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Goal 1
Building a New Nation
George Washington
George Washington
• 1789-1797
• Proclamation of Neutrality (during war
between French & British)
• Whiskey Rebellion (Fed. gov’t will
enforce laws)
• Farewell Address (unity at home,
neutrality abroad)
Washington’s Cabinet
• Thomas Jefferson=Sec. of State
• Alexander Hamilton=Sec. of the
• Henry Knox=Sec. of War
• Edmund Randolph=Attorney General
Thomas Jefferson—1st Sec. of State
1st Democratic Republican
Alexander Hamilton—1st Sec. of the Treasury
1st Federalist
Edmund Randolph – 1st Attorney General
took over as Sec. of State when Jefferson resigned
• The Constitution said there would be a
Court System but it did not give the
framework for the judiciary system.
Judiciary of 1789
• Created federal district courts and circuit
courts for the states
• Federal courts were given the power to
reverse state court decisions
• The Supreme Court was the highest
court in the land
Bill of Rights
• 1st ten amendments added to the
• Passed b/c Anti-federalists demanded that
a Bill of Rights be added to the
Constitution to protect individual rights of
– Antifederalists feared the power of a strong
central gov’t
– Federalists wanted a strong central gov’t
Bill of Rights
Hamilton v. Jefferson
Federalist v. Democratic Republican
Federalist Party
• Alexander Hamilton
• Wanted a strong national gov’t
• Favored wealthy, educated,
• Loose interpretation of the
Democratic Republican Party
Thomas Jefferson
Strict Interpretation of the Constitution
Supported strong state gov’ts
Wanted a limited national gov’t
Favored the common man
– Agrarian, southerners
Hamilton’s Economic Plan
deal national debt & set up
banking system
• Forgive State Debt (He was trying to
make people happy so they would support
the new gov’t---South was mad b/c they
had already repaid their debt)
• Move Capital to the District of
Columbia (to make the South happy)
Hamilton’s Economic Plan
• Establish the Bank of the U.S. (BUS)
– a national bank
– To issue money
– Taxes revenue would be deposited in it
– Supported by wealthy investors (made people
mad b/c didn’t want the rich fat cats to have
too much influence on the new gov’t)—
Madison didn’t like it
– Jefferson thought it was unconstitutional b/c
the Constitution said nothing about a national
bank (Strict v. Loose interpretation of the
Bank of the United States (BUS)
– a national bank
– To issue money
• Taxes revenue would be deposited in it
– Supported by wealthy investors (made people mad
b/c didn’t want the rich fat cats to have too much
influence on the new gov’t)—Madison didn’t like it
– Jefferson thought it was unconstitutional b/c the
Constitution said nothing about a national bank (Strict
v. Loose interpretation of the Constitution)
Whiskey Rebellion
Whiskey Rebellion
• Hamilton put an excise tax on whiskey
• Farmers rebelled b/c they made the
• Hamilton knew they would rebel
• Washington & Hamilton sent the military to
enforce the whiskey tax
• Show of force by the Federal gov’t
• Tax on imported goods
(from other countries)
Washington’s Farewell Address
• “Unity at home”—no political party
• “Neutrality Abroad”—stay out of foreign
Jay’s Treaty
• 1794-1795
• Between US & Great Britain
– British soldiers had to leave from posts in the
American West
– British could maintain the fur trade in US
– Would settle the border issues between the U.S. and
– Would settle American losses in British ship seizures
and Loyalist losses during the War for Independence
– US got limited trade rights in British West Indies
Jay’s Treaty
• US didn’t really have political power on the
world scene so we were limited in what we
could really demand from Great Britain
with Jay’s Treaty
• French still got mad with US b/c we were
negotiating with the British
Pinckney’s Treaty
• 1796
The Treaty of San Lorenzo
• Between US & Spain
• Treaty will dramatically affect US expansion
• US allowed to use the Mississippi River for trade
• Allowed to use the port of New Orleans
• US southern boundary = 31st parallel
– Spain gave up lands east of the Mississippi (MS &
AL) but not Florida
John Adams--Federalist
John Adams
XYZ Affair
Alien & Sedition Acts
Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
Midnight Judges
XYZ Affair
• US ambassador goes to France
• Instead of seeing Pres. Talleyrand
• 3 low-level officials (XYZ) tell the US in
order to see Talleyrand the US must pay
$250,000 bribe
• Led to an unofficial naval war with France
• Americans don’t trust French
Alien & Sedition Acts
• Must be in US 14 years to be a citizen
(Not 5) (feared French influence)
• You could be locked up or fined for
speaking out against (not legal b/c of the
1st amendment)
Virginia & Kentucky Resolution
• Thomas Jefferson & James Madison’s
response to the Alien & Sedition Acts
• A State will not enforce a law that is
unconstitutional = NULLIFICATION
Election of 1800
Adams(Fed.) v. Jefferson(DemRep)
Election of 1800
• Jefferson won (Dem Rep)
• “Peaceful transfer of power”—from 1
political party to another
– 12th amendment (election of president & VP)
Midnight Judges
• Adams tried to add several last minute
appointments to the Federal Court system
• Federalist judges
• “midnight judges”
– Marbury v. Madison (judicial review)
• The Supreme Court can declare an act of
Congress unconstitutional
Convention of 1800
• Between US & France
• Severed an alliance b/w the 2 nations
so that the US would not be drawn
into the war between Great Britain &
Thomas Jefferson—1st Sec. of State
1st Democratic Republican
Embargo Act 1807
• President Jefferson
• Europe was not honoring US neutrality
– Impressment
– Embargo says Europe can’t buy US products
– Bad idea = hurt US business
Louisiana Purchase
Lewis and Clark
• Hired by Jefferson to
explore new territory
• Looking for an all water
route to Pacific (didn’t
• Scientific experiments
(animals & plants)
• Cultural studies (Native
American relations)
• Mapped the route that
would become the
Oregon Trail
• Lewis & Clark’s guide
• Saved them from
Indian attack
War of 1812
• James Madison President
– “Mr. Madison’ War”
– “War of Faulty Communication”
– “2nd War for Independence”
– 1812-1814
– US v. Great Britain
War of 1812
• Causes
– Impressment – GB kidnapping US sailors &
forcing them into the British Navy
– Chesapeake Incident—British fired on US
ship b/c we refused to allow them to come
aboard & search for British sailors
– Refused to honor US neutrality
– US also fighting Native Americans
• Tribes supported by British in Canada
War Hawks
• Young Congressmen that
wanted to go to war with Great
• After the Chesapeake Incident
• Henry Clay & John C. Calhoun
James Madison
War of 1812
• Battle of Tippecanoe – William Henry
Harrison defeated tribes in OH
• War Hawks—John C. Calhoun & Henry
• US wanted more land from tribes &
• Francis Scott Key wrote The Star
Spangled Banner
War’s end
• Treaty of Ghent
– The official end of the War
– Armistice=no land changed hands
• Agree to stop fighting
• Battle of New Orleans – 1814
– Last battle of the war
– General Andrew Jackson & farmer-soldiers defeated the
British Regular Army
– Major US victory
– War was already over & treaty was signed (in Belgium)
Hartford Convention
• Group of New England
states that threatened to
secede because they were
losing money b/c of the War
of 1812
Tecumseh—Shawnee Chief
tried to organize confederation against white settlers
Treaty of Greenville
 1795
 land south of the
line was open to
settlement & ended
the Indian
occupation of the
 25,000 square miles
 six acres for one
Treaty of Greenville
Treaty of Greenville 1796
• Between US & Miami Confederation (OH)
• Gave up OH land for $20,000 worth of
• Annual payment of $10,000
• Much less than land was worth
Adams-Onis Treaty
• B/W US & Spain
• US got control of Florida
John Jay – 1st Chief Justice
John Marshall
Federalist Chief Justice
Eli Whitney—Cotton Gin
“Necessary Evil”=Slavery
Suffrage Requirements
• Voting requirements
– White
– Male
– 21 years old
– Landowner
Note Quiz 1
• 1. Name the 1st Sec. of State.
• 2. What right is protected by the 2nd
• 3. Which amendment protects the rights of the
• 4. Who founded the Federalist Party?
• 5. Which party supported a strict interpretation of
the Constitution?
• 6. What group wanted the Bill of Rights added
to the Constitution?
• 7. Who was the 1st Sec. of War?
• 8. Which party favored Southerners?