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Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. oeci. 1982. 10:409-40
Copyright © 1982 by Annual Reviews Inc. All rights reserved
Origin and Tectonic Significance
Gordon P. Eaton
Texas A&M
University, College Station, Texas 77843
The Basin and Rangeprovince is a vast arid tract of regionally corrugated,
angular topographyof high relief in the westernCordillera. It is characterized
by evenly spaced parallel mountainranges and intervening desert basins (Figure la). Therange flanks are markedby poorly sorted gravel aprons that slope
smoothlybasinward,interrupted here and there by low fault scarps that parallel the range front faults and by alluvial fans at the mouthsof canyonsdraining
the ranges. Thermalsprings located at, or near, range-boundingfaults attest
to vigorous hydrothermalcirculation within zonesof fracture porosity created
and maintainedby faulting. In the southempart of the province, especially in
southeastern California and southwestern Arizona, range fronts have been
worn back by erosion, leaving a thin veneer of gravel on an erosion-cut,
bedrock surface that slopes gently outward. The range-bounding faults of
these mountainblocks are buried at the outer edge of such pediments, often
at considerble distances fromthe erosional remnantsof the ranges themselves.
The American physiographer N. M. Fenneman (1928, 1931) named the
Basin and Rangeprovince and defined its general boundaries. As thus circumscribed, the province includes some 800,000 km2 of area in eight westem
states. Later students (Pardee 1950, Lawrence1976, Reynolds 1979, Eaton
1979b) have observed that manyof the fundamental geological and geophysical characteristics of the province are found well beyondthe boundaries
drawn by Fenneman, which were based on physiography alone. As a tec~, morethan
tonophysical entity, its areal extent is greater than 1 million km
10%of the area of the United States (Figure 1).
Fenneman(1931) subdivided the province into five physiographic sections,
the largest of whichis the Great Basin(see Figure lb). It is not, as its name
implies, a single regional depression with a common
topographic center, but
is characterizedinstead by isolated networksof interior drainage, divisible into
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Annual Reviews
Annual Reviews
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200 or more separate surface hydrographic areas, manyof them individually
closed basins. TheGreat Basin, in fact, is not a basin at all, for along its north
and south edges it stands nearly a kilometer above the adjacent terrain (see
Figure 2d). It is the highest of the subdivisions in elevation, averaging between 1,500 and 1,700 meters. It is also the most active tectonically, as
evidencedby (a) an abundanceof faults and fault scarps with youngdisplacements, (b) numerousactive thermal springs, manywith reservoir temperatures
exceeding 100°C, and (c) high seismicity, especially near its margins. Its
ranges show a strong similarity of trend, with northerly and northnortheasterlystrikes.
While basin-range topography is the most obvious characteristic of the
physiographicprovince, it is also notable for the broadly distributed nature of
its normal faulting to whichthat topographyis genetically linked. Withthe
possible exceptionof the northern part of the East African rift system, it is
unusual amongthe regions of any continent for high heat flow, thin lithosphere, the occurrence of low seismic velocities in the underlying upper
mantle, a history of long-lived episodic magmatism,and a pronouncedlayer
of low seismic velocity and high electrical conductivity in midcrust (Thompson &Burke 1974, Eaton 1980). Finally, it has well-developed geophysical
bilateral symmetry(Eaton et al 1978; see also Figure 2d in this paper). Today,
we recognize manyof these characteristics as fundamental attributes of
actively spreading ocean ridges. Theimplication is basically the samefor the
Basin and Rangeprovince. It is a full-scale operating modelof the predrift
rifting of continental lithosphere, but one in whichrifting is broadly distributed, morelike that of a marginal back-arc basin than a spreadingoceanridge.
Thepurpose of this review is to describe the nature of the Basin and Range
province and present a hypothesis of origin for its unique structure. The
developmentof that structure is interpreted as the combinedproduct of the
behavior of a rheologically layered crust that stems from an unusual thermal
history and evolving interactions betweenthe North Americanplate and neighboring plates at the western marginof the continent.
Variations in Structural
of Related Magmas
and the Composition
The prominence of today’s basin-range topography and structure has obscured, until recently, the fact that its developmentsucceeded an earlier
regimeof extensional deformationin whichvertical structural relief was much
less pronouncedand deformation was more localized, though geographically
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distributed throughout the province (Figure 7 of Zobacket al 1981). One
characteristic feature of the earlier regime--normalfaults with low dips--was
first described by Longwell(1933, 1945). Anequally significant feature is the
spatial association of coeval volcanic rocks of calc-alkaline composition.In
places, the two features went hand-in-hand, listric faulting occurring in a
regional extensional stress field in the shallowcrust abovepassively emplaced
plutons or in association with major caldera collapse. In other localities,
maximumepisodes of fault movementoccurred during apparent peaks in
Classic Basin and Rangestructure dates from approximately 17 m.y.-ago
and later (middleMiocenetime), but the earlier extensional deformationbegan
at least as long ago as 29 to 30 m.y. and, locally, as long ago as 36 to 37 m.y.
(earliest Oligocenetime; see Gans1981). Locally, it continued up to, and
a few places into, the time of general block faulting.
Differences in style betweenthese contrasting types of brittle extension are
related, in part, to the shapes of the faults in cross section. Blockfaulting is
perceived to occur on steep faults that penetrate deeply into the crust. Thinskinned extension occurs on curved, concave-upward, listric faults that
"bottom out" or "sole" at shallow crustal depths. The latter style has been
recognized from surface mapping (Hamblin 1965, Anderson 1971), from
subsurface geologic exploration (Proffett 1977), and from seismic reflection
investigations (McDonald
1976, Pls. I-IV; Effimoff &Pinezich 1981, Figures
8 and 9).
Blockfaults maycut through the full thickness of the crust as essentially
planar features, or they mayactually reflect only the steep upperpart of very
large-scale listric faults of great vertical extent, faults whoseradii of curvature
in cross-section are muchlarger than those of moreobvious thin-skin faults.
If faults such as these bottomout at a detachmentsurface at depth; or intersect
such a surface at a steep angle, they do so well within the crystalline basement.
