Download 3. Culture – Refers to an individuals` or groups` way of life. (Includes

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Pre-AP Vocabulary
General Concept Terms
1. History – The study of the past that focuses on the human experience and its culture.
2. Prehistory – The time period before written records (Oral History)
3. Culture – Refers to an individuals’ or groups’ way of life. (Includes: art, religion,
music, dress, language, food, etc.)
4. Cultural Diffusion – The blending or exchange of culture between different groups
of people. This occurs through trade, migration and warfare
5. Ethnocentric – The belief that your culture is superior or better than other cultures
6. Golden Age – A time period of peace and economic prosperity that helps spur
intellectual and cultural achievements, usually in art, literature, mathematics,
science and the development of technology.
7. Turning Point – An event that changes the course of history (Example: The Fall of
Rome, Age of Exploration, Invention of the Printing Press)
8. Revolution – A dramatic change in ideas, practice, or government (Example: The
Neolithic Revolution, the Industrial Revolution and the French Revolution)
9. BCE – “Before the Common Era”; (the equivalent to BC); the time before the year 1
10. CE – “Common Era”; refers to the time from the year 1 until the Present time (the
equivalent to AD)
11. Hierarchy – A system of rank based on social, religious, economic and/or political
12. Social Mobility – The ability to move up a social class in society
13. Infrastructure – The basic systems that allow a society or civilization to function;
This typically begins with a system of communication and transportation that
allows for the exchange of ideas and helps promote trade
14. Civilizations – A society that has a high level of culture and social organization
including organized government, job specialization, and an organized belief
system. (Complex societies)
15. Nationalism – Having pride in one’s own nation; or a desire for independence
16. Diversity – Variety or different
17. Westernization – The spread of Western European or American culture (1.
Democratic, 2. Capitalist/Market, 3. Christian)
18. Urbanization – The spread of city living; moving from a rural area (farms/country)
to an urban area (city)
19. Tools – Man made, hand held objects created for a specific job or purpose. (Example:
wrench-tighten/loosen bolts, A calculator – computes mathematical problems)
20. Artifacts – An object of archaeological or historical interest. (AKA - things left
behind by our ancestors)
21. Nuclear Family – Family unit that consists of father, mother, brothers, and sisters
22. Extended Family – Family unit that consists of grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins,
grandchildren, nieces and nephews
23. Clan - A large group of relatives, friends or associates (Examples: Mongols,
Japanese, Irish, Scottish, Algonquians)
24. Technology - The application of science, especially to industrial or commercial
objectives to make life easier
25. Values – A principle, standard, or quality considered worthwhile or desirable.
26. Citizen – Membership in a political community and carries with it rights to political
participation (i.e. voting) Citizenship
27. Interdependence – Mutual assistance or reliance between two or more parties (Ex:
US and oil from the Middle East)
28. Codified law - Laws that are written down or recorded so that all people are aware
of a society’s rules (Ex: Hammurabi’s Code, Justinian’s Code, the US
29. Patriarchal – Family unit or society that is headed by male(s)
30. Matriarchal – Family unit or society that is headed by female(s)
31. Domestication – To tame animals for human purposes
32. Agrarian – An agricultural or farming society
33. Geography – The study of the Earth and its features (Topography, Climate and
Natural Resources)
34. Topography – The Earth’s physical features (Ex; mountains, river valleys, deserts,
plains, savannas, plateaus, forests)
35. Natural barriers - physical features that create obstacles to many civilizations
(mountains, deserts, oceans, dense forests)
36. Geographic Isolation – Areas that are separated from one each other due to
physical/natural barriers such as mountains, deserts, dense forests (example: India
and China are geographically separated from one another due to the Himalayan
Mountain range
37. Climate – The average weather a region has over a period of 20 to 30 years.
(Temperature and Precipitation)
38. River Valleys - An area of land that receives water from a river; where the beginning
of civilization started (Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, Yellow)
39. Peninsula – Piece of land surrounded by water on 3 sides (Ex: Korea, Spain, Italy)
40. Regular Coastline – A smooth coastline that lacks natural harbors, not good for
trade. (Africa)
41. Irregular Coastline – A jagged coastline that contains natural harbors; good for
42. Archipelago – A chain of islands.
43. Natural Resources – A limited material source of wealth that comes from the Earth
(Ex: oil, water (fish), lumber, coal)
44. Monsoons – Seasonal winds that provide rainfall for South Asia, SE Asia, East Asia
(Japan); May also cause damage (Floods).
