* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
* Your assessment is very important for improving the workof artificial intelligence, which forms the content of this project
Do Now Write down the question AND answer!! • #2: a. Why is the atmosphere divided into 5 layers? (looking for 2 factors) • b. What happens to air pressure as you increase altitude? • TAKE OUT VOCABULARY and GRAPH!!!! • PUT CROMEBOOK AT CORNER OF DESK BUT KEEP CLOSED!!! Go to your atmosphere notes. Copy pie chart into your notes and fill in the blanks (yellow boxes) Comic Strip Directions • Create a set of illustrations showing how the Earth’s atmosphere changed over time. – Give the finished product a title. – Write one complete sentence explanation for EACH illustration. – Be Creative!!!!! – – – – – Needs to start at 4 billion year ago. Needs to include how o-zone layer formed. How did all the gases form (what reaction happened) What role did bacteria play? What is in our current atmosphere? Ecosystem Recycling The parts of the water cycle • Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. • Most evaporation occurs from the oceans since they cover 70% of the Earth. • Transpiration: plants grab water from the soil through their roots then the water goes out into the atmosphere. – Condensation is responsible for the formation of clouds. – Condensation is the process by which water changes from a gas or vapor to a liquid. • Precipitation Water falling back to Earth’s surface – Rain – Snow – Sleet (mixture of rain and snow) – Hail New Record Hailstone A hailstone which fell on July 23, 2010 at Vivian, South Dakota • Surface Run-off- water flows from high to low – Oceans, rivers, lakes – Humans and urban developments affect run off • Infiltration – a portion of the water that falls as rain and snow infiltrates into the subsurface soil and rock. t What are the steps of the Carbon Cycle? • Photosynthesis plants use photosynthesis to make energy and grow. They take in carbon dioxide (CO2), sunlight, and water and turn it into oxygen and sugar. • Respiration (breathing)Every time you breathe you turn oxygen into carbon dioxide. • Decay When plants and animals die they decay. When this happens, the carbon in their body will either be released into the atmosphere or stored in ground as fossil fuels. • Combustion (burning)– When plants, trees, or fossil fuels are burned, carbon is released into the atmosphere again. What are the steps of the Nitrogen Cycle – In simple terms!! • Nitrogen exists in the atmosphere as a gas, N2. This Is not usable to plants and animals. It must be converted into a different form to be usable. • Bacteria convert the Nitrogen gas to Nitrates. This is done in nodules in plant roots or in the soil. • Plants absorb the Nitrates and animals get their nitrogen by eating the plants or other animals. • When plants and animals die, they are broken down by decomposers and the Nitrogen compounds return to the soil. • Bacteria in the soil converts the Nitrogen compounds back to Nitrogen gas (N2) and it is returned to the Do Now #3 Sketch in your notebook and label each layer