I do not subscribe to the "tilted buoyant block" modelof Stewart (1978,
1980a), in whichthe faults cut through a rigid surface layer to an unspecified
substratum on which the surface layer floats. Myreasons are based partly on
the grounds of an absence of isostatic compensationfor the ranges (Eaton et
a11978), but also on analog modelingand on arguments(presented below) that
suggest a lower crust that deformsby steady-state creep. If myview of normal
faults is correct, a basic question is posed: Whatdetermines the level of
"soling" or detachment?It maybe a function of the position of a brittle-ductile
transition in the crust, or somemoreabrupt contrast in mechanicalproperties.
It is argued belowthat the location of such a brittle-ductile (or semibrittle)
transition mayin part be a function of the thermal state of the crust, but it is
equally obvious, at least in someplaces in the province, that it mayalso be
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determined by a shallow condition of nonthermally activated ductility, such
as the presence of an evaporite section or weaklyconsolidated, fine-grained
rocks within the sedimentarysection. Seismic reflection data suggest, in some
places, that such detachmentsoriginate at the interface betweenlayered Paleozoic and massive Precambrian basement rocks; in others, at a TertiaryPaleozoic interface; and in still others, within the Tertiary section itself.
Geologicaland geophysicalobservations suggest that it mayalso occur wholly
within the basement, as do those thrust faults that incorporate parts of the
crystalline basementwithin their upper plate.
Early students (e.g. King 1878, Dutton 1880) noted the presence of Mesozoic compressionalstructures in the region, and Nolan(1943) later madethe
observation that Mesozoicand early Tertiary folding and thrusting, which
ended in Eocenetime, had been followed rather closely by extensional faulting. He also commentedon the obvious near-coincidence of the easternmost
geographic limits of folding and block faulting. The two phenomena,compression and extension, seemedlinked somehow,both in time and space.
Fromdetailed information on the timing and style of extensional deformation, we nowrecognize that crustal spreading was initiated in a calcalkaline igneoussetting inferred to be that of a continental volcanic arc, that
it evolvedin a back-arcsetting, and that it cameto be influencedonly later (in
the manner suggested by Atwater 1970), by the growth of the transform
boundaryat the western margin of the continent. The direction of spreading
changedsignificantly at this later time. For the evidence and argumentssupporting these views, see Scholz et al (1971), Eaton et al (1978), Stewart
(1978), Zoback&Thompson(1978), Eaton (1979a), and Zobacket al (1981).
Changesin the state of stress in the continental lithosphere, and changesin the
strain rate once extension had begun, resulted in the developmentof fundamentally different kinds of structures, and producedrelated changes in the
composition of contemporarymagmas(Rehrig et al 1980, Zobacket al 1981).
It was initially thought that the changefrom calc-alkaline intermediate-tobasaltic or bimodal basalt-rhyolite
magmatismmarked a fundamental
changefrom compressionalto extensional states of stress (Lipmanet al 1972,
Chfistiansen &Lipman1972). Morerecent observations suggest, instead, the
following relations: (a) magmasemplaced during convergence-related compression are of talc-alkaline andesitic, rhyolitic, and quartz-latitic composition; (b) magmasemplacedduring the succeeding period of intra-arc and
back-arcspreadingat rapid strain rates are of high-silica, (locally, peralkaline)
rhyolitic composition,accompaniedby basaltic andesites, alkali basalts, and
locally, tholeiites; and (c) magmas
emplacedduring the final period of extensional block faulting, at reducedextensional strain rates, are of tholeiitic and
alkalic basalt composition (Elston & Bornhorst 1979).
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Block Faulting
Faults of knownlate Cenozoic age, for which movementin Quaternary time
is knownor suspected, are shownin Figure 2a. They are characterized by
steep dips and relatively high structural relief; stratal rotations have been
relatively mild. The mapis dominatedby two rather sharply defined domains
of youngfaulting. (Those elements involving large lateral displacementnear
the coast of California are excluded.) Both are enclosedby heavylines for the
purpose of geographicreference. One, the Rio Granderift system, runs northward, through central NewMexicoand Colorado. It represents an integral part
of the same extensional tectonic regime as that of the Basin and Range
The other domain, a large, broad region roughly ovoid in plan, extends
across eastern California, the whole of Nevada,and western Utah (thus coinciding with the Great Basin), northward into eastern Oregon and southern
Idaho, and northeastward into western Montana and Wyoming.Its width
varies from 450 to more than 950 km, its length being slightly less than
1,350 km.
If these two regions, both of whichalso display evidence of earlier extension on low-dipping faults, are included as parts of a single province of
extensional faulting, interrupted by the ColoradoPlateau, and including those
parts of the Basin and Range province in southwestern Arizona and Mexico,
the combinedregion has dimensions of 1,550 by nearly 3,200 km(see Stewart
1978, Figure 1-1).
Because a consensus has developed that early crustal spreading was of
intra-arc and back-arc origin, it is perhaps instructive to comparethe dimensions of this province, and its individual components,with those of a variety
of Pacific marginal and oceanic back-arc basins of different sizes and shapes.
It can be seen from the data in Table 1 that the regions of late Cenozoic
extension in western North Americafit a dimensional continuumof back-arcspreading features better than they fit the dimensions of ocean ridges
(L/W >> 10).
in Relative
Total Extension
Spacings of mapped faults in the Great Basin range from 12 to 26 km,
averaging 15 -+ 2.5 kin. The widest part, at 42° N, has the largest numberof
faults in a single traverse; the narrowestpart, at 36° N, the smallest. If the dip
of these faults and the dip-slip displacementswere both moreor less uniform,
the sumof the horizontal componentsof displacement(a measureof the total
extension across the region) wouldbe proportionately greatest in the widest
part, and least in the narrowestpart.
Weknowthat such strain is variable along cross-province transverses
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(Thompson&Burke 1974, Proffett 1977, Zobacket al 1981), but in general,
the variation in width of the region of young faulting suggests a dramatic
increase in total extensionfrom its narrowestto its widestpart. Suchincreases
are incrementallyabrupt and discontinuousacross major strike-slip faults and
related broad, oblique zones within the extended region. The regional variation is in keepingwith the conceptof rotational spreadingof a spherical shell
along small circle paths about poles of rotation close to the deformingregion.