45. Topographical map – A map that shows the physical features of an area such as
mountains, lakes and rivers as well as elevation
46. Political map – A maps that show borders that divide one area from another
47. Demographic Map – Map that shows statistics of an area such as: population
density, age, race, and gender.
48. Steppe – An area that is characterized by grassland plain without trees that may be
semi-desert, or covered with grass depending on the season and latitude. The term
is also used to describe the climate.
49. Savanna – A flat grassland of tropical or subtropical regions
50. East Asia – Eastern region of Asia that includes that countries of: China, North and
South Korea, Japan, and Mongolia
51. South Asia – Southern region of Asia that includes the countries of: Bangladesh,
Bhutan, the Republic of India, the Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
52. Southeast Asia – Southeastern region of Asia that consists of two geographic
regions: the Asian mainland, and island arcs and archipelagoes to the east and
southeast. The mainland section consists of Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, Laos,
Thailand, Vietnam and Malaysia. The maritime section consists of Brunei, East
Timor, Indonesia, Bornean Malaysia, the Philippines, and Singapore.
53. Middle East – The southwestern portion of Asia that also includes territories in
North Africa. Middle Eastern nations include but are not limited to: Afghanistan,
Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia,
Syria, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.
Political Systems
54. Political Systems – Institutions or forms of government (Example: Democracy,
Republic, Monarchy, Totalitarian, etc.)
55. Centralized Government – Political systems where the power is concentrated or
consolidated in one area or one person
56. Decentralized Government – Political system where power is delegated or
distributed from the top down
57. Monarchy – Country ruled by a king or queen
58. Absolute Monarchy (Absolutism) – Form of government where the king or queen
has total or absolute control of a country (Ex: France under Louis XIV)
59. Divine Right Theory – A political theory that a ruler derives his or her power from
God and is accountable only to God. (Europe)
60. Dynasty – A succession of rulers of a country that come from the same family
(China, India)
61. Dynastic Cycle- Cycle in China that a dynasty would remain in power only as long
as it was providing good government. When a dynasty went into decline and
began to abuse its power, it was said to lose the Mandate of Heaven, and a new
dynasty would emerge. The dynastic cycle would then begin again. (Political
cycle in China that explains the rise and fall of dynasties)
62. Mandate of Heaven – A political theory that an emperor derives his power from
Heaven/God; China
63. Feudalism – A decentralized political system where land was exchanged for
protection, services and loyalty. (Land=Wealth=Power)
64. Democracy – Government where the people hold the power; Founded in Athens,
65. Republic – Form of democracy where citizens vote for elected representatives
(Founded in Rome)
66. Dictatorship – Form of government where ONE person has control of a nation
(Example: Hitler and Nazi Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy, Stalin in the
Soviet union)
67. Totalitarian – Form of government in which the government or ruler has TOTAL
control (Sparta, Soviet Union, Communist China)
68. Autocratic – Political system where one person has total or absolute control
69. Fascism - Political system based on supreme nationalism. Authority is held by a
dictator whom suppresses control through terror and censorship. (Nazi Germany)
70. Theocracy – Government run by religious leaders or religions ideals (Ex: Iran)
Economic Systems
71. Economy – The system or range of economic activity of a country, region, or
community produces, distributes and consumes goods
72. Scarcity – A shortage of resources; Not having enough resources
73. Subsistence Farming - When a farmer grows only enough food to provide for his
family or village (grow just enough food to survive)
74. Barter System - An economic system where goods rather than money being
exchanged. (system of trade)
75. Traditional Economy- An economy based on past practices, such as agriculture
76. Cash crop economy- Crops that are grown to be sold or traded by a farmer to export
in order to make money (Ex: Cotton, sugar, tobacco)
77. Capital – Money used for investment
78. Capitalism – An economic system based on private ownership; based on supply and
demand and little government interference (Based on capital investment)
79. Communism - An economic and political system in which the state plans and
controls the economy and a single party holds total political power (ex: Cuba,
China, North Korea, USSR or Soviet Union)
80. Command Economy- An economy that is planned and controlled by a central
administration; (Economic system for a communist state)
81. Market Economy – Economic system based on production and consumption of
goods and services based on a voluntary exchange in markets with no government
interference. (Laissez Faire Economics)
82. Mercantilism – Economic system in Europe during the 16th-19th century where a
country’s goal is to have a favorable balance of trade with its colonies because
wealth=power; (Mother country always benefits)
83. Imperialism – The policy of building an empire where a strong nation goes into a
weaker nation for economic, political or social gain
Belief Systems
84. Belief Systems/Religions – A person's beliefs concerning the existence and worship
of a god or gods, and divine involvement in the universe and human life.
