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Coelomate Animals
Have a true coelom, not a pseudocoelom
True coelom is a hollowed out space inside the
mesoderm, not a space between tissue layers
Coelom provides space for organs to develop
2 Groups of Animals have Coeloms
mouth forms first
Phylum Mollusca
Phylum Annelida
Phylum Arthropoda
anus forms first
Phylum Echinodermata
Phylum Chordata
New Traits of All Coelomates
Circulatory systems that pump blood
Excretory systems = kidney
Respiratory structures present in most species
Gills in: - some Mollusks
Lungs in: - some Mollusks
Some Arthropods (Crustaceans)
Some Chordates (lamprey, Fish, larval Amphibians)
Lung fish
Some Chordates (adult Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals)
Trachea in: Insects
Book lungs in: Arachnids
Phylum Molluska
Shell excreted by mantle
Muscular foot
Gills or lung (snails)
Class Bivalvia
Name means 2 shells
Most are filter feeders
Clams, oysters, mussels,
Class Gastropoda
Name means Stomach-Foot
snails, slugs & nudibranchs (sea slugs)
some have lungs
Class Cephalopoda
Name means head-foot
Squids, octopuses, nautiluses, cuttlefish
Highly developed brain, human like eye (c. evol)
Largest inverts : huge nerve axon = low resistance
Cephalopod Derived Traits :
Adaptations of a Predator
Shell filled with chambers of air for buoyancy
 Shells lost or small & internal = less weight
 Closed circulatory system = faster circulation
for better delivery of oxygen to muscles
 Well developed eyes and brain = must be
smarter than the food
 Foot converted to tentacles
and siphon (jet propulsion)
Phylum Annelida:Segmented worms
Earth worms
Marine Worms
Annelid traits
Body divided into segments
Advantages of segmentation…
Repeating body parts allows evolution of one
segment while another segment maintains
original function
Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Arachnida
Class Insecta
Arthropod Traits
Name means jointed-foot
Also have jointed legs
Segmented bodies
Exoskeleton (chiton)
Open circulatory system
Insect Innovations
Respiration using tracheae –tubes that branch
throughout the body
Compound eye
Complex life cycle
Respiration by book lungs
May have silk glands to make web
Nearly all aquatic
Respiration by gills
Important part of zooplankton