Unless an opening of this kind is accommodated
within the plate by matched
shortening, the outboard part must necessarily be rotated awayas a rigid or
quasi-rigid subplate. Suchrotation is suggested by the paleomagneticdata of
Magill et al (1981) for the coastal region of Oregonand Washington.These
°data suggest clockwise rotation of the OregonCoast ranges of as muchas 30
in Mioceneand later times (20 to 0 m.y. ago) outboard of the western Great
Evidence for a Ductile or Elasticoplastic
Lower Crust
A comparisonof active continental rift systems of the world reveals that the
Great Basin and the Afar region of East Africa have dimensionsdifferent from
the others, with the maximum
width of the Great Basin exceeding that of Afar
by a factor of three. The distributed nature of this deformation places in
question the degree to whichbrittle failure is the principal deformationalmode
at depth. A surface layer (Eaton 1980) apparently only 15 kmor so thick (T)
and up to 950 kmwide (W; T/W = 0.016) has been stretched and fragmented
in brittle fashion,but there is little or no evidenceto suggestthat brittle failure
is, or has been, occurring at depth. Rather, several observations support the
possibility of pervasive flow, as first suggested by Thompson(1959) and
Hamilton & Myers (1966).
The concept of uniform flow at depth by cataclasis, intragranular gliding
and/or recrystallization, appears supported by several lines of evidence. One
is seismogenesis.A regional compilation of some2,500 earthquakefoci in the
region (see histogram, left side of Figure 2b) showsthat 98.1%of the local
earthquakesoccur at depths of less than 15 km, and 80.3%at depths less than
10 km(Eaton 1980). The crust is 20 to 30 kmthick; hence, instantaneous
faulting and abrupt stress drops related to it seemlimited to the upperhalf of
the continental crust and the upper quarter, or less, of the approximately65
km-thick lithosphere. This observation, plus that of Hamilton&Myers(1966)
on the limiting nature of the fault spacing, suggests that mostof the faults do
not cut the full thickness of the continental crust, let alone that of the lithosphere (for an opposing view, see Wernicke 1981). This view is further
supportedby isostatic observations: (a) there is a notable absenceof isostatic
compensationfor all but a few of the largest of the more than one hundred
ranges of the Basin and Rangeprovince (Eaton et al 1978), and (b) compen-
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¯ /
5O 40 5O ZO I0
heat flow:
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Figure 2 Fundamental characteristics
of the Basin and Range province: (a) Faults active in past
10 to 15 m.y.; Quaternary movement suspected. Source: Howard et al 1978. (b) Conductive
temperature profiles for the Basin and Range crust (ranges of temperature shown by cross-ruling,
with wide-spaced cross-ruling identifying Battle Mountain heat flow high and closer cross-ruling
denoting the rest of province). On the left is shown the statistical
depth distribution of 2,475
earthquakes in the region and on the right, the melting fields of granodiorite (coarse stippling) and
basalt (fine stippling). Sources: Lachenbruch & Sass 1977, Eaton 1980. (c) Thermal springs
surface water temperatures more than 8°C above local mean annual air temperature.
Waring 1965.
Annual Reviews
Table 1 Dimensionsof Basin and RangeProvinceand oceanic back-arcbasins
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Lengthby width (km)
Aspectratio (L/W)
Rio GrandeRift
(includingthat part in Mexico;
Seager &Morgan1979)
1,400 ×
Shikokuand PareceVela Basin
Basin and RangeProvinceand
Rio GrandeRift Together
1,600 × 250
2,000 × 500
1,500 x 550
3,250 × 1,550
Japan Basin
WestPhillipine Basin
SouthFiji Basin
GreatBasin and NorthernEnvirons
900 × 450
2,000 x 1,000
1,250 × 800
900 x 600
1,350 x 950
sation for features as large as the western Snake River Plain appears to take
place in the upper 20 km of the crust (Mabey 1976).
Other evidence supporting the concept of uniform flow at depth includes a
smooth variation in crustal thickness, from averages of 20-30 km in the
extended regions to 40-50 km in the regions immediately adjoining them.
This variation, based on seismic refraction measurements, when registered
with variations in regional topography (see Figure 2d) yields a cross section
with the appearance of a ductilely "necked" plate. Although few of the relevant refraction lines are reversed, abrupt changes in thickness should be
readily detectable on unreversed lines and are not seen.
The effects of actual penetrative, cataclastic, or ductile flow are observed
at the base of normal faults in some parts of the province. Relatively thin
horizontal zones of mylonitic and metamorphic rocks are exposed beneath
faulted and severely rotated, unmetamorphosed continental sediments and
volcanic rocks (some as young as Miocene in age) in western Utah, eastern
Nevada, southeastern California, and southwestern Arizona (Compton et al
1977, Coney 1979, and Davis 1980). Controversy surrounds the age of latest
eataclasis and metamorphism, however, and some investigators
question its
genetic relation to crustal extension or to the detachment faults associated with
it. In some areas, the development of cataclasites clearly predates extensional
deformation by a few tens of millions of years. In at least one of these areas,
however, K-Ar dates of middle Miocene age were found in peraluminous
sheetlike intrusions just below the base of the faulted section (Martin et al
1980). In some places, such radiometric ages increase downwardin the uppermost part of the lower plate from Miocene to Paleocene or Cretaceous. Such
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ia meters
5?0 Kilometers
2000 -2500
1500- 2000
500- I000
500 andbelow
Axis of symmetry
Axis of Regionaltopographichigh
Axisof Regionaltopographiclow
Figure 2 (d) Smoothed topography of the western United States, contour interval, 100 m; heavy
line identifies axis of bilateral topographic symmetry. Sources: Diment & Urban 1981, Eaton et
al 1978.
evidencesuggests Mioceneresetting of radiometricclocks first set duringthe
regimeof Mesozoicandearly Tertiary, time. In otherlocalities,
plutonic rocks as youngas Miocenein age are, themselves, penetratively
deformedand lineated, with well-developed, subhorizontal fabrics (Coney
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1979), while in at least one other (Comptonet al 1977), temperatures exceeding 400°Capparently prevailed from the time of convergence-related, compressional thrusting until 10 m.y. ago, long after the initial phase of thinskinned extension had endedand continuing up to, and into, the time of block
faulting. In those places wherethe age of initial cataclasis and metamorphism
clearly predates extensional faulting, the youngerdetachmentfaults are nevertheless strongly influenced as to their spatial location and attitude by the
existence of the older subhorizontal structures and fabrics.