(Religions) (Provide values and guidance for behavior)
85. Polytheism- The belief in MORE THAN ONE god (Ex: Hinduism, Animism,
Shintoism, Daoism)
86. Monotheism- The belief in ONE god (Ex: Judaism, Christianity, Islam)
87. Animism – The oldest known type of belief system in the world. Animists believe
that all living and nonliving objects in the universe has a spirit and also practice
ancestor worship (Nature)
88. Shintoism – Polytheistic belief system of ancient Japan that translates to the “Way of
the Gods;” Shinto characterized by the worship of nature, ancestors, polytheism,
and animism, with a strong focus on ritual purity, involving honoring and
celebrating the existence of Kam; Kami are defined in English as "spirit",
"essence" or "deities"
89. Hinduism - A polytheistic religion that was formed in India. Hinduism’s main
beliefs consist of reincarnation, karma, dharma, Moksha and the practice of the
caste system
90. Buddhism – Religion founded in India that spread to East Asia and SE Asia;
Founded by Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha); It’s main beliefs include
reincarnation, karma, the Four Nobles Truths, the Eight-Fold Path and Nirvana
91. Daoism/Taoism – Belief system in China that believes in living simply and in
harmony with nature; Beliefs include the yin and yang
92. Confucianism - Founded in China by a man named Confucius. It is more of a guide
on how to live your life than it is a religion; Provided social and political order to
China; Main beliefs consist of Filial piety and the Five Relationships
93. Judaism - Oldest monotheistic religion in the world. Founded in the Middle east
(today’s Israel); Main beliefs include the 10 Commandments, the readings of the
Torah and the Talmud) founded by Abraham, Moses
94. Christianity - Second oldest monotheistic religion whose branches include: Roman
Catholicism, Protestantism, and Eastern Orthodoxy ; Derived from Judaism and
was founded by Jesus; Main beliefs include the 10 Commandments, atonement,
and readings from the Old and New Testaments (Bible)
95. Roman Catholicism – The largest Christian branch and claims over a billion
members, representing approximately half of all Christians. The Church's highest
earthly authority is the Pope. This branch of Christianity is predominately
practiced in Western Europe and the Latin America. (Latin based)
96. Protestant Christianity – A branch within Christianity, containing many
denominations of different practices and doctrines that originated in the sixteenthcentury Reformation (Branches include: Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist,
Anglican, etc.) These branches of Christianity are predominately practiced in
Western Europe and the United States (Vernacular)
97. Eastern Orthodoxy - The 2nd largest Christian branch, estimated to number between
225 and 300 million members. The highest earthly authority is the Patriarch.
This branch of Christianity is predominately practiced in Eastern Europe and
Russia. (Greek)
98. Islam – Youngest monotheistic religion in the world; founded by the Prophet
Muhammad, in Mecca; Beliefs include the Five Pillars of Islam, and readings
from the Koran (Qur’an)
99. Shia Islam (Shiite Muslim) – Shia is the minority branch of Islam; The followers of
Shia Islam are called Shi'ites. Shiite Muslims believe that the that Muhammad's
family and certain individuals among his descendants should be the Caliph
Sunni Islam (Sunni Muslim) - Sunni Islam is the largest denomination of Islam;
Sunni Muslims believe that the Caliph should be chosen from the community.