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How did political parties
WTP 2 Lesson 20
Explain why the Framers opposed the
development of political parties
Describe the two original political parties,
their leaders, and the issues that divided
Describe the role and purpose of political
parties today.
Alien and Sedition Acts
Federalist Party
Political Parties
Republican Party
Why were the Framers of the
Constitution Against Political Parties?
George Washington – elected 1st president
unanimously b/c
 Well respected for military service
 no political parties: groups of who join
together because of political belief
Political parties = “factions”
Why were the Framers of the
Constitution Against Political Parties?
The Framers feared the strongest faction
would control the government would not
protect the rights of all people, but would
work to promote their self-interest.
Why was the disagreement about
the meaning of the words in the
- Wanted strong federal
- Favored broad
interpretation of
- Constitution created
national government
to solve national
- Wanted local
- Favored strict
interpretation of
- A government free to
define its own power,
it would threaten the
liberty of the people
Why was the disagreement about the
meaning of the words in the
- People who agreed
- People who agreed
with Hamilton became
with Jefferson
Federalist Party
became Republican
Not the same
Republican party as
How well do you understand
Jefferson’s concern?
Suppose the student government had the power to
make whatever rules they thought were
“necessary and proper” for the “general
List five rules you think they would make.
1. Who would be in a position to decide what was
necessary and proper?
2. Who would decide what general welfare was?
3. What limitations would there be on the student
government’s power?
What was the disagreement about
the nation’s economy important?
Hamilton, as Secretary of Treasury, wanted
to create a strong currency for the nation.
 Encourage manufacturing (factory-based)
 Wanted to solve debt from Revolutionary
State govt owed $25 million
($312,593,993.34 today)
National govt owed $54 million
($675203025.62 today)
What was the disagreement about
the nation’s economy important?
Hamilton wanted to create a federal bank
- Collect taxes
- Make loans
Did not have gold/silver to make coin
- Wanted to issue widespread paper money
- Needed to back currency with gold
What was the disagreement about
the nation’s economy important?
Hamilton advised President Washington that
the Constitution “necessary and proper”
clause gave him the power to create a
bank because it was necessary to carry
out enumerated powers to collect taxes
and regulate trade.
What was the disagreement about
the nation’s economy important?
Jefferson was opposed to using federal
power to create a bank b/c it was not
absolutely necessary.
Washington signed the Bank into law.
Why was the disagreement about
foreign affairs important?
1793- War broke out between France and
Jefferson wanted to retain ties w/ France