Finally, on the subject of ductility, strain rates of both the initial phaseof
extension and the succeeding block faulting were low enough, at what are
believed to have been significantly elevated temperatures, to suggest that the
fundamental deformation modeat depth was slow creep. Weexamine this
topic below.
While there seems to be widespread agreement that the lithosphere is
rheologically layered (Turcotte et al 1978, Beaumont1979), what is suggested
here for the Basin and Rangeprovince is a rheologically layered, continental
Thermal Regime and Seismicity
Teetonically active parts of the Basin and Range crust have temperatures
higher than those of stable continental crust (Blackwell 1978, Lachenbruch
Sass 1977, 1978). The evidence is manifested in high values of observed and
reduced heat flow, in an abundanceof thermal springs, and in the widespread
distribution of youngvolcanic rocks (Figures 2b, c, 3, 4, and 5). According
to Lachenbruch&Sass (1978), reduced heat flow values in the province (those
for which radiogenic heat production in the crust has been accounted for) are
greater than those of stable regions by as muchas 50 to 100%,and in the hotter
subprovinces, such as the Battle MountainHigh, by as muchas 300%.Much
of the anomalousheat is believed to be transferred into the lithosphere by
penetrative convection from below. Lachenbruch&Sass (1978) suggested the
viability of the alternative mechanisms
of basaltic dike intrusion, solid-state
stretching (uniform flow of the lithosphere), and underplating. Combinations
of such mechanismsare physically plausible and all maybe operative in some
proportion. Each is sufficient to account for the observed high heat loss
without recourse to an anomalouslyhigh conductive heat flow from the base
of the lithosphere.
Figure 2b shows generalized temperature profiles for typical Basin and
Range crust and for the Battle MountainHigh region within it (Lachenbruch
&Sass 1977). Also shownare fields of melting for water-saturated granodiorite and dry basalt. At the left is a histogramof earthquakefocal depths.
The meantemperature profile for the Battle Mountainheat flow high inter-
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sects the solidus curve for granodiorite at a depth of roughly15 km(the level
above which 98%of the earthquakes in the province are observed). The upper
temperatureprofile for characteristic Basin and Rangecrust intersects this
solidus at about 20 km, and an average one, just above 25 km. Less than 0.5%
of all earthquakesobservedin the provinceoccur at depths greater than 20 km,
and none have been observed below 25 km(Eaton 1980). Whetheror not the
assumptionson which the downward
extrapolation of the crustal temperatur~’s
represented by these conductive temperature curves are correct (Lachenbruch
&Sass 1978, pp. 217-18), they should at least be meaningfulto those depths
where convective transport becomessignificant.
Laboratorystudies by Baueret al (1981) indicate substantial loss in ultimate
strength for rocks a few hundreddegrees below the solidus temperature, even
at simulated depths as shallow as one to two km. At greater depths and
lithostatic pressures, the loss of strength with temperatureis higher, as it
wouldbe at the muchslower strain rates believed to have governedextension
in the province (see below).
I believe that the base of the seismogeniczone marksthe base of the region
of brittle behavior. If, as Lachenbruch&Sass (1978) have suggested, the
province heat flow increases systematically with extensional strain rate, isotherms will rise in the lithosphere with increased deformationrate, and the
boundaryseparating a region of uniform creep from one of brittle failure,
above, will also rise. Undersuch circumstances, the seismogeniczone should
grow thinner.
of Thermal Springs
Thermal springs are shown in Figure 2c. Borders surrounding them were
taken from Figure 2a, wherethey were drawnaroundfamilies of faults active
in late Cenozoictime. The spatial coincidence is striking. It suggests convection within a fracture porosity created and maintainedby fault movement.
Both features are sparse in southeastern California and the southwesternhalf
of Arizona, despite basin-range topographythere (cf Figure la). The explanation maylie in tectonic inactivity, perhapswith a sealing of old fractures by
the depositionof silica, calciumcarbonate,or other fracture fillings of the sort
seen in outcrops.
Young-faulting and hydrothermal circulation are characteristic of ocean
ridges. In the Basin and Rangeprovince the areal distribution of hot springs
and faults is muchbroader, and the availability of recharge water a great deal
less than at oceanridges, but the parallel is meaningful.It extends throughthe
coincidence of other phenomena:an extensional state of stress, appreciable
metallogenesis, and elevated regional topography(Eaton 1979a,b, Eaton et al
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The western two fifths of the United States is dominatedby terrain morethan
1,400 m above sea level (Figure 2d). The average elevation of the Great
Basin, whichexceeds1,400 m, is similar to that of the interior of the Colorado
Plateau. The inactive part of the Basin and Range province (southeastern
California and southwesternArizona) is less than 600 min average elevation.
The most plausible explanation for the high elevation of this region is that
of thermal expansion, as at a spreading ocean ridge. McKenzie(1978) suggested that subsidenceshould be associated with continental crustal thinning
and that after such thinning ceases, subsidence should continue, owing to
thermal contraction. This modeldoes not fit the Great Basin section, however,
nor even, strictly speaking, the tectonically inactive SonoranDesert section,
both of which are underlain by thinned crust (Smith 1978, Prodehl 1979).
Whilethe latter stands lowerin elevation and has been cooling for perhapsthe
last 10 m.y. (Eaton1980), its loss of elevation has, in part, beenthe result
erosion that has exposedthe rocks of deeper levels of the shallow crust. An
alternative hypothesis, a possible doubling of the thickness of the lithosphere
because of the presence of a relatively light and buoyantFarallon plate immediately beneath the North Americanplate, is supported neither by the geophysical data, which indicate an abnormally thin lithosphere (Thompson
Burke 1974), nor by geologic reasoning that suggests the possibility of
gigantic hole in the Farallon plate beneath the region (Stewart 1978).
