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Continuing Health Care
Lynne Phair
Consultant Nurse for Older
Crawley PCT
[email protected]
The battle for NHS Continuing
 Changing emphasis of care in the early 1990s
 Introduction of eligibility criteria 1996
 Coughlan Judgement July 1999
It was unlawful to transfer responsibility of
patients general nursing care to local authority
unless it was merely incidentally or ancillary to
the provision of accommodation and of a nature
which could bee expected social services to
The battle for NHS Continuing
October 2001 introduction of funded nursing
care. 3 levels of RN care for which the
government make a RNCC contribution
February 2003 Ombudsman’s Report for long
term care
This found some Health Authorities had not
been lawful in their continuing care criteria and
had not adjusted them in accordance with the
Coughlan Judgement
The battle for NHS Continuing
Recommendations- The DoH should review the
national guidance for eligibility for continuing
NHS care
This guidance must be much clearer in showing
when the NHS must provide funding and those
where it is let to the NHS bodies locally.
The guidance may need to include detailed
definitions of terms and case examples
The DoH were also required to make efforts to
remedy consequent financial injustice
The definition
The nature or complexity or intensity or
unpredictability of the individuals health
care needs (and any combination of these
needs) requires the regular supervision
by a member of the NHS multidisciplinary
team, such as the consultant, palliative
care, therapy or other NHS member of the
The definition of NHS
continuing Care
The individuals needs require the routine use of
specialist health care equipment under the
supervision of NHS staff
The NHS has a rapidly deteriorating or unstable
Individual is in the final stages of a terminal
illness and is likely to die in the near future
The location of care does not determine the
Working definitions of the key
DoH did not directly provide definitions in the
circular of the key aspects of care
Stability, predictability and complexity were all
take from the funded nursing care definitions
These terms have also been defined in RCN
Assessment tool and previous DoH eligibility
How the DoH managed the
Each SHA had to review their criteria
 some also developed assessment tools and
scoring methods.
Thus all SHAs have an individual interpretation
and scoring system
Potential still exists for variation in interpretation
and application
The Grogan Judgement January 2006
The high court ruled that eligibility for
NHS CHC used by the Trust was unlawful
since the criteria contained no guidance
as to the test or approach to be applied
when assessing a person
There as no express reference to the
“Primary Health Need Approach” or the
incidental or ancillary test
 There was no decision as to whether Mrs
Grogan did or did not meet the criteria
The Grogan Judgement
The DoH issued an action statement ( 03
March 2006) identifying that a persons health
needs is not just the need for registered nursing,
but is overall need and the need for the
accommodation is part of that overall need.
All SHA and PCTS had to once again review
how they have applied the criteria
CHC is not jut the next step up from FNC
Intensity of Care
 Working definition described by Bexley Care Trust
Retrospective Review Team November 2003
 Health or disease process/ disorder, including
emotional physical behavioural and psychosocial
needs, requiring extensive levels of care time and or
frequent periods of direct care, treatment or
observation to achieve/ maintain self- actualisation
 ( including the maintenance of life, e.g breathing,
swallowing, eating drinking) from one or more
professionally qualified health professionals.
Intensity of Care
Intense includes high levels of care
needing extensive direct handling and or
use of invasive techniques and intensive
refers to a very thorough/ rigorous type of
care to achieve maximum capacity of the
A practical example
Agnes aged 87 years. Lived in a Nursing Home
for 3 years.
Unable to communicate or understand any
instruction or language. Legs had become
contracted, no sitting balance and no voluntary
movement of arms or hands
No recognition of people objects, risks or aids
to living
Doubly incontinent
Thin papery skin, cachectic weight loss.
Inability to recognise food or fluids in her mouth
Becomes agitated when care is delivered
All responses are primative
Lives in a twilight state sometimes opens he
eyes to sound stimulation no facial responses
He husband visits daily
The Care needs of Agnes
Staff needed to anticipate all her needs.
