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Exploring and
Organizing Life’s
History of Classification
Aristotle (384-322 B.C.) developed the “first” system
 Based on how an organism looks
 Plants and animals
 Plants were divided into herbs, shrubs and trees
 Animals were divided based on physical characteristics
 System was flawed
Bats were considered birds because they had wings
Whales were considered fish because they had fins
Fungi were considered plants
Bacteria and other microorganisms were not included
 Didn’t know they existed
Carolus Linnaeus
• Born
Carl von Linné (1707-1778)
• Developed
a system based on physical
 Called taxonomy
• Developed
a system for naming organisms that is
still used today
 Called binomial nomenclature
 2-word naming system using Latin words
 The first word is the genus (closely related species)
 The second word is the specific epithet.
Rules for Scientific Names
1st word is capitalized
2nd word is lowercase
Both words are italicized (if typed) or underlined (if
Homo sapiens
Canis familiaris
Pinus virginiana
Yersinia pestis
What is wrong with these names?
• Homo
• homo
• Homo
Advantages of Binomial
• It
is universal
 The same scientific names are used everywhere on Earth
• The
scientific name tells you about the organism
 Where it is found, what it does, who discovered it, or
identifying characteristics
• It
shows relationships
 Organisms of the same genus will have the same first word
Science of naming and classifying organisms
8 Levels
 Did King Philip Come Over For Great Spaghetti?
Domain is the least specific (most different organisms grouped)
Species is the most specific (only one type of organism)
For Us (Guaranteed Test Question )
Domain: Eukarya
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Primata
Family: Hominidae
Genus: Homo
Species: sapiens
Everyone alive can make perfectly healthy, hearty soup
Domains and Kingdoms
There are 3 Domains and 6 Kingdoms of life
 Domains
 Bacteria
 Archaea
 Eukarya
 Kingdoms in each domain
 Domain: Bacteria
 Kingdom: Bacteria
 Domain: Archaea
 Kingdom: Archaea
 Domain: Eukarya
 Kingdoms: Protista. Fungi, Plantae, Animalia
• More
recent attempt to group Earth’s
 Groups organisms based on Evolutionary relationships
 Separates organisms based on derived characteristics
• Much
more accurate and insightful
 Shows real relationships, not perceived ones
• Recently,
based more upon DNA than
A tool used to identify an organism
Consists of a series of dichotomous statements (2 differing statements)
Characteristics of Living Things
In order to be alive, something needs to do all of the
1. Be made up of one or more cells, containing DNA
2. Obtain and use energy
3. Grow and develop
 Growth=get bigger
 Develop=changes throughout life
4. Reproduce
5. Respond to the environment
If something lacks even one of these things, it is not
Viruses are NOT living things
 They lack most of the characteristics of living things
They do not grow and develop
They can only reproduce using other organism’s cells
They can not obtain or use energy
They are not made of cells
 They do, however, affect living things greatly
 Can be pathogenic
 Cause disease (cold and flu)
• Prions
are infectious proteins (Also not living
 Found in air, and cause host’s proteins to fold
 Causes diseases such as Bovine Spongiform
Encephalopathy (Mad Cow Disease) and CreutzfeldtJakob Disease (human form)
 Causes misshapen proteins in the brain
 Brain develops holes and resembles a sponge
 Prion diseases are nearly always fatal, as the body
has no way to fight them
Types of cells
• There
are 2 cell types
 Prokaryotic
 Lack a nucleus and other organelles
 Only organelles they have are ribosomes
 Both Domain Bacteria and Domain Archaea
 Eukaryotic
 Have a nucleus and organelles
 Only Domain=Eukarya
What are Prokaryotes?
Single-celled organisms
 Very tiny
 Cannot be seen without a microscope
 Our microscopes are not powerful enough
Lack a nucleus and most other organelles
Most numerous organisms on Earth
 Extremely important organisms.
Classification and Evolution
Prokaryotes are split into 2 Domains
 Domain Bacteria
 Domain Archaea
 Everything else on Earth is in Domain Eukarya
Prokaryotes were the first living things to evolve, around 3.8 billion years ago
 Only living things on earth until 2 billion years ago
Until 1970s, Archaea were considered to be bacteria (called Archaebacteria)
 As more was learned about them, they were given their own domain because they are VERY different
from bacteria
Domain Bacteria
Made up of bacteria
Only 1 kingdom-Bacteria
Most abundant living things on Earth.
 Live in almost every environment
 Air
 Ocean
 Soil
 Intestines
Estimated number of bacteria on earth: 5x10 30
You have 10 times more bacterial cells than human cells!
Classification of Bacteria
Thousands of bacterial species exist.
Many are classified by shape.
Others are classified based on the color that they stain (Gram staining)
Bacterial shapes
• Baccili:
 Rod shaped
• Cocci:
 Sphere-shaped
 Spirilla
 Spiral-shaped
Structure of Bacterial Cells
Bacterial cells are surrounded by a plasma membrane
 Most also have cell walls
Surrounding the membranes and cell wall (if present) is a capsule,
which further protects the cells
Inside of the bacterial cell is cytoplasm, similar to eukaryotic cells
Floating in the cytoplasm are ribosomes and plasmids (small sections
of DNA)
There is no nucleus
 Instead, there is a Nucleoid (area with DNA) and may be plasmids
(circular DNA) to be exchanged with other bacteria
Bacterial cells also may contain whip-like structures called flagella
Also have hair-like protrusions called pili that allow them to attach
to objects
Structure of Bacterial Cells
How do bacteria get energy?