It seemsprobable, therefore, that most, if not all, of the high stand of the
Great Basin follows from vertical expansionof the lithosphere due to heating
from below. Hot material movedupward from depth by mass transport to
replace that whichmovedlaterally awayby crustal stretching and/or diking.
This is required to maintain the observed, regional isostatic balance (Eaton et
al 1978, Lachenbruch & Sass 1978). Upwardexpansion is somewhatoffset
buoyantlyby a thinning of the relatively low density crust, but augmentedby
a thinning of the denser lithospheric mantle, belowwhich an asthenosphereof
slightly lowerdensity (than the mantle) has risen.
At the east and west margins of the Great Basin, the Sierra Nevadaand
WasatchMountainstower above it along great fault scarps, as do the ramparts of a slowly spreading ocean ridge. The same is true for the Rio Grande
rift. Suchmajorborder faults maypenetrate deeply into the lithosphere (if not
entirely through it), but there is little convincingevidence at present that
they do.
State of Stress
A state of deviatoric tensile stress has existed in the Basin and Rangelithosphere for muchof the past 35 m.y. Direct and indirect measurementsof the
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state of stress and their compilation and analysis have been the object of
intensive study over the past few years (Smith &Sbar 1974, Rehrig & Heidrick 1976, Zoback & Thompson1978, Eaton 1979a, Zoback & Zoback 1980,
Z~3backet al 1981). Someof the results of the last study are shownin Figure
2fand g (wherethey are supplementedby newdata, as described in the figure
caption), and in Figure 2e, an entirely newcompilation.
Northeast-directed compression, stemmingfrom relative convergence of
the Farallon and North Americanplates, was aligned in a direction approximately normal to the oceanic trench that existed through late Mesozoicand
early Tertiary time at the westemmarginof North America.Its effects, plus
those of earlier episodes of Paleozoic compression,are shownin Figure 2e.
The Mesozoicand early Tertiary events produced,far inland, folding, thrusting, uplift, and the emplacement
of plutons and dikes of calc-alkaline magma,
the plutons and dikes in the morebrittle portions of the crust, elongatedin the
direction of maximum
compressivestress (o’1). A compressionalstate of stress
in the overriding North Americanplate reflects a Chilean modeof subduction,
according to the schemeof Uyeda&Kanamori(1979). The dip of the downgoing oceanic lithosphere evolved over time from moderateto gentle (Coney
&Reynolds1977) and, according to the interpretation of Dickinson &Snyder
(1978), mayhave comeinto what was essentially full contact with the overriding plate over a downdipdistance of more than 1,200 kminland from the
trench, "scraping" along beneath the underside of that plate and providing
unusually strong coupling, as well as creating an amagmaticcondition between the trench on the west, and the continental volcanic arc, far inland.
Magmatism as an Indicator of Stress History
Figure 3 showsdata illustrating a transgression and regression of subductionrelated calc-alkaline magmatismalong a 650 km-widecorridor extending
roughly east-west through southern California, southemArizona, and southern NewMexico (Coney & Reynolds 1977). It includes a tectonic interpretation, new here, in which changes in state of stress are identified by
timing. Coney& Reynoldsinterpreted these igneous data in terms of a variably dipping, subducted slab near the upper surface of which magmawas
generated at an essentially constant depth (or over a limited depth range).
Based on attendant, measurable variations in rock composition, Keith (1978)
suggestedthat constant-dip and variable source-depth, as well as variable-dip,
variable source-depth modes, may have also been operative. In Coney &
Reynolds’(1977) interpretation, negative slopes on the upper boundingcurve
represent inland advanceof the zone of magma
generation and, consequently,
a reduction in dip of the subducting Farallon plate. Changesin slope may
reflect changes in rate of advanceof the zone of magmageneration and rate
of reduction in dip. Coney& Reynolds(1977) and Keith (1978) agreed
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Figure 3 Transgression and regression of subduction-related,
talc-alkaline r~agr~alJsra "~n the
southwestern United States. Sevier and Laramid¢ ofogenies represent compressional states of
s~ress in ~e cotltinental
lithosphere. The associated subduction mode was Chilean. Episodes of
crUstal extension took place during a Marianas mode of subduction. Extension continued ¢fftcr
subduction ceased, but in a different direction and largely in a back-transform environment.
Source of geochronometric compilation:
Coney & Reynolds 1977.
flattening of the dip took place between 80 and 50 m.y. ago and steepening
of the dip, between 40 and 20 m.y. ago. Keith’s data base (the more limited
of the two) has a gap in the period 55 to 37 m.y. ago; hence, our understandin~
of the "fine structure" for this period of time is limited to the earlier data.
The outer bounding curve in Figure 3 shows a very high positive slope after
roughly 37 m.y. ago, although control is sparse. I believe that it represents the
time of onset of a Murianas mode of subduction, one in which the state of
stress in the North American plate was deviatoric tension. Coupling between
the plates had weakened and crustal extension had begun. The rate of extension was slow at first, but increased in the period between roughly 25 and 17
m.y. ago. Becat~se plate convergence was continuing and the vector of relative
motion between the plates had ~ot changed direction s~bstantially
1978, compare Figures 2-5 and 2-6), the azimuth of the minimumprincipal
stress (0"3) became that of the former maximum
principal stress (cry). A comparison of Figures 2e and f suggests this was the case. The direction of
convergence of the plates was unchanged, but the state of stress underwent a
v. ery fundamental change from compressional to extensional owing to a slowing in the rate of convergence and a reduction in plate-plate coupling.
