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Care of Patients with
Respiratory System Diseases
and Disorders
Acute Care/Hospital Setting
GPS Standard
HS-TGM-12. Students will demonstrate understanding of
advanced technical skills in respiratory care – Respiratory
a. Identify normal and abnormal respiratory effort.
b. Demonstrate correct placement of cannula and mask for oxygen
c. Describe croup tent usage and maintenance.
d. Correctly apply pulse oximeter for measurement of oxygen saturation
and recognize the difference between normal and abnormal readings.
e. Assist clients with respiratory management devices.
f. Demonstrate techniques for suctioning based on facility protocol.
g. Describe and demonstrate care for a tracheostomy based on facility
guidelines within their scope of practice.
Enduring Understandings
Management of patients with respiratory diseases and
disorders may require a variety of devices and
It is important for healthcare workers involved in caring
for patients with respiratory disorders to understand how
to monitor, recognize and report problems in respiratory
Additionally, the healthcare worker must be able to
recognize types of respiratory care devices and
understand the use of and how to safely manage
Essential Questions
How do body systems and structures operate to maintain
normal functioning of the respiratory system?
How are patients with disorders or diseases of the
respiratory system managed to meet their respiratory care
What is the role of respiratory therapists, nurses and
patient care technicians in providing care for patients with
respiratory diseases or disorders?
How is oxygen therapy provided in a safe and therapeutic
Knowledge from this Unit
Students should know:
The differences between normal and abnormal
respiratory effort
Croup tent usage and maintenance
Types, use and care of various respiratory devices
Safety issues related to respiratory therapy
How to monitor and provide care for patients with
respiratory system diseases or disorders
Skills from this Unit
Students should be able to demonstrate:
Setting up for oxygen administration via nasal cannula
Setting up for oxygen administration via mask
Pulse oximetry measurement
Suctioning the airway using a Yankauer catheter
Assisting with artificial airway care
Respiratory Activity
Have students describe their
breathing in terms of work of
breathing (how easy/hard is
it) on a sheet of paper.
Pass out drinking straws to
each student in class.
Instruct them that they are
going to be involved in an
activity to simulate breathing
difficulties. Tell them that
they will be breathing through
the straw while pinching their
nose closed. Students
should be sitting down at this
Begin the timer and time
them for one minute.
Ask students to describe their
breathing and how they felt
during this exercise.
Now ask them to do the
same exercise while jogging
in place. Time them for a
Now describe in writing how
their breathing felt during this
part of the exercise.
Respiratory System Care
Think about what it might be like to fight for every
breath you take. How would having breathing
problems affect everyday living (sleep, eating,
activities, going to the bathroom, mowing the grass,
washing clothes, working, etc.)
Respiratory Structures Overview
Use the following
acronym and recall the
structures through which
air passes during
What gas is inhaled?
What gas is exhaled?
The right lung has ____
The left lung has ____
Respiratory System Overview
Accessory Muscle which separates the thoracic and
abdominal cavities and flattens during inspiration is
called ___________________.
Overview of Respiratory System
Lungs protected by bony framework
Name the structures of the bony framework using the
acronym below
Factors affecting Oxygen Needs
Important for respiratory
and cardiovascular
systems to work together
to meet the oxygen needs
of the body
In the respiratory system,
structures must function
properly to allow
exchange of O2 and
What is the role of the
cardiovascular system?
Blood must circulate to
and from the heart
Exchange of O2 and CO2
must be able to take
place between capillaries
and cells
Factors affecting Oxygen Needs
Nervous System plays an
important role
Diseases of and injury to
can affect respiratory
Breathing may be difficult
Brain damage can affect
respiratory rate
Respirations increase
when oxygen level is low
Factors Affecting Oxygen Needs
Aging- decreased
function because of
weaker muscles, lung
tissue loses elasticity
Exercise- increases need
Pain- increases need
Drugs- some may
depress the respiratory
center in brain and cause
respiratory depression
which can lead to
respiratory arrest;
examples-narcotics like
Morphine, Demerol.
Factors Affecting Oxygen Needs
Smoking-causes lung cancer
and COPD & risk factor for
Disease of Coronary Arteries
Allergies-Sensitivity to
substances in which the body
reacts when exposed- runny
nose, itchy eyes, wheezing,
congestion and swelling in
the airway which can become
Exposure to Pollutantsharmful substances in
air or water like
asbestos, toxic fumes
which can be at work,
school, or home
Factors Affecting Oxygen Needs
Nutrition – needs to be
good for red blood cells
which carry O2 to be
produced, vitamins are
important to produce the
cells such as vitamin C,
B12, Folic Acid
Alcohol-Depresses brain
and can depress cough
reflex in excess
Alterations in Respiratory Function
Hypoxia-Cells do not have
enough oxygen
Brain reacts to low oxygen
person may become
restless, disoriented and
dizzy drowsy, personality
change. Increased pulse
Should be reported to
nurse to supervisor
Patients can have
abnormal respirations
breathing- <12/min
respirations >24
Apnea –absence of
Alterations in Respiratory Function
Cheyne-StokesRespirations increase in
rate and depth and then
become shallow and
slow, periods of apnea
may occur also
Kussmaul’s RespirationsDeep and Rapid
shallow, & sometimes
irregular –pneumonia,
disease of alveoli.
Nervous system disorder
affecting respiratory
and deeper than normal
respirations-can be
caused by Asthma
Alterations in Respiratory Function
Biot’s Respirations- Rapid and deep respirations
followed by 10-30 seconds of apnea
Dyspnea- difficulty breathing-may be labored or painful
Orthopnea - breathe normally when in sitting position
Patient Assessment is an important part of patient care