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Name: _________KEY______________________________________
Anatomy & Physiology - Chapter 16 Study Guide
Ms. Mullin
Answer the following questions in preparation for your test…
1. What is the site of internal respiration? Blood and cells
2. Write in the proper sequence the path of air into the body beginning with the nose? Nose, nasal cavity, pharynx,
larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs
3. What are the jobs of the nose? Humidify the air, warm the air, filter the air
4. What tube of the respiratory system normally has air and food passing through it? Pharynx
5. The lower respiratory tract includes which structures? Larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles, lungs
6. What are the functions of the respiratory system? Homeostasis of pH, filtration, warming of the air
7. The upper respiratory tract includes which structures? Nose, nasal cavity, paranasal sinuses, pharynx
8. The utilization of oxygen by metabolic processes is referred to as what? Cellular respiration
9. The function of nasal hairs is to do what for the system? Prevention of large particles from entering
10. Paranasal sinuses are found in the what skull structures? Maxillary, frontal, ethmoid, sphenoid
11. The function of the paranasal sinuses is what? Lighten the weighten of skull and act as a resonant chamber
12. What is the exchange of gases between blood and the lungs? External respiration
13. What is the movement of air in and out of the lungs? Ventilation
14. The metabolic waste of respiration is…carbon dioxide
15. The function of the mucous membrane in the nasal cavity is what? Trap particles, moisten the air and warm air
16. The true vocal cords are those that produce the sounds of the human voice. Where are these located? Inferior
to the false vocal cords
17. Thin-walled outpouchings of the alveolar ducts of the lungs are called what? Alveolar sacs
18. What prevents the alveoli from collapsing during exhalation? Surfactant
19. The main force causing the exhalation of air is what? Elastic recoil
20. What structures do participate in the production of speech? Lips, tongue, larynx
21. The trachea is maintained in an open position by what? Cartilaginous rings
22. The ease at which the lungs can expand as a result of pressure changes occurring during breathing is what?
23. The diaphragm contracts thus causing it to move ___inferiorly__ while the thoracic cavity enlarges.
24. The C-shaped cartilaginous rings are soft tissue posteriorly in order to allow food to pass through the esophagus
in what structure of the respiratory system? Trachea
25. The lungs are suspended in the thoracic cavity by the blood vessels and what other structure? Bronchi
26. The respiratory portion of the nasal passage is lined with a mucous membrane made up of what type of cell?
Pseudostratified columnar ciliated epithelium
27. What are the functions of the pharynx? Pathway for food and air; aids in sound
28. The more common name for the pharynx is what? Throat
29. The lower border of the larynx is formed by what structure? Cricoid cartilage
30. The structure known as the “Adam’s apple” located in the neck is made of what type of cartilage? Thyroid
31. What happens to the shape of the diaphragm when it relaxes? Contracts? Dome-shaped; becomes flat
32. What type of change brings about inspiration and expiration? Thorax size changes
33. What does raising the ribs do to the thorax? Increase the size of the thorax
34. Gas exchange, the lungs’ main and vital function, takes place in what structures? Alveoli
35. What occurs prior to inspiration? Lungs expand, pressure decreases, pressure gradient increases
36. What happens to the intrapleural pressure during expiration? It becomes negative
37. When the intrapleural pressure is the same as the atmospheric pressure what happens?
Lungs tissue has collapsed
38. The term used to describe the volume of air exchanged during normal inspiration and expiration is…tidal volume
39. Vital capacity is defined as the…max volume of air that can be moved in/out of lungs during forced respiration
40. Vital capacity is the sum of…IRV + TV + ERV
41. Excessive fluid in the pleural cavity would be most likely to cause…decrease vital capacity
42. What constitutes total lung volume? Residual volume and vital capacity
43. What helps to determine the amount of oxygen that diffuses into the blood each minute? Surface area,
pressure gradient, alveolar ventilation
44. The major form by which carbon dioxide is transported in the circulatory system is…bicarbonate ions
45. The air that enters and leaves the lungs during one quiet, resting respiratory cycle is called the…tidal volume
46. The neurons that control the basic rhythm of breathing are located in the…dorsal respiratory group
47. The respiratory center responds to concentrations of…carbon dioxide
48. The inflation reflex is activated by…stretch receptors
49. The pressure in the thoracic cavity…is less than atmospheric pressure during inspiration
50. Which reflex involves a spasmodic contraction of the diaphragm? Hiccup
51. Which reflex is caused by local alveolar decreases in oxygen content? Yawn
52. What factors favors a release of oxygen from hemoglobin? Decreased pH
53. How is the opening of the trachea protected during swallowing? The epiglottis folds over the larynx opening to
protect food from entering the airway
54. What causes emphysema and why does it become so difficult for the patient with emphysema to breathe?
Smoking or air pollution (formation of large openings reducing the surface area in the alveolar sacs and also
less elasticity)
55. What are 2 effects of aging on the respiratory system? Last pages of the notes…
** there will be a diagram of the respiratory system that will need to be labeled