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Figure 2g identifies the present direction of minimum
principal stress. It
followed a change in trajectory from southwest to west-northwest, roughly 10
m.y. ago (Zobacket al 1981), that is believed to reflect the onset of lateral
coupling with the northward-migratingPacific plate and the resultant superposition of a dextral shear stress (the Atwater1970 model)along the growing
transform boundary between the Pacific and North Americanplates (Zoback
& Thompson1978, Eaton 1979a, Zoback et al 1981). This change seems to
have occurred at a time of increased rate in the northwardmigration of the
Mendocinotriple junction (Zoback et al 1981). The southern end of the
genetically linked continental volcanic arc (whichlay to the east) migrated
northwardwith it, as presumablydid the southern edge of the back-arc extension region.
Magrnatic History
Figure 3, which was interpreted tectonically above, showsthat calc-alkaline
magmawas emplaced almost continuously throughout two periods of time in
central and eastern Arizona: from 80 to 55 m.y. ago, and again from 38 to 14
m.y. ago. Oncethese magmaticregimes ended, there were further episodic
eruptions of basaltic lava continuing locally into Quaternarytime (not shown
in Figure 3). Therecord’s implication is clear: masstransport of heat to the
shallow crust by penetrative convection of magmahas been a long-lived
phenomena.It mayhave kept crustal temperatures elevated over this entire
time span.
Wholesalemagmaticinvasion of the crust appears to have established or
blocked out the entire tectonophysical province, probably through thermal
weakening.Figures 4a and b, whichidentify fields of igneous activity for the
past 54 m.y. (Eocene through Holocene time), seem to imply that magma
sequentially invaded nearly every part of the province.
The magmaticrecord of Nevada,a state that occupies fully half the Great
Basin, is particularly instructive (Figure 5). Magma
genesis appears to have
reached a maximum
there in the period 34 to 6 m.y. ago (Figures 5e and f),
a time embracingthat of rapid early extensionand the earliest part of the period
of later block faulting. Magmaticflux has been greatly reduced in the past 6
m.y. despite continuing extension, suggesting possible reduction in the extensional strain rate.
Figure 5h integrates Nevada magmatismfor the whole of Mesozoic and
Cenozoictime. Even taking into account the fact that muchof what is shown
on these mapsrepresents flat-lying lavas and tuffs constituting volumetric
proportions muchlower than their areal proportions, it is still impressivethat
so muchmagmawas pumpedthrough the shallow crust over so long a period
of geologic time. Becauseit has been estimated that transient cooling of the
lithosphere takes approximately50 m.y. or so, it wouldseem that the Great
Basin lithosphere has had little chanceto begin to cool.
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province boundary
Locationof volcanicarc 18 rn, y, o0oto present
Physlogropllic province boundary
of field of igneou~~ctivily~ agesin rn,y,
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o 20~o km
Figure 4 Boundariesof fields of igneous activity in the western United States, 54 m.y. ago to
present. By 22 m.y. ago, the tectonophysical province embracing the Basin and Range physiographic provinceand the region to its north had been thermally defined, the few remaininggaps
being filled after 22 m.y. ago. (a) Calc-alkaline magmatism,54 to 22 m.y. ago. Source: Cross
& Pilger 1978. (b) Calc-alkaline magmatism(shaded) and bimodal basalt-rhyolite magmatism
(unshaded). Source: Eaton 1979b.
The sharply defined magmatic gap in southern Nevada, between 36° and
37 N, corresponds to a scalloped, regional topographic slope that separates
the Great Basin and SonoranDesert sections, as well as to a regional gravity
gradient with an amplitudeof nearly 100 mgals(Eaton et al 1978). Its northern
edge coincides with the southern edge of the repeatedly heated Great Basin
lithosphere. Thegap also coincides with a region separating contrasting directions of latest extension (northwest, on the north; southwest, on the south).
Recognitionof this feature followed from the compilation of Figure 5h. Its
origin is as yet unexplained. It appears to be a significant tectonic feature,
perhaps even a fundamentalone, in the history of the region.
The initiation of what is knownas Basin and Rangestructure does not represent the initiation of extension. Fromthe standpoint of a fundamentaltectonic
the beginning of extension is the moresignificant event. It took
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5 Distribution
map shows
been long,
of the
and Cenozoic
and pyroclastics,
and profound.
and volcaniclastic
by Nevada.
The magmatic
of local
of this
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place at a relatively high strain rate and locally producedstrong stratal rotations and closely spaced normalfaults, the faults themselvesbeing rotated to
relatively low dips. In those areas where extreme regional erosion, coupled
with continuous isostatic rise, has been at play for 5 to 10 m.y. (as in the
SonoranDesert section), these structures (as noted above)are found to terminate downwardat large-scale, subhorizontal detachmentsurfaces or zones of
extremecataclasis and/or ductile shear, someof which developedprior to the
onset of extension (Comptonet al 1977, Coney1979, Davis &Coney1979,
Daviset al 1979, Rehrig et al 1980). Whilethe ductile flow of these rocks in
someplaces clearly predated the initiation of extension, temperatures during
the extensional episode weresufficiently high to reset radiometric clocks and,
in other places, apparently remainedhigh from the time of compressionto the
time of extension.
Role and Origin of Large-Scale Detachment Surfaces
Initiation and maintenanceof horizontal shear at the level of such detachments
probably stemmedfrom increased shear stress, owingto reduction in lateral
support in the shallowcrust--the result of thermal expansion, uplift (and the
related increase in surface area that such uplift brings because of a local,
incremental increase in earth radius), and lithospheric extension at depth. It
was further served by a lowered shear strength, stemmingfrom (a) the presence of zones of strong anisotrophy, inhomogeneity,and stress concentration
that were created by earlier episodes of compressionalthrusting and decollement, as well as by mechanicallayering, particularly the presenceof ductile
layers within, at the base of, and belowthe sedimentarypile that thins against
the massive buttress of the North Americancraton to the east; and (b) high
pore pressure at the base of the brittle faulted column,its presence reflected
in a eompressional wavevelocity inversion and elevated electrical conductivity (Eaton 1980). At deeper levels, beneath the reheated mylonites
metamorphicrocks that underlie the normalfaults (and across whicha strong,
shear stress gradient existed), extension is believed to have taken place by
inhomogeneously distributed, uniform flow, the result of thermal preweakeningof the lithosphere by repeated magmaticinvasion. Knownzones of
inherited compressionaldecollementoriginated in pre-Tertiary time and early
Tertiary time, but crustal temperatures high enoughfor extensional flow at
natural strain rates, evenat shallowlithospheric levels, apparently were maintained from the time of compression until at least mid-Cenozoictime when
brittle extension, basaltic volcanism,regional uplift, and, locally, erosion and
rapid cooling began.
