Promote Policy
• Having and using data is critical in deciding how
to address the problem.
• Occupational light vehicle drivers are an
overlooked group that needs more attention in
regards to road safety research.
• Collaboration between government agencies
and/or private industry is key to leveraging data
and resources while working towards a common
T2.1 Fleet risk management
• The rationale for implementing fleet safety
programs from a broad government/policy
– Roger Bibbings, Royal Society for the Prevention
of Accidents
– Paul Gallemore, Wolseley
• Models for fleet safety interventions
– Will Murray, Interactive Driving Systems
– Adrian Walsh, RoadSafe
T2.1 Fleet Risk Management
• Recommend approach that involves management,
drivers, and other key internal and external stakeholders
– Integrate road safety into mainstream occupational health and
safety policies, and manage it on an ongoing basis
• There are ethical, legal, and economic reasons for the
implementation of a fleet safety program
– Need internal policies and programs to impact organizational
• Various theories and models provide framework for fleet
risk management projects and their evaluation, including
systems-based approach
– More research and data are needed to develop good practices,
and to turn research into practice, and importantly practice into
T2.2 Driver-based interventions
• Using driver risk assessment methods to
develop a crash-free culture
– Tony Kaye, Thomas International
– Michael Ferrara, Jr., FleetRisk Advisors
• Driver training — balanced overview
– Eddie Wren, Advanced Drivers of America
T2.2 Driver-based Interventions
• Driving for safety is a complex task
• Proven and effective driver training is key
• Predictive risk assessment tools can play
an important role in helping to reduce
unsafe driving and crashes
T2.3 Use of crash analysis and
benchmarking to improve fleet safety
• Crash analysis and benchmarking as tools to
improve fleet safety—presentation and discussion
– Lynn Berberich, Driver Risk and Safety Consultant
• Evaluating the success of fleet safety initiatives:
benchmarking metrics and program elements/
identifying and sharing best practices
– Jack Hanley, Network of Employers for Traffic
T2.3 Crash analysis and benchmarking
• “What gets measured gets done”
• Benchmarking should focus on process
and outcomes using both leading and
lagging indicators.
• Develop standard definitions including
injury, crash, and incident
T2.4 Organizational and technologybased interventions
• Using technology to manage crash risk
before the crash occurs
– David Melton, Liberty Mutual Group
• Sustaining safety in hard times/times of
– Paul Gallemore, Wolseley
– Dave Wallington, British Telecom
T2.4 Organizational and technology-based
• Instead of measuring our failures (crashes) we must
focus on understanding behaviors that cause them
• Risky drivers can be identified by looking at maintenance
of vehicles, brakes, tires etc.
• Video and event recorders have a strong potential to
reduce crashes
– Pilot test new technologies before implementing
across the fleet
• Ensure employees get positive feedback as well as
• Develop an effective business case by focusing on
financial, moral, legal issues
T2.5 Driver management approaches
• Effectively managing ‘gray fleet’/nonowned vehicles
– Andy Price, Zurich Services Corporation
• Chain of responsibility: Risk management
of contractors, sub-contractors, and spot
hire transport in the supply chain
– Will Murray, Interactive Driving Systems
T2.5 Effectively managing ‘gray fleet’ /nonowned vehicles
• Employees and contractors should be treated the
same for purposes of risk management.
• Discussion of insurance checks
– How do you do it?
