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Tuck Everlasting
Natalie Babbitt
Discussion Starters
Tuck Everlasting
Natalie Babbitt
Tuck Everlasting: Introduction
Winnie Foster is a girl in search
of adventure.
Living in a fenced-in cottage with her parents and
grandmother, she feels bored . . . restricted.
Tuck Everlasting: Introduction
On a hot August afternoon,
Winnie makes an
announcement to a toad.
She tells the toad that
she is going to run away
the next day.
Tuck Everlasting: Introduction
That evening, a mysterious stranger arrives at the
Fosters’ cottage.
He’s asking a lot of
But he won’t say why
he’s there.
Tuck Everlasting: Introduction
The next morning Winnie Foster sets out on her
own into the woods.
Tuck Everlasting: Introduction
Winnie has imagined all kinds of possible
adventures that might await her.
Tuck Everlasting: Introduction
But Winnie never could have dreamed up the
magic spring that she finds in the woods
or the Tucks, a strange and
wonderful—and immortal—family.
Tuck Everlasting: Introduction
The Tucks take Winnie to their house.
What do you think immortal people would be like?
What would immortality be like?
Should Winnie choose to become immortal
Tuck Everlasting: Background
For hundreds of years, people all over the world
have passed down stories about springs,
fountains, and rivers that bring everlasting life.
Tuck Everlasting: Background
Ancient Hindu writings tell of
a fountain of youth.
Tuck Everlasting: Background
The spirit world of Greek and Roman mythology
included a spring of immortality.
Tuck Everlasting: Background
One legend says that in
the 1500s, Spanish
explorer Juan Ponce de
León searched for a
spring in Florida that
could restore youth and
cure sickness.
Tuck Everlasting: Background
Of course, the Fountain of Youth is only a legend.
But the idea of waters that grant immortality has
fascinated humans for many centuries.
Tuck Everlasting: Discussion Starters
Discuss (1)
At the beginning of the novel, Winnie is feeling
restricted at home. She longs for freedom and
excitement, but she is also scared.
• When you are feeling bored and restless, what
do you usually do to relieve those feelings?
• Do you think it’s normal for a ten-year-old girl
to be afraid of the outside world? Explain.
Tuck Everlasting: Discussion Starters
Discuss (2)
Imagine that like Winnie, you have discovered a
way to live forever.
• Would you choose to become immortal or to
stay as you are? Why?
• If you were going to become immortal, what age
would you like to be for all eternity? What
makes you choose that age?