Some are photosynthetic
Others decompose organic matter
Some can use chemicals from the environment to do a process
similar to photosynthesis (called chemosynthesis)
 Getting resources from other species, while providing some service to that
species (+/+)
 Stealing resources from host organisms (+/-)
Bacteria and People
You may think that bacteria’s purpose is to make us sick
 For some bacteria, this is true
 For many others, it is not
Benefits of Bacteria
Create medicine, such as vaccines
Help us digest foods and get vitamins
Decompose wastes
Fix Nitrogen into usable forms for plants
Make foods such as cottage cheese, yogurt, cheese, and many more.
Dark side of Bacteria
Some bacteria can lead to disease
Clostridium tetani
 Tetanus aka Lockjaw
 Affects muscles (including the heart). Leads to muscle spasms, and can be fatal.
Escherichia coli (E. Coli)
 Many strains exist in human intestines in a commensalism relationship. However, some can
cause food poisoning.
 Transmitted by fecal-oral route. WASH YOUR HANDS AFTER USING THE BATHROOM!!!
• Mycobacterium
tuberculosis (Tuberculosis)
 Second deadliest infectious disease (After HIV/AIDS).
Yersinia pestis
 “The Bubonic Plague” or “The Black Death
 Killed over 1/3 of the European Population between 1347 and 1353
A child and a portrait of a soldier affected with tetanus
Spread of the Black Death
Controlling Bacteria
Bacteria in food and water can be killed by cooking at a
high temperature
Bacteria on surfaces can be killed with cleaning products
such as bleach or Lysol
Antibiotics can be used to kill bacteria that are harming
 Effective against bacterial infections such as strep throat, sinus
infections, ear infections, pneumonia, etc.
However, there is a problem
Antibiotic Resistance in Bacteria
Some bacterial species are evolving resistance
to antibiotics.
 The antibiotic kills those that are not resistant,
but leaves the one that are resistant
Example: Clostridium difficile
 A common bacteria that causes diarrheal disease
in hospitals. Hospitals, due to their obsessive
cleaning procedures, have selected for resistant
strains. Patients are being infected at a high
rate, while staying in hospitals.
Genetic Diversity in Bacteria
Bacteria reproduce asexually (without sex)
 Called binary fission
 One bacteria replicates its DNA and then splits
 Makes clones-identical copies
 Benefit: Quick, little energy used, don’t need a mate
 Disadvantage: No genetic diversity
 Susceptible to extinction
Conjugation is a way bacteria can increase genetic diversity
 Exchanging all or part of a plasmid with another bacteria
 No longer identical
Domain Archaea
Only 1 Kingdom
 Called Archaea
First discovered in extreme environments
Originally classified as bacteria
 As more was learned about them, they were found to be VERY different
from bacteria
 Their cell wall is more similar to Eukaryotes than bacteria
 They were given their own Domain and Kingdom
Very little is known about these organisms
Archaea: Tiny but Tough
• Many
archaea are extremophiles
 Organisms that have evolved to live in extreme
 Example: Hydrothermal vents in the ocean (picture) are very
acidic and hot.
 Would kill most organisms, yet archaea thrive.
4 types of extremophiles
 Halophiles-Survive in very salty water (Dead sea)
 Hyperthermophiles- Survive at high heats
 Some archaea can survive up to 122° C (252° F)
 Acidophiles-Live in highly acidic environments (like near
 Alkaliphiles-Live in very basic environments
Where else do they live?
Archaea do not only live in extreme environments
 They are found nearly everywhere on Earth.
 Including in humans (many are found in the human belly button!)
 Around 4 % of human microbiome
 The microorganisms that live on or in us
They are also important decomposers, and part of Nitrogen cycle
Many archaea also form symbiotic relationships
 None are known parasites
 Most form mutualistic relationships
 Archaea in cattle gut help break down grass and straw, and get nutrients in return
Cells contain a nucleus and other organelles
1 Domain: Eukarya
4 Kingdoms:
Kingdom Protista
Not a great classification
Includes any organism that is eukaryotic but is not a plant, animal, or
Not a lot in common, besides being eukaryotic
Some are autotrophic, others are heterotrophic
Some are unicellular, others are multicellular
Some are parasitic, some are producers, some are consumers
Will likely be broken into several kingdoms in the future
Kingdom Plantae
The plants
Mostly autotrophic
 Many contain chloroplasts
Most are multicellular
Contain cell walls
Kingdom Fungi
 Molds, mushrooms, yeast
 Many are decomposers
Have cell walls composed of chitin
Most are multicellular
 A few, such as yeast, are unicellular
Kingdom Animalia
The animals
Multicellular heterotrophs
Lack cell walls
Very diverse
36 phyla
 Differentiated based on symmetry, body organization (cells to organ
systems), and embryonic development
Vertebrates and invertebrates