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Our Solar System
Sam, Dean, and Meghan
The Sun
The sun’s core is 15,000,000 degrees
Celsius. The sun is a million kilometers
across. You could fit more than I million
Earths inside of it.
The Moon
The Moon is 384,400 kilometers from Earth.
It has many craters, valleys, mountains,
and old volcanoes sights.
Earth is 4.5 to 4.6 billion years old. More
than 50% of Earth is water. The Earth has
2 ice caps from the top to bottom. Earth is
the only planet humans walked on.
It takes 87.969 days to orbit the sun. It has
no moons. It was once believed that
Mercury had no water.
Jupiter is one big gas planet, 90% of it is
hydrogen, 10% is helium. You can fit 1,000
Earths inside Jupiter. It is know to have 62
moons, 49 are named.
Uranus has 27 moons. It is the 7 planet from
the sun. Scientist think that there are more
in the rings. It is mostly made of rocks and
different type of ices. There are thirteen
moons unnamed.
Saturn is know as a giant gas planet. It is
made up of 75% of hydrogen and 25%
helium. It’s rings are made of mostly water,
ice, and may also include rocks with a icy
Mars is a small rocky planet that is cold and
lifeless. It has very strong winds and very
strong sand storms, it sometimes blow
throw the whole entire planet. It has two
moons called Phobos and Deimos.
Neptune is a giant gas planet which is
mostly like various ices and rock. It has 13
moons all are named. It is the 8 planet
away from the sun.
One rotation is 6 days and nine hours. It
takes 90,465 days to go around the sun. It
has one moon named Charon. It is a small
dwarf planet and NASA is thinking about
making it not a planet.
Asteroid Belt
Asteroids are mostly made of metal and
rocks. The Asteroid Belt separates the
inner planets from the outer planet. It is in
between Mars and Jupiter. Scientist think
that the Asteroid Belt was from planets
that were never formed.
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