– Must have safety culture for driver cooperation
• Discussion of routine vehicle maintenance
– Company coverage does not mean action on the part
of the employee
– Drivers should want to maintain their vehicle
T2.5 Chain of responsibility: Risk management of
contractors, sub-contractors, and spot hire
• Complex process of insuring the safety of
contractors and sub-contractors
– This is a management issue
– Users and suppliers must work together
• Discussed use of committees to monitor
contractor and sub-contractor incidents and
– Develop and implement recommendations to improve
safety and environmental performance
T3.1 Road safety initiatives for workers
• SAFE fleet at Johnson & Johnson—caring
for people across the globe
– Joseph Van Houten and Sandra S. Lee,
Johnson & Johnson
• Issues in implementing a global driver
safety culture
– Andy Stubbings, Wyeth
– James Dorris, Cummins
T3.1 Road safety initiatives for workers
• Worldwide fleet management program
including mobile phones prohibition,
management accountability in performance
• Challenges working in a global economy:
legislation, roadway signage, and insurance
varies from country to country
• When implementing a new fleet safety
program take a phased approach by country
to address the local issues
T3.2 Protecting drivers in emerging
• The Fleet Forum ‘Fleet Safety Toolkit’
– Rob McConnell, Fleet Forum
• A comprehensive approach to vehicle
– Ezana Wondimneh, National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration (USA)
T3.2 Protecting drivers in emerging markets
Fleet Forum: Risk mitigation for staff and
contractors of humanitarian agencies
– Important: senior management commitment, and
donor education (include fleet safety as line item in
procurement rules)
Vehicle safety standards: 30 countries have
formal agreement to work together to
harmonize vehicle standards
– Recommend to international partners: a national
action plan with dedicated human and financial
T3.3 Regional focus I — Latin America
and China
• Strategies to decrease the accidents and
costs in a private fleet company
– Miguel Angel Gonzalez Osuna, FEMSA
• The current status of road traffic safety
work in China and its countermeasures
– Zhao Rui Ha, State Administration of Work
Safety, China
T3.3 Latin America and China
Latin America
• The road infrastructure add significant risk factors to occupational
– Technologies that balance load and liquid loads reduce risks
• Integration between road safety, family, and the community
• Better safety outcomes by paying drivers a salary not by the mile
• Poor traffic safety awareness is the leading cause of traffic crashes
and poor vehicle condition is second.
• The rate of crashes decreased over the past few years.
• A large scale effort to increase roadway safety, through
infrastructure improvements.
• In the next year electronic stability control will be mandatory in all
new cars.
T3.4 Regional focus II — Vietnam and
• Case Study – Vietnam
– Greig Craft, Asia Injury Prevention
• Road crashes involving heavy vehicles in
Bangalore, India: challenges and
strategies for prevention
– G. Gururaj, National Institute for Mental
Health and Neuro Sciences
T3.4 Regional focus II — Vietnam and India
• Vietnam: Two-wheelers a large part of vehicle fleet – AIPF raised $ to
build helmet factory and mounted campaigns to raise awareness
among public and policymakers
– Employer influence important: Some companies made helmets
mandatory years before required by law.
• India: Almost 90% of workforce in unorganized sector, but survey of
road users in Bangalore found more than 70% of traffic related to work
Discussion points:
• To convince policymakers to act, important to link road safety to
economic development and equate RTI losses to GDP.
• Where truck transport sector unorganized, safety improvement requires
action by governments to create some level of regulatory structure
• When safety advocates or researchers talk to fleet owners, important to
collaborate to design specific plan of action
T3.5 Regional focus III — Africa
• Occupational road safety in South Africa
– Jace Naidoo, Eskom
• Road traffic safety: A big challenge in the
developing world — a Uganda (East
Africa) case study
– Ronald Ssebunya, National Road Safety
Concern, Uganda
T3.5 Regional focus III — Africa
South Africa – Eskom (public utility):
• Coal transport: increased road risk in recent years with
increasing demand for coal in SA and globally
– Eskom’s tasks: 1. reduce number of coal trucks on
the road, 2. create a culture of safety on the roads
– Achieved through: specifying standards for
purchasing vehicles, identifying rail options, using
conveyers, improving road conditions, requiring
contractors and subcontractors to implement safety
measures, prohibiting transport of workers in the
cargo areas of open vehicles
T3.5 Regional focus III — Africa
East Africa (NGO focus):
• Nature of transport and drivers in Uganda is diverse:
– Motor bikes common – 50% of Ugandans (not trained)
– No organized institutions and companies are planning and
organizing transportation system
• Occupational safety, especially on roads, is not a priority
in developing countries
– Some progress: National Road Safety Concern [Uganda] now
conducts training for fleet drivers and managers in large
• Improving road safety will require:
– Political will within developing countries
– Effort by international aid agencies to place road safety on
development agenda and include it in projects
Overall conclusion
• Conference has generated a lot of energy
and impetus for occupational road safety,
and a wide range of ideas and objectives
to work towards around the globe over the
coming weeks, months and years