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Name: _____________________________________________ Proposed Due Date: _________
Elizabethan Theatre Project Outline
Project Objectives
The student will:
• (5.B) define the terminology and process of evaluation (intent, structure, effectiveness, value)
and apply this process to performances, using appropriate theatre vocabulary;
• (2.C) select movements and dialogue to appropriately portray an imaginative character drawn
from personal experience, heritage, literature, and history; and
• (5.D) compare selected occupations in theatre.
• (4.A) demonstrate knowledge of theatre as a reflection of life in particular times, places, and
cultures; and
• Identify and appreciate the major time periods in theatre history.
• Identify major plays and playwrights in history.
• Identify and explain the design, performance, and major historical information for one specific
theatrical time period.
• Apply historical knowledge to a performance.
Essential Questions
Please answer the following questions below.
1. Define Globe Theatre: _________________________________________________________________________
2. Define Iambic pentameter- _____________________________________________________________________
3. In England, the Renaissance is known as ____ ________________ _______. This period was named
after the powerful English ruler, who ruled Great Britain for forty-five years, from 1558 to 1603.
4. Elizabeth’s reign began a period of English history during which ____________ and _____________ flourished.
At the heart of the English Renaissance was the ______ of language and the art of _____________.
5. Several developments during Elizabeth’s reign helped the theatre to thrive. As one example, _________ changed
from an _____________ to a ________________ status.
6. This development gave _______________ a more stable and _______________ group of performers for whom
to write more detailed and ________________ plays.
7. Along with this rise in the profession of acting came the building of _________________ __________________,
public buildings where all classes of people could attend performances.
8. These permanent buildings began to replace the _____________ ____________ that had been set up in the
town squares or in cathedral yards.
9. The new theatre buildings created spaces ________________ to the presentation of theatrical events.
10. Because of the ___________’s earlier policy, which looked at all theatre that was not religious in nature as an
evil activity, the city of ____________ did not permit theatre buildings to be erected inside the city limits. Therefore,
the permanent theatres so popular during the Elizabethan period were located outside the city, across the
____________ River, and audience members had to leave the city to see a play.
11. The audience knew that a play was going to be presented at one of the theatres across the river by seeing a
_______ fly from high atop the theatre, which was the ___________ that there would be a performance that day.
12. Of these theatre spaces, the most famous was the ____________ ____________, which was the location for the
presentation of Shakespeare’s plays.
13. The raised platform stage was surrounded by the audience on _______ sides, and was closer to a contemporary
___________ stage than to a _______________ __________ stage.
14. Behind the platform stage was a stage house, known as a ___________ __________, which served as a
backdrop for the action. This structure served as backstage space for changing and storing costumes and props and
the few scenic pieces used in the productions.
15. At the back of the platform was an area called the __________ _________, a roofed area that could be
separated from the front of the platform to suggest an _____________ setting.
16. ________ this, on the roof of the inner stage, was another space, a sort of ___________ where some of the scenes
might be played. This was where Shakespeare’s famous balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet would have been played.
17. English dramas of the period were structured in a series of _________ ___________, which frequently changed
_______________ from place to place.
18. When one group of characters ______ ______ ___________ and another group _____________, the audience
knew that the scene was changing.
19. Another noted feature of Elizabethan drama was the use of __________. Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) was
one of the first playwrights to utilize a special type of dramatic poetry called _____________ _________________,
which is written to contain __________ beats or stress points per line.
20. By far the most important playwright during this period was _____________ _________________.
You must complete TWO of the following Elizabethan Theatre Projects below to demonstrate your knowledge/
understanding of the key objectives of the unit. Be sure to include evidence of understanding the answers to the
essential questions. Educate the class on Elizabethan Theatre and transport us to that period by doing TWO of
the following:
Build a Model / Collage of what a theatre looked like during Elizabethan Theatre.
Perform a selection from a play from the Elizabethan period (2 minute minimum).
Have an element of Elizabethan costuming. This can be large pictures or an actual costume.
Present the Playwrights and Plays popular during Elizabethan Theatre through a Visual Aid.
Bibliographic Guide
1: Book
______________________________________. _________________________________.
Author’s Last Name, Author’s First Name
Title of Book (italics)
________________________: __________________, _____________. ________.
City Where Published
Copyright Date
Example: Blackwood, Gary. The Shakespeare Stealer. New York: Dutton, 1998. Print.
2: Website
___________________________ . “_____________________.” ____________________________.
Author, editor or compiler (if available)
Title of Article (in quotes)
Title of Website (italics)
___________________. _____________________. _____________________________
Format (Web)
Day Month Year accessed
<URL/web address>.
3: Website
___________________________ . “_____________________.” ____________________________.
Author, editor or compiler (if available)
Title of Article (in quotes)
Title of Website (italics)
___________________. _____________________. _____________________________
Format (Web)
Day Month Year accessed
<URL/web address>.
4: Website
___________________________ . “_____________________.” ____________________________.
Author, editor or compiler (if available)
Title of Article (in quotes)
Title of Website (italics)
___________________. _____________________. _____________________________
Format (Web)
Day Month Year accessed
<URL/web address>.
5: Website
___________________________ . “_____________________.” ____________________________.
Author, editor or compiler (if available)
Title of Article (in quotes)
Title of Website (italics)
___________________. _____________________. _____________________________
Format (Web)
Day Month Year accessed
<URL/web address>.
6: Website
___________________________ . “_____________________.” ____________________________.
Author, editor or compiler (if available)
Title of Article (in quotes)
Title of Website (italics)
___________________. _____________________. _____________________________
Format (Web)
Day Month Year accessed
<URL/web address>.