Skilled abilities to read non verbal
communication and marry up requirements with
history from family ,for all aspects of care
including pain
Anticipatory skills re pain, hunger, thirst,
Ability to manage and monitor dietary intake
without invasive techniques. support of dietician
Remedial Physio re contractions
Manage risks
Intrinsic risks from total incapacity
Pressure risk, falls, DVT, Oral Thrush
constipation, dehydration, contractions,
chest infections UTIs.
Total environmental risks due it
advanced cognitive impairment
Health risks associated with old age
Why is this not just basic
personal care?
Complexity of the interrelationship
between all fundamental functions of life
Intensity of needs as Agnes would die
with a few days without total
compensatory action
Overwhelming risk of complications
Needs for specialist involvement to
balance physical and emotional needs
Is this health care?
Nursing is…
 The use of clinical judgement in the provision of
care to enable people to improve, maintain, or
recover health, to cope with health problems,
and to achieve the best possible quality of life,
whatever their disease or disability, until death
( RCN 2003)
Nursing can be carried out by people other than
registered nurses ( RCN 2003 & Ombudsman
Is this health care?
She deserves the regular review and support of
a specialist Registered Nurse who has
advanced skills in the physical and mental
health of old age who has the skills to offer
palliative care which of course can empower
other care staff to deliver her health care needs
Who has the skills to be able to assess and
prescribe care in a non clinical setting and who
can support the family and Agnes
She requires the involvement of SALT Dietician
and OT
She needs specialist equipment to assist her
healthcare needs
Is this health care?
Agnes’s needs are complex, every simple action
or inaction can have a number of consequences
Her life depends on the intervention of others
she has no capacity even to recognise water or
understand her need for it.
She requires daily review and reassessment
but of a subtle nature but if not carried out will
have catastrophic consequences
Her problem is that she is receiving pure
nursing, she requires no tubes, the tools of the
staff are within themselves, hidden from view
The skills required to assess
Competent but not Expert assessors may view
the needs of Agnes in a positivist way - over
simplistic interpretation of seeing the situation
on face value
Expert assessors would use use critical theory
techniques to reveal hidden factors and different
perspectives on a complex situation Thomas
The skills required to assess
Using the term “basic care” can be likened to
the term “common sense” both of which are not
common or basic but a dance between different
beliefs priorities and needs and an ability of the
assessor to use positivist and critical theory to
feed the judgement. Thomas (2006)
 The danger is that many nurses cannot
articulate what the depth of care is and so leaps
to use the term basic thus diminishing the
complexity of care required to maintain the
status quo
A practical dilemma
All people leaving hospital are entitled to a CHC
assessment before referral to SSD
Development of a trigger tool in West Sussex
Pilot as only partly successful as discharge
nurses said it was very difficult to assess
against the criteria
Ordinary Ward nurses did not have time to learn
it and they would only assess those who they
thought might be eligible
The Section 2 referral was made as soon as the
person came is and so the process of CHC
assessment could not be done when the person
was considered stable.
A practical Dilemma
The SHA and SSD are encouraging hospitals to
find ways of implementing it
 The worry is
The lack of understanding of the legal right of
older people to have the assessment
The lack of acceptance that assessing for CHC
is a highly skills activity
The lack of understanding that RNs must
document a rationale for their decision making
Useful literature
 Defining Nursing RCN 2003
 Anderson W Bungay H ( 2004) Assessing patients’ eligibility for fully
funded nursing care. Nursing times 100;2,38-41
 Steed A ( 2004) Compensation still in the pipeline money telegraph 24.4.04
 The Health Service Ombudsman NHS funding for long term care
2nd report 2003
 Continuing Care NHS and local councils’ responsibilities
 HSC 2001//015: LAC(201)18
 Essence of Care (2001)- patient focused benchmarking for health
care practitioners DoH
 NHS Funded Nursing Care Practice guide & workbook (2001) DoH
 Thomas P ( 2006) Integrating primary health care Routledge
 DoH(2006)NHS continuing Care action following the Grogan