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Efforts should focus on areas
where there are signs of liquid
moisture or water vapor
(humidity), or where moisture
problems are suspected.
Moisture Meters
• Moisture meters measure/monitor moisture levels
in building materials, and may be helpful for
measuring the moisture content in a variety of
building materials following water damage.
• They also can be used to monitor the progress of
drying damaged materials. These direct reading
devices have a thin probe that is inserted into the
material to be tested or pressed directly against
the surface of the material.
Moisture Meters
• Moisture meters can be used on
materials such as carpet, wallboard,
wood, brick, and concrete.
Moisture Content
Moisture content in wood is compared to
the dry weight of the wood (called the
Equilibrium Moisture Content (EMC).
Wood (depending on type) becomes
damp when the EMC exceeds about 1820%. Mold is typically suspected if EMC is
Moisture Content
• Drywall and plaster with a moisture
meter reading (drywall or plaster
setting) >70-90% is considered damp
and likely to support mold growth.
• Plaster is typically much less sensitive
to moisture and dampness than is
standard paper backed drywall.
A hygrometer is an instrument used for measuring the
moisture content in the atmosphere. Humidity
measurement instruments usually rely on
measurements of some other quantity such as
temperature, pressure, mass or a mechanical or
electrical change in a substance as moisture is
By calibration and calculation, these measured
quantities can lead to a measurement of humidity
Humidity Gauges
• Humidity meters can be used to
monitor indoor humidity. Inexpensive
(less than $50) models that monitor
both temperature and humidity are
A humidistat is a control device that can
be connected to an HVAC system and
adjusted so that if the humidity level rises
above a set point, the HVAC system will
automatically turn on and reduce the
humidity below the established point.
A boroscope is a hand-held tool that
allows users to see potential mold
problems inside walls, ceiling plenums,
crawl spaces, and other tight areas. It
consists of a video camera on the end
of a flexible "snake." No major drilling
or cutting of dry wall is required.
Thermal Imaging
• Battery-powered monitoring devices used to
monitoring indoor air quality including
temperature and relative humidity, VOC’s,
ventilation rates and detecting hidden
operating and maintenance problems.
• Takes readings of the variables it is tracking
and records for further evaluation.
• Allows for a detailed diagnostic assessment of
conditions which may impact occupants and
mechanical building systems.
• Investigating hidden mold problems
may be difficult and will require
caution when the investigation
involves disturbing potential sites of
mold growth.
• Dead mold may still cause allergic
reactions in some people, so it is
not enough to simply kill the mold,
it must also be removed.