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Simulating Evolution
Tasha Wallage
Simulating Evolution
Why a New Model?
-old model not balanced/stable
-new one based off Turner’s project (different focus)
-better focus on the project without predators (only using
herbivores which makes the whole simulation simpler)
-the old one looked bad. Bunnies are cooler.
Simulating Evolution
Class Files
Environment class
 Flubber Class
Blubber class
Widget class
Graph/DualGraph class
Location class
Simulating Evolution
What Changed?
-This model is more focused on the individual Flubber (no
-Each Flubber has four states (based off the Turner model):
Hungry, Sexy, Curious, and Drowning
-Flubber has a basic memory. It can remember where it has seen
food and where it has traveled thus it can retrace its steps if
needed (this will come in handy when state is Drowning).
-Flubbers keep track of their mother and father (this hopefully
means I will be able to create a family tree at some point).
Simulating Evolution
Traits Stored in Genes
Lung Capacity
Simulating Evolution
Simulating Evolution
Trait Graph
Simulating Evolution
Things to Come
Environmental Factors
Lakes, Rivers
Health Meter
Fixing bugs/tedious coding
Family Tree
Simulating Evolution