Rheological Considerations
The intracrustal boundarybetweena surface zone of elastic-brittle behavior
and one of possible remobiliz~duniformflow by steady-state creep at depth,
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is believed to be fundamentalto basin-range structure. Wherethe boundary
zoneis transitional in nature and has finite thickness, it maybe locally necked.
It also has an undulating configuration in cross section, with a wavelengthof
tens of kilometers.
Thedepthof brittle-ductile transition is controlled, in part, by intrinsic rock
properties, and in part, by the mechanicaleffect of lithostatic pressure (which
dominatesin the shallow crust). It is dominated,however,by temperature. At
moderate temperatures, the additional presence of pore fluids helps weaken
rocks mechanically, enhancing their ductility. If such fluids are also moderately saline, they maystill further enhancesuch ductile behavior. The Basin
and Rangecrust has had a long history of hydrothermal"brine" flux (Eaton
1979b, p. 26-30, 1980).
The effects of temperature on the mechanical behavior of rocks outweigh
the effects of pressure, except at shallow levels (Carter 1976). Mechanical
behavior is strongly dependenton the ratio of ambienttemperatureto melting
temperature (T/Tm, in degrees Kelvin). At laboratory (i.e. relatively high)
strain rates, steady-state creep appears to be possible only whenT/T,, exceeds
0.5. Figure 2b suggeststhat values of 0.5 are exceededboth for the solidus and
liquidus temperatures of water-saturated granodiorite at depths of 10 and 20
km. At a depth of 10 km, a T/Tmvalue of 0.5 is exceededeven for the solidus
temperature of dry basalt in the Battle Mountainheat flow high. The value of
T/Tmrequired for steady-state fiow at geological strain rates is believed to be
appreciably lower than 0.5 (Carter 1976); hence, ductility seems almost assured in the lower basin-range crust.
Transpositionof the published values of Zobacket al (1981) for calculated
extensional strain rates in the Basin and Rangeprovince yields magnitudesof
10-14/S to 10-16/S, 10 to 12 orders of magnitudeslower than those of most
laboratory tests. Reducingthe strain rate (or increasing the duration of deforming stress) decreases rock strength (Carter & Kirby 1978). Elevating
temperaturedrives the systemin the samedirection. Elevating temperatures at
constant stress difference enhancesthe rates of both primary transient creep
and secondarysteady-state creep, favoring the steady state over the transient.
Elevating temperatureand decreasing the strain rate both tend to lower ultimate strength by reducing the tendency to strain-harden. Carter & Kirby
(1978) suggested that under crustal conditions at depths greater than 10
20 km, creep strains are probably dominated by steady-state deformation.
The effect of temperature on mechanical behavior becomesparticularly
pronouncedas solidus temperatures are approached,even at high strain rates.
Laboratory tests on granodiorite exhibit declines in ultimate strength with
increasing temperature up to 1000°C(Bauer et al 1981). Similar tests
basalt, from temperatures of 600° to 1000°C,showsimilar results.
Studies of basalt at temperaturesup to 1127°Cand at confining pressures up
to 7 kbars (the depth equivalent of 22 km), reveal that the brittle deformation
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state evolves, with increasing confining pressure, from extension fracturing
through shear fracturing to cataclasis, at very high strain rates (103-10-4/s;
Lindholmet al 1974). These states represent fracture, but are instructive
nonetheless. Underconditions postulated for the base of the brittle, faulted
rock column, one might anticipate a transition zone betweenthe brittle and
ductile regions, a zone mechanically indistinguishable from that formedin
Because of its fundamental dependence on temperature, the depth of a
thermallyactivated brittle-ductile transition zone should vary with the level of
critical isotherms in the crust. The model of Lachenbruch&Sass (1978),
which postulates that heat flux (and, therefore, geothermalgradient, given
constant rock thermal properties) varies directly with extensional strain rate,
suggests that isotherms should moveup or downin the crust with increasing
or decreasingstrain rate. A rapid strain rate (as the region experiencedearly)
should result in higher masstransport of heat into the lithosphere and in more
elevated isotherms. This, in turn, should result in shallowercrustal ductility,
a thinner brittle zone, more closely spaced listric normal faults, and more
highly tilted Cenozoicstrata. A slower strain rate wouldresult in a deeper.
brittle-ductile transition, faults with steeper near-surface dips and greater
depth of penetration, and greater structural relief (i.e. block faults).
Schematicmodelsillustrating the effects of such differences are presented
in Figure 6. Figures 6a throughc showthe results of incrementalstep increases
in the strain rate. Notethat as continuedextension rotates the strata, it also
rotates earlier-formed faults, as postulated by Morton&Black (1975).
Theseidealized modelsshowthe ductile region cut by dikes of basalt, which
would seem to imply brittle failure. Obviously, magmahas madeits way to
the surface through conduits of somesort. Its rise through what is identified
here as the ductile region maybe likened to that of basalt at an ocean ridge,
rising buoyantly as a discrete packet of magmain a crack that pinches shut
behind it by creep, rather than as a nearly instantaneously emplaceddike or
hydrofracture that propagates rapidly across the full thickness of its ideally
elastic host layer (see Weertman1971). The modelhas its origin by analogy
with water-filled crevasses in glacial ice, an elasticoplastic substance, the
overall massmovementof that ice reflecting bulk plastic behavior, but the
propagation of crevasses signifying elastic behavior belowthe yield stress.
Whiledike injection provides a meansfor elongating the crust, it provides no
meansfor thinning it (Wernicke1981). Suchthinning requires plastic stretching or low-dippingfaults that traverse the full thickness of the crust.
The concept of a swarmof dikes (or other plutons) beneaththe faulted layer
was first proposed by Thompson(1959), who regarded basin-range normal
faults as converging downwardtoward their upper ends. It is an attractive
concept, especially whenlinked with that of a horizontal detachmentsurface,
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because it provides a rationale for the apparent local absence of extensional
strain in basementrocks beneath isolated exposuresof the sheared transition
zone. Thus, discontinuous stretching or elongation of the basementmaybe
spatially separated in an area of obvious extension from limited surface exposures of the detachmentsurface (as in the WhippleMountainsof southeastemCalifomia). The Whipplesare associated with an elongate, north-trending
zone of high gravity values interpretable as an expressionof a zone of shallow
densification of the crust caused by the injection of broad, sheeted swarmsof
basaltic dikes (see Eaton et al 1978, P1. 3-1).
Figure 6d simulates the effect of a slow strain rate imposedon a crust that
had earlier been deformedmore rapidly. This is the basic two-fold sequence
of extension recognized in the Basin and Rangeprovince. The modelis little
morethan suggestive, for it is basedon an instantaneouschangein strain rate
and the rapid thermal-seeking of a new level for brittle-ductile transition.
Given a pronouncedthermal lag, one wouldanticipate a gradual deepeningof
the transition zone and attendant effects.
As the boundaryseparating brittle and ductile behavior movesup or down
in the crust, with varying strain rate and temperature,it mayencounterabrupt,
subhorizontal boundaries or zones of inherited mechanical contrast. Stress
concentrations that develop at flaws (such as zones of former compressional
thrusting, stratigraphic layering betweenrocks of unlike mechanicalproperties, or major nonconformitiessuch as the top of a massivecrystalline basement) maygive rise to the developmentof surfaces of detachment. This may
explain the geographic coincidence between regions of sequential compressional and extensional structures, e.g. the Basin and Rangeprovince and
the Newarkprovince of Late Triassic-Early Jurassic rifting in eastern North
America(Figure 7).
The Basin and Rangeprovince and Newarkrift province are both products of
extensional rifitng that followed intense folding, thrusting, and mountain
building. Similarities betweenthese two regions include the following: (a) the
width of these extended regions (whenone includes the Mesozoicrift basins
of the northwest margin of Africa with those of North America); (b) their
location within the compressionalorogens; (c) the faithful reflection of the
salients and recesses of the orogenby chains of youngerextensional structures;
(d) the distribution and size of the basins produced;(e) their coarse, locally
fanglomeratic, cross-beddedsandstones and fine-grained lacustrine facies; (f)
the local presenceof evaporites; (g) the related flows, dikes, and sills of mafic
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Figure 6 Schematicdiagramsillustrating contrasting styles of extensional faulting in the Basin
and RangeProvince. Hachuringrepresents lithospheric mantle: (a) small total strain developed
at relatively slowstrain rate (vertically ruled layers in lower part of faulted section represent old
thrust soles or zonesof earlier decollement);(b) intermediatestrain developedat somewhathigher
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strain rate; (c) large extensional strain developedat relatively high strain rate; (d) block faulting
developed at slow strain rate [as in (a)] superimposed on a crust previously deformed at higher
strain rate, a simulation of the extensional strain history of the province.
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Figure7 Mapsshowing
spatial relationshipsof extensionalgrabensandbasins (solid black)
older compressional
structures: (top) eastern UnitedStates; (bottom)westernUnitedStates. Note
northarrowsat right of bothmaps.Notealso howchainsof extensionalbasinsfollowsalients and
recessesin the compressional
orogensconcentrically.Theinland edgeof these basin chainslies
immediatelybehindthe leading edgeof the zoneof compressionalthrusting, i.e. they are
in the upperplate(s) of thrusts. LettersESRP
identify the EasternSnakeRiver
Plain. Sources: Cohee1961, King&Beikman1974.
igneous rocks; (h) the normal growth faults with dips decreasing downward;
(i) the half-grabens, some tilted one way, some the other; (j) the accompanying rotation of strata; and (k) the regional geophysical bilateral symmetry.
Steep, seemingly planar faults (like the Ramapofault of NewJersey and New
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B~,Slr~-RANGE 437
York)and obviouscurviplanar listric faults with reverse drag flexure (like the
eastern border fault of the Connecticut Valley and Culpeper, Virginia,
Triassic-Jurassic basins) are both observed.
The Appalachianlithosphere, unlike that of the Great Basin, continued to
rift and neck until it parted, opening the Atlantic Ocean. Oncebegun, such
spreading need not lead inevitably to continental separation. It mayslow and
cease, dependingon plate dynamics,leaving a broad swarmof rift basins such
as we see today in the Basin and Rangeprovince. The significant observation
here is that the separation of a continent is not required to begin with a loss
of continuity at a single line of fracture, but instead maydevelopacross a 500
to 1000 kmwide zone before spreading is finally concentrated at a narrow
zone, parting takes place, and continental drift begins. The process has a
nonprecise and homelyanalogy in a highly necked rod of soft pyrex glass
finally parting, under continuousapplied tension, abovea laboratory burner.
The Basin and Rangeprovince, a region of distributed continental extension
with a thin brittle carapace, has attributes both of marginal ocean basins and
spreading ocean ridges. The thermal history of the province played a dominant
role in creating and maintaininga rheologically layered crust. That layering is
fundamental to the development of basin-range structure. Such structure
typifies one of two contrasting styles of extensional deformationin the province. It developedat a relatively lowstrain rate in the past 10 to 17 m.y. and
was strongly influenced by lateral traction from the northward-migrating
Pacific plate. Earlier extension, of intra-arc and back-arc origin, took place in
isolated regions at higher strain rates and in a different direction. It was
subduction-related in origin and wasassociated with shallowigneous activity.
It followed a regime of antiparallel, back-arc, compressional folding and
Further study of the geodynamichistory of this province, its physical and
compositional states, past and present, the movement
of energy and massinto
and through its lithosphere, and the seeking of a better understandingof its
structure at depth should increase our understandingof the general processes
of rifting and continental separation.
I am indebted to M. L. Zobackand L. C. Rowanfor helpful discussions and
constructive reviews of this manuscript. Theyimprovedit